

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes travel to Kanto quietly and decide to rest the rest of the day at Koharu's house, where her father invites them to a luxurious dinner to celebrate the important data that he received, the next day, our heroes take the boat and after a talk with Gary, Ash's rival, they arrive at Cinnabar Island without anything or anyone stopping them and thanks to Sabrina who warned Blaine of their arrival, our heroes were even able to challenge Blaine without having to go looking for him in the Sinnoh region.


With Ash.

Both attacks had caused a smokescreen and when he left, both Pokémon were shown completely intact.

"Hahaha, this combat gets exciting, Magmortar, let's not waste time and use Solar Beam!"

Damn, under sun, the Solar Beam will charge immediately, this old man is smart, after so many fights, his experience is spectacular, no wonder he is the seventh gym leader with how strong he is.

"We won't give up either, once again, Mew uses Hydro Pump!"

A powerful white beam and a powerful burst of water hit fully, but as in the previous clash of attacks none of them won and was annulled by their rival.

"It seems to me that we won't go anywhere if we continue like this, Mew, get closer to him!"

Mew quickly approached Magmortar, who had not moved from the site.

Within seconds, Mew had arrived in front of Magmortar.

"Now Mew, use Hydro Pump, let's see how he dodges it!"

"No need to dodge, use Fire Blast!"

"What?! Mew, come back here!"

But it was too late Mew had fired his attack just like Magmortar and now, due to the short distance, both attacks hit sending them flying because of the huge explosion it caused.

When the smoke screen it formed dissipated, both Pokémon were lying on the ground, weakened.

"Mew and Magmortar can't continue to fight, it's a draw!"

"Mew!" – I said quickly going for him.

I carefully picked him up from the ground and he looked at me pitifully.

"You've done great, we're stronger now... It's my fault, I didn't think his strategy would be that" – I apologized.

Mew looked at me and then smiled at me.

"Mew" - Mew said.

"Well, thank you for cheering me up, I think you deserve a break and then a good meal!" – I said returning it to his Pokéball.

"Sometimes you have to be prepared for this type of situation, there are occasion when your opponent will try to knock you down at the cost of weakening his own Pokémon, I hope you don't make the same mistake!" – said Blaine.

I see... So he taught me those kinds of situations... It is good that he taught me that because from now on I will devise countermeasures for this type of situation..

"It seems that you understood, well, then let's proceed to the final battle, Arcanine I choose you, let's get this over with!" – Blaine said.

"Then I choose you, Manaphy!" – I said.

Both Pokémon took to the battlefield.

"I was already wondering when you would bring out a Water-type Pokémon!" – Blaine said with a smile.

"It's not just any Water-type Pokémon, Manaphy and I have been together for almost as long as I've been with Pikachu, we're strong, very strong!" – I said something serious.

"I see, with Manaphy being your first catch, you're a lucky trainer, but that's not why you're going to beat me, Arcanine use Flare Blitz!"

Arcanine was enveloped in fire and headed towards Manaphy.

"No mercy? Then we will play the same way, Manaphy, dodge it and use Tail Glow!"

That's right, my plan was to increase my stats with Tail Glow, in the video game if I remember correctly increase your special attack by 3 levels, although in the anime it does not work like that, it will increase its attack in several folds, which is what I am looking for.

By the way, I also discovered that, although in this world there is no division between physical and special attacks, the equivalent will be in this way: all attacks that require direct contact with the rival Pokémon would be considered as physical and anyone who does not require that, will be considered as special, is what I learned from my battle against Sabrina, her Mr. Mime helped me quite a bit to learn this.

Returning to the battle, Manaphy waited until the last second and managed to dodge the Fire Blitz thanks to her enormous reflexes, then moved a few meters away from Arcanine and wrapped herself with a yellow light.

When the light left, I could see that it was stronger now, it was a strange feeling, but I was sure of it.

"Hahaha, this battle is red hot, before I used Sunny Day to increase my fire attacks and now you use Tail Glow to increase your attacks, very good, I like your determination, I would love to fight you all day long, but...!" – Blaine said.

Then he changed to a somewhat serious expression.

"Unfortunately for you, I like short but intense battles, Arcanine use Flare Blitz at full power!"

Arcanine used the same attack again, however, the fire engulfing him now was several times greater than before, so he was just testing us? Then I will let him experience a bitter defeat.

"Use Hydro Pump"

Manaphy charged a powerful water-type attack that he launched directly towards Arcanine, which stopped in its tracks due to the enormous power of Manaphy's attack.

Both Pokémon continued to collide their attacks, they seemed to be tied.

"Manaphy proves that we will not give up, we are the strongest, I believe in you!" – I said.

Sometimes this kind of comment works and it's not that I'm lying, I truly believe in it.

"Phyyyyy!" - shouted Manaphy.

Suddenly, the size of the Hydro Pump increased exponentially sending Arcanine flying and weakening it in the process.

"Arcanine can't keep fighting, Manaphy wins and therefore challenger Ash is the winner!" – said the referee.

You know what came next, lots of congratulations and kisses from the girls, until Blaine came to us wearing a medal.

"Sometimes you have to deal with situations where your opponent goes with everything and does not give you time to rest, you must learn that there are all kinds of strategies and many talented people, therefore, you must learn to adapt to any style of battle that is put in front of you, but seriously, take this badge, you've earned it" - Blaine said handing me the medal.

"We did it, we won the Volcano medal!" – I said with joy.

"Pi, Pikachu!" – and that Pikachu.

"Phy!" – and Manaphy, finally.

But, although I was happy for my victory, there were still two very important battles ahead, the battle of Nancy and Verity.

*Note: the reason why I am doing shorter battles in this gym is because of the following chapters, yo know, the film.


With Nancy

The time of battle had arrived, the battle to get the seventh gym badge, that would leave me just one step away from participating in the Indigo League, that's why it is so important to win this battle, what if I have some strategy after seeing Ash fight? I have some ideas but unfortunately I could not come up with a strategy.

Back to the topic, we both put ourselves in our respective battle posts, at the ends of the field.

"Very well, now it's your turn, but don't think I will hold back, you must learn to adapt to the most complicated situations, otherwise they will not be worthy of this badge, I choose you Magmortar!" – said Blaine.

Well, as I assumed the Pokémon are still the same, so my Pokémon will be...

"Go ahead Shelgon!" – I said.

That's right, Shelgon is a good choice to start with, fire attacks are not very effective against him, so it's a good choice.

"A Dragon type Pokémon? Good choice, but it doesn't mean anything, Magmortar use Sunny Day"

"Don't let him, Shelgon use Dragon Claw!"

You will wonder how to use that attack without claws, well, it is simple, when he uses it, Shelgon wraps himself in a purple aura and claws of that same hologram-like appear on both sides of his body, the claws was purple i forgot to say it.

Shelgon quickly pounced on Magmortar, but although Magmortar was not very fast, he had time to make his attack, but in return, he was sent flying by Shelgon's attack.

"That's nothing to us, finish him, Magmortar use Solar Beam!"

Immediately, a powerful beam shot out towards Shelgon.

"Use Protect!"

Luckily I have the Protect attack with which I was able to prevent the attack from hitting Shelgon.

"Use Dragon Claw again!"

"Don't let him get closer, use Flamethrower against the ground, let's see how you approach!"

Shelgon approached, but Magmortar instead of directing his attack towards Shelgon shot him towards the ground causing it to start burning, so when Shelgon went through it, he hurt himself and fell to the ground.

"Now, use Solar Beam!"


But it was useless, Magmortar was faster and sent Shelgon flying with his attack.

"Are you okay Shelgon?" – I asked nervously.

Shelgon stood up, but instead of saying anything, he roared into the air and a white light began to envelop him.

"It's evolving!" – I exclaimed.

"Surprise element, an indispensable element in combat, very well done!" – praised Blaine.

No, but I can't predict that, in my team only two Pokémon need to evolve, did I mention that Torchic evolved into Combusken during training? I'm sorry I didn't mention it before, but with everything that happened I completely forgot.

Returning to battle, the light gradually melted until it left in sight the...

"Salamence's data has been recorded in the Pokédex!" – and again the Rotom Dex.

"A Salamence, this is going to be quite difficult!" – Blaine said with emotion.

"Come on Salamence, it's time to wipe out that Magmortar, use Dragon Claw!"

With a speed several times higher than before, Salamence pounced on Magmortar while illuminating his claws with an almost blue violet color.

"We won't give up just because it just evolved, Magmortar use Solar Beam!"

Due to the previous Sunny Day he was able to launch his Solar Beam before Salamence hit him, so two attacks, the Dragon Claw and the Solar Beam began to fight to see who would be the winner.

"Salamence you can!" – I said.

"Let's Magmortar, at full power!"

Magmortar slightly increased the size of the Solar Beam pushing back Salamence little by little.

"Salamence you can, I believe in you and I know you can do it, you just have to unleash all your strength!" – I shouted.

Now to do this is the only thing I can do, but I trust Salamence and I know he can win.

"SALAMENCE!" - he shouted.

And the Dragon Claw increased its size completely disintegrating Magmortar's attack, which an instant later received a direct hit, falling to the ground weakened.

"Magmortar can not continue fighting, Salamence is the winner!" – said the referee.

"Well done Salamence, you are the best!" – I said with joy.

"Mence" – Salamence nodded with a smile.

"You've done very well, but now comes the real challenge, Arcanine let's end this battle" - Blaine said taking out his Arcanine.

Well, now I have two options, the first and the most logical one is to change Salamence for another Pokémon because I could see that I was panting from exhaustion and the second option is to make Arcanine tired even if it is a little, To let my next Pokémon weaken it more easily... I have already made my choice.

"Salamence return, you've done a good job!" – I said returning Salamence to his Pokéball.

"Wise choice, a very important thing to remember is to change your Pokémon if it is in a state that can barely fight, At least if your next pokemon weakens, you will have already let the other rest and can fight better than before!" – Blaine explained.

Exactly, instead of fighting with Salamence, I prefer to use my next Pokémon and if it weakens, at least Salamence's forces will have recovered a little.

"Then let's start our last fight, Nidoqueen I choose you!" – I said.

2 days remaining...

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts