

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes arrive at Sinnoh and go directly to the Pokémon Center, there, Looker was waiting for them with someone very peculiar, she was Juliana the protagonist of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet who together infiltrate in the base after a long explanation from Looker about what they should do inside, this mission wasn't going to be as easy as the previous one after all.


With Ash.

The first thing we saw when we entered was a large number of people placed neatly and without emitting a single noise, completely in silent.

The place looked completely like a warehouse, if you entered you would not say that it is part of the base of a criminal organization, I hope that with that you can get an idea.

"You must be the last ones, stand behind your companions in order, now!" – someone said suddenly.

This was a woman with short hair, red hair and a different uniform than ordinary recruits, obviously it was Mars, one of the most powerful in this organization.

We quickly got behind the people there and did not utter a single word.

"Very well, now that we don't have to wait for anyone else, I will personally explain to you what will be the test today!" – said Mars.

Everyone was expectant and nervous thinking surely about what they would have to do to enter the organization.

"Or so I would like to say but unfortunately Team Galaxy is very understaffed and unfortunately we need all of you, so you are all admitted and will be part of this wonderful organization but I don't want a single celebration, there are still things you need to know!" – said Mars.

Why does this woman look angry all the time?

I could see that some were trying to restrain themselves from celebrating that I had passed the test, even though there was no proof...

"Well, from today you will be part of this organization but you will start from as an ordinary soldier, if you are lucky and competent in a week that can change, so make an effort but before continuing to explain, those who have less than two Pokémon in their team must choose between one of those that we will provide, they're all Pokémon bred by us so they're definitely not as weak as the ones you'll find in the wild!" – Mars said.

Then two soldiers appeared with a huge sack filled with what appeared to be Pokéball.

"In this sack there are enough Pokémon for all of you, however as I said before, only those with two Pokémon or less will be able to choose, in order, the first one can come and collect his/her Pokémon, by the way, among all these Pokémon there is a special one, luck to all!" – said Mars.

Then one by one, those who had two or less Pokémon were choosing theirs, in the distance I could see some of them, apparently taking them out of their Pokéball while one of the soldiers wrote something on a paper.

I was able to see Pokémon like Magby, Elekid, Houndour, Zubat, Geodude, Numel, Smoliv, Nacli, etc.

Soon, it was Selene's turn who, as she had less than two Pokémon, had to choose one by force.

Although a little bad, I could see how Selene put her hand in the sack and took out an Ultra Ball, the first time I saw someone take one out, so far they were all normal Pokéball.

"All right, a round of applause for your partner who managed to get the special Pokémon, go ahead, get it out of your Pokéball!" – said Mars.

Selene nodded and took the Pokémon out of her Pokéball, it turns out it was a little Turtwig.

"That's right, the special Pokémon is a Turtwig, a pretty powerful one, take good care of him and now go back to your site!" – said Mars.

Selene returned Turtwig to her Pokéball and positioned herself again in the same place as before.

"I guess everyone already has their Pokémon but those who have more than two Pokémon should not be discouraged, Team Galaxy is generous, if your performance in the following week is satisfactory, you will be awarded with a random Pokémon regardless of the number of Pokémon you have, now let me give you your last instructions!" – said Mars.

Then she looked around and seeing that no one said a word, she continued.

"First of all, tomorrow there will be an important meeting that everyone must attend, our leader the great Cyrus will come in person to tell you about our great goal, because to work for us, first of all they must know what we intend to achieve but they must remember something, we are not petty thieves!" – said Mars.

Everyone nodded without making a sound.

"Now these guards here will not only guide them to tomorrow's meeting place but also to the rooms yoy will have to stay in, unfortunately and since you are low-ranking recruits they are not entitled to a single room, as low-ranking recruits will have to share a room with 3 more people, don't worry, they are big enough to hold 4 people without problems!" – said Mars.

So if they are so big, what is the difference with the individual ones? I have no idea.

"If you are promoted you will be able to enjoy a single room, there nobody will disturb you and you will have more luxurious things, so work well, goodbye, I have things to do!" – said Mars.

And then she left.

"Recruits, follow me I will show you the meeting place and then I will take you to your rooms according to your order of arrival!" – said one of the recruits.

We all nodded and entered through the door that was behind the warehouse, then we went up some stairs and entered what seemed to be another kind of place, it looked nothing like the old warehouse we were in, this looked a lot like the base of Team Magma, only more modern.

"Follow me here, we have many things to do so we will be brief" - said the recruit.

Then we started walking and in little more than a minute we arrived at a huge room, although more than a room it seemed that it was a movie theater but without a screen.

"This is the great hall, where our great leader Cyrus informs us about the missions, tomorrow he will give you a kind of introduction at 12:00, do not arrive, late, I tell you as advice" – said the guard.

"Now that you know where the great hall is I will guide you to your rooms, follow me" – said the other guard.

Then we continued walking while we saw how numerous recruits went from here to there, some went with nothing, while others carried some papers, we also managed to glimpse what looked like scientists, but suddenly, one of them got under a kind of circle and disappeared.

"Excuse me, but hasn't that man just disappeared?" - asked one of the recruits.

"That man is one of our most outstanding scientists and right now he is doing some experiments, I will only tell you not to dare to step on that circle, that is a teleport circle that leads to another place in the base but I warn you from now on that no one apart from the high command is authorized to enter, even we can't set foot there, so don't think about going in" - said the guard.

Everyone nodded, although I think I know what is there, if I remember correctly, in the video games there is where they had trapped Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, if I remember correctly, thanks to the species of jewel they have in their head they created the so-called "Red Chain" that was able to control Dialga and Palkia, It seems to me that we will have to go in there, we have to check if they have the legendary ones hiding there and release them if that is the case.

Anyway, we must wait to have more information about their plans, which I already know but I can not reveal, but once Cyrus tells us tomorrow his plans we can devise a plan to enter there and save the legendary in case they have caught them and release them.

Returning to reality, we were taken through some corridors and up some stairs.

"Although we have climbed the stairs, it is because we are many, later you can use the elevator like everyone else, also tomorrow after the meeting with our great leader we will show you the cafeteria, there you can enjoy your meals but until then you will have to endure the desire to eat until tomorrow, orders from my superiors so do not bother to protest because I can not do anything" - said the guard.

Then we went up about 3 more floors until we reached what seemed to be numerous hotel rooms, if I had not seen all the above I would think we are in a hotel, that's how similar it was.

"This and the upper floor are the floors where the lower-ranking recruits will be housed, by the way, we do not care if you are a man or a woman, there are no separate rooms, it is not allowed to have a love relationship while you are here, that is totally forbidden and sex can be done as long as you do not disturb others but remember that in this organization we do not take maternity leave so think carefully before having sex" - the guard explained.

Actually, this is more realistic and makes more sense than in video games and anime, I guess relationships can cause fights so they are forbidden while sex is a normal thing and they can not prohibit it, it is a good way to vent and de-stress so it is not forbidden, it is actually well thought out but it is strange because in this world having sex with a person that you don't like don't exist, this is very strange...

After this he guided each group to their room until only we remained.

"This is your room, the bathroom and shower are included, they also have a modest TV, 2 beds and also some condoms if you want to have sex, enjoy" – said the guard.

A bit crude because minus Courtney all the girls blushed and looked at me, hey I understand Courtney and even Selene, but why did Juliana also look at me, will it be true that I am so handsome and did not realize or is it the armor of the plot that attracts beautiful girls? I hope to find out one day.

"And don't forget to show up tomorrow at 12:00, you will receive severe punishment if you are not there on time" - the guard said.

And then he left as we entered the room.

I must say the room was... Quite simple, I do not know how to describe it, but let's say that, although it had everything the guard had said, it was not very cozy, the furniture was quite old already and the beds did not seem very comfortable.

"This is... cozy" – Juliana said in surprise.

"Yes..." – Selene nodded.

"I know it's not a luxury hotel but we'll have to hang in for the sake of the mission" - I said as I looked at the girls.

The girls nodded.

"Well, now we'll have to talk about certain things before we go to sleep, let's see, what do you think?" – I asked.

"I don't know how to describe it but they're very nasty, especially that redhead" - Juliana said.

"Yes, I didn't like the way they treated us at all" - Selene nodded.

"What really worries me is not the way they treated us but the scientist and what they're investigating" - Courtney said.

"Courtney is right, I'm afraid they're hiding something and we need to find out what it is" - I nodded.

"But you already heard that guard, it is strictly forbidden even for them and we do not know if on the other side there are guards guarding the entrance or even if we will be able to enter without anyone seeing us" - Selene said.

That's true, although we can enter without anyone seeing us, we do not know what or who is on the other side.

"I think I have a solution for that" - Juliana said suddenly.

Next R-18 chapter: 144

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts