
New Job!

*chirp chirp*

In a vibrant forest, where bugs and the chirping of wild bird Pokémon was abundant, was a child laying underneath a tree.

He seemed to be contemplating on something very deeply and if someone saw him they would wonder what he's doing in the forest all alone.

'Am I dreaming' the boy thought.

'I must be…' the boy sat there with a serious expression as he started to recall everything he remembered.

'My name is Neo and like any other Friday night I was working the midnight shift at Jack in the Box. I hated my job and I mean it. Since I was the older and more experienced worker, I was always stuck with the midnight shift. This went on for years but I had decided that tonight would be the last. I had applied to Game Freak as a Pokémon designer and was told this morning that I would get an interview tomorrow afternoon. I knew the job wasn't mine yet but I had a feeling that I would get it. I've been drawing for years and have been playing the games since elementary school.'

Next Day: 5:00 am

Neo got up early in the morning. He had a plane to catch and the only thing that could stop him would be divine intervention. He got suited up and took the bus to the airport. His job doesn't make it easy to keep a car. In fact, just food was a delicacy and this plane ticket cost him the rest of his savings. He only had enough money to eat a Snickers for lunch, but that was enough. He was determined to get this job.

When he arrived, he got his bags checked and boarded the plane, but after takeoff he saw something that made him sweat. When the plane took off he could have sworn he saw something in the sky. And this wasn't the normal bird, plane, rocket, or Superman. Focusing his eyes into the distant clouds he saw it again.

"Wtf!??" Neo shouted

This time though it seem like it got closer. It might have been his mind playing tricks on him, but it seemed to look at him during that split second it appeared.

He stood up immediately and started to walk to the bathroom of the plane.

"Sir, can I help you?" The flight attendant asked politely. She noticed that he had gotten up and he looked very stressed.

"N-no, I'm fine…" he said rubbing his temple.

'I need to wash my face and get something to drink. I must be stressed out.'

As the flight attendant was about to walk away to help someone else Neo said "Actually, I'll take a water. I'll be in the restroom so just set it in my seat."

The flight attendant turned around and nodded "yes sir, that'll be right up."

He walked into the restroom and look into the mirror. He has brown skin and straight black hair tide up. His eyes were a bright yellow with a hint of brown. And though he is normally handsome, his complexion didn't look to good right now.

'Must be the stress', he thought.

He made his way back to his seat and saw the water bottle and took a sip. As he was relaxing he looked out the window again and this time he made no outburst, no sound, he didn't even twitch a finger. What he saw outside the window terrified him.

When he looked out the window he saw a 4 meters tall monster with white reptilian skin and purple grooves along its scales. It had two tusks protruding from its lower lips and small yet very intimidating red eyes. The figure stared at Neo as if it were looking at something it had never seen before. This went on for a period of time until the flight attendant tapped my shoulder.

"Sir, sir, are you alright? Your very pale.." Neo didn't pay attention at first until she called him again. She seemed to be nervous because of the lack of response so this time she shook his shoulder. "Sir, are you alright?" He jumped this time and looked at her and said while pointing my finger outside "y-you d-don't see that!??"

She looked outside and started to look worried. She looked at him and said "you haven't taken any drugs on this flight have you?" Neo looked at her with an incredulous expression, then looked to where he was pointing only to see that the monster was still staring at him like a monkey in the zoo.

"But its right th…" He started to say but the words got stuck in his throat. The beast started to charge what looked like a pink beam in its mouth and it was only until now, that he noticed it looked like a Pokémon he knew.

"PALKIA!!" Neo shouted and then it released its beam. Space around him started to distort and that included Neo. There he saw an assortment of colors moving like he was in hyperdrive until he could nearly make out what looked like a black whole with every color in existence around it. His mind was blank at this moment as it seemed like to much to process at once. All of a sudden everything went black…

An unknown amount of time later…

"Haaah…urgh..ahh." He started to open his eyes and what he saw confused him. He looked at his hands that were small and tried to recall what happened. As he started to remember what had happened, he started to sweat buckets.

'Oh no, whats going on?' There was to much to process right now and he didn't really understand what was happening. Neo felt a variety of emotions but the biggest right now was fear. 'Where am I? Why is my body the size of a 4 year old? What was that? Why am I in a forest? Did I take drugs like the flight attendant asked?? God, I hope so.'

Neo sat there for what felt like hours trying to process his situation. He knew he needed to analyze the situation but the fear he felt was soaked into the bones. "Palkia" he said with a slight tremor in his heart.

*rustle rustle*

Sound started to come from the bush behind him and he jumped up. He saw something that made his mouth drop for the second time today. But this time it wasn't because of fear, but amazement.

Right in front of Neo was a Riolu. He felt a bit of excitement at first, but after a few seconds he realized something. 'Oh shit, I cant defend myself if this thing attacks me' Neo thought.

The Riolu seemed to feel Neo's fear and took a step back. It scrutinized him for a while before it nodded. Riolu went back to the bush it came out of and brought a berry with it. It set the berry on the ground before grunting and gesturing to Neo to take it.

"…"Neo didn't know what to say but he felt much calmer after seeing the Riolu's nice gesture. He stepped forward and took the berry. Then he scrutinized it before hesitantly putting it into his mouth. He wasn't an idiot and could tell that he wasn't on earth. If the Riolu wasn't was tell tale sign then this berry was. It resembled a pear that was orange and yellow and reminded him of the lapapa berry from Pokémon. When the juice of the berry hit his tongue his face was immediately scrunched up. This was the most sour thing he had ever tasted. It was like sour patch kids but all he could taste was the sour.

*cough cough*

Neo immediately spit it out and when he did this the Riolu looked at him like he was stupid. Neo did the same but after a bit he sighed and said "thank you, it's sour but it's still food…" he waited for a response but he got none. It just kept looking at him. Or more exactly my overgrown suit pocket. Neo looked at what Riolu was staring at so intensely and immediately smirked. He took out the Snickers and said "do you want it?" Neo asked in a teasing tone but the Riolu wasn't paying attention. His smirk grew even bigger and said "then be my Pokémon!!!" He said with vigor but the Riolu was shameless and just took the snickers before Neo could asked Riolu to be his Pokémon.

*munch munch munch gulp*

It started eating it like it was a five star Michelin meal. It took less than a few seconds to finish and looked at me as if asking "give me more." Neo was flabbergasted.

Riolu POV 3 weeks earlier

In a cave, there was a tall Pokémon with fox ears standing on its hind legs. She had a sand colored fur coat on her chest and a metal spike protruding from it. The rest of her body was a mixture of blue and black. This Pokémon was a Lucario who looked quite bloody and beside her was its egg with a mountain of lapapa berries.

The egg would hatch anytime soon and the Lucario had been on high alert since this was the most important time of development for her Riolu. She had been chased by an Alakazam all across Kanto because she killed its mate. She didn't regret killing it since it was her or the Kadabra that would die that day, but seeing how damaged she was, it was obvious she would not last long. She decided to take a risk and hide her egg deep in the cave and prepared food for it to survive. She stared at the egg and caressed it.

*Boom Baaaaaaam*

Lucario knew she was out of time. She glanced at her egg for what she knew to be that last time in her life and ran out of the cave where the Alakazam was. When it spotted the Lucario it immediately used psychic.

Lucario saw this coming and she dodged to the left and used quick attack. Although it was a weak move she knew she need to move fast.

*bang pooof*

The Alakazam hit the ground along with a cloud of dust. Lucario was panting while standing, but then she sensed something, but it was to late. The Alakazam used physic while the dust obstructed Lucarios view and delt a critical hit. She immediately spat blood and fell on one knee. Her only thought right now was to protect her baby, even though see knew it would kill her, she had to do it. She put all of her remaining aura into her palm along with what little life force she had. She dashed to Alakazam at startling speeds and when the aura sphere hit the Alakazam it blew up with a splatter of blood. Both Pokémon feel to the ground. One without a head and the another with lifeless eyes.

Two week later…

The egg was rolling from side to side. The Pokémon obviously wanting to get out. When it did, it looked around extremely scared. It noticed the mountain of berries and was hungry. The Riolu went and ate the sour berries but since it was hungry it didn't mind.

Riolu wanted to go outside when it noticed that there was an exit, but it was still to scared. So, it decided to stay for now. For the next two weeks it would only eat and sleep, but during this time it felt extremely lonely. It wanted to go out, but it had a feeling that it was dangerous out there. That was until it felt something. It sensed that there was someone incredibly scared, confused, and a variety of other emotions, but it mostly understood that whoever it was, it was scared.

The Riolu decided to go out for the first time and grabbed a berry before it left the cave. When it arrived, it left the berry in the bush and searched where it felt the emotions. It saw a little boy of around 4 years old. He had black skin with glowing yellow eyes. Riolu noticed he was wary of it and took a step back. It decided to show that its friendly. It nodded and went to grab the berry.

When the berry eventually got into Neos hand he ate it and made a weird face. The Riolu saw that the boy didn't like the food a spat it out.

*cough cough*

The boy looked at it weirdly and said "thank you, it's sour but it's still food." The Riolu also looked at him weirdly but then it noticed something in the boys oversized pockets. There was a candy bar and it smelled like the tastiest thing in the world. It stared intently at the bar and didn't noticed that the boy was talking to him with a smirk.

Only when it heard the boy say "do you want it?" did it register anything the boy said. It used a move for the first time in its life, quick attack and shamelessly took the snickers. When it ate it it felt like it had been blessed. Only when it finished did the boy say "then be my Pokémon." It look at the boy and with a serious expression, it tried to communicate to the trainer that it wanted more while the trainer was flabbergasted.

AN: thx for those who made it this far. I'm a super noob at this writing thing. I'm honestly only doing it for fun. This is a semi wish fulfillment but I'll try and make it readable. Have a nice day!!👌

PS: Idk own or claim to own anything in this novel related to Pokémon. This is a fan fic.

This is just for fun and I don’t own anything Pokémon. Please comment good or bad. Preferably constructive criticism.

Barnacleboycreators' thoughts