
Ah~ The Sweet taste of Abuse! (Insert 'Vs Cynthia' Theme)

Tyrantrum rushed out and Cynthia shouted, "Use the move Sirfetch'd used with Dragon Claw!" Ace watched carefully with bright eyes, shouting, "Tyrantrum, jump and roll with Dragon Tail!" 

Cynthia shouted, "Turn and hit it!" Tyrantrum and Garchomp's attacks collided as Ace shouted, "Jump Back!" Tyrantrum bounced off and slid on the ground as Garchomp roared!

Cynthia shouted, "Taunt!" Garchomp waved her claws, sneering. Tyrantrum's eyes were red in an instant as Ace called out, "It doesn't matter! We'll go head to head! Use Crunch!"

Tyrantrum charged at Garchomp, lunging forward and flickering, appearing right in front of Garchomp with a wide open mouth! Cynthia shouted slyly, "Dodge it!" Ace changed his command, "Bite the rocks!"

Cynthia narrowed her eyes as she shouted, "Earth Power!" Ace shouted, "Jump up and spit out the rocks!" he paused and laughed, "Rock Blast!" Cynthia smiled helplessly as Tyrantrum spat out dozens of rocks like missiles!

She looked at Garchomp and called out, "It's nothing! Slash them all Garchomp!" Garchomp slashed all the rocks and Ace said quickly, "Hyper Beam!" Cynthia was startled and said quickly, "Overpower it with your own Hyper Beam!"

The two Hyper beams collided and caused an explosion full of smoke.

 Cynthia and Ace both narrowed their eyes with cunning expressions.

The smoke cleared and only Garchomp was visible, Ace squinted and clicked his tongue, muttering "Swords dance…" Cynthia snickered, holding her arms and looking at him.

She looked up and said, "Feel the Earth Garchomp!" Ace clapped and Tyrantrum burst from the ground, under Garchomp, biting her body. Garchomp cried out and Cynthia clicked her tongue, "Underground this time… Troublesome!"

Ace shouted quickly, "Ice Fang!" Cynthia smiled and countered, "Scorching Sands!" Ace almost died!

Cynthia! You're fucking cheating!

Ace changed his command, "Forget it, throw her away!" Tyrantrum threw Garchomp away with his mouth as Garchomp was covered in burning hot sand. Ace looked at Cynthia and muttered, "Are you gonna do it…"

Cynthia chuckled, "Sandstorm!" Ace curled his lips, "Just what I wanted, Cynthia!" Cynthia tilted her head as Ace shouted, "Ancient Power!" Tyrantrum threw out ancient rocks as he hit the Stats Up bonus!

Cynthia was confused and shook her head, "You missed! Garchomp, Breaking Swipe!" Garchomp rushed out of the ground under Tyrantrum as Ace burst out laughing, "Stomping Tantrum!"

Cynthia shouted quickly, "Not Good! Back off, Garchomp!"

Ash scratched his head, "What's wrong?" Kukui smiled at Ash gently, "Stomping Tantrum has its power doubled after missing another move. So what Ace did was send out Ancient Power to miss on purpose, he got lucky and hit the Stats Up Bonus on Ancient Power and finally doubled the Attack Power on Stomping Tantrum!"

Ash nodded, "Oh!" Gary shook his head and smiled, "Ace is awesome!" Ash nodded, "Yeah! I'll beat him one day!" Gary rolled his eyes, "You can't even beat me!" Ash raised a fist, "Can too!" 

Sonia sighed, "Ace is still as good as ever at battling! I can't imagine who forced him to such a dire situation…" Magnolia looked over and frowned, "What?" Sonia froze and blamed her big fat mouth, sighing, "Ace's Noivern, Sandaconda, and Eiscue were killed."

The Professors looked over and frowned, Magnolia was very angry, "What?! By whom?!" Sonia shrugged, "I don't know, he didn't say… He probably doesn't want to talk about it." Magnolia looked back and sighed.

Sycamore waved his fists angrily, "It must be one of those shady bastards!" Oak sighed and shook his head.

Tyrantrum stomped on the ground angrily as Garchomp only barely got out of the way, but was still affected. Ace shouted, "Ice Fang! Lunge with Shave!" Cynthia shouted with a smile, "I was waiting for it! Liquidation!"

Ace was shocked, "WHAT?!" as Tyrantrum and Garchomp slammed together with ice and water!

Garchomp roared in pain but pushed through, smashing through the Ice Fang and knocking Tyrantrum out!

Elesa sighed and said, "Tyrantrum is unable to fight!" Ace took back Tyrantrum, putting his ball away, "Don't worry, buddy! We'll take this guy down today!" Cynthia looked at Garchomp, "Are you alright?"

Garchomp turned and nodded, roaring. Cynthia smiled and nodded, calling out, "Come on, Ace!" Ace rubbed his hands and grinned, "Meowth!"

Meowth hopped down from Ace's shoulders, rubbing her palms like Ace, grinning evilly. Cynthia touched her chin, "Different colored Galarian Meowth…" Ace clapped together with Meowth, "Don't underestimate her! She's fierce."

Meowth meowed, showing her sharp claws.

Cynthia smiled, "She's cute!" Meowth waved her claws embarrassingly, Ace's lips twitched as Cynthia laughed. Ace shouted "Meowth! Come on! Screech!" Meowth screeched and Garchomp's defense was lowered as Cynthia waved, "It's not enough! Dragon Rush!"

Ace said quickly, "Dig!" Meowth dug into the ground and disappeared, making Garchomp miss the Dragon Rush. Cynthia smiled, "Earthquake!" Ace smirked and waved his finger, "It's not gonna work! Come out, Meowth!"

Meowth popped up in a different place, pulling on her eyelid and spitting out her tongue at Garchomp, who had a vein throb on her forehead!

Cynthia muttered, "Are you good at digging? Dragon claw!" Ace laughed and said, "Dig again!" Cynthia frowned and said, "Earthquake!" Ace repeated, "Come out!"

Meowth popped up somewhere else as Cynthia realized, "You made a tunnel system?!" Ace frowned, "Found out so easily?" Cynthia gave him a thumbs up, "That way you can evade Garchomp and move around quickly! Good idea! Dragon Claw!"

Ace frowned and had no choice, "Get in a hole, Meowth!" Cynthia snapped her fingers, "Fill the Underground with a Dragon's breath!" Ace cursed, "Get out of the ground, Meowth!"

Meowth jumped out and ran away from the holes as they all erupted with a blueish purple energy.

Ace thought of something and said, "Hide and Seek!" Cynthia frowned as Meowth hid behind the dragon's breath, disappearing. Cynthia looked around and said, "Spread out the Sandstorm!"

The Sandstorm spread as Garchomp roared, Ace bit his thumb in thought before saying quietly, "Sneak behind Garchomp and use Thief!" Meowth gave him a 'ok' and tiptoed over.

Ace wanted to laugh at this funny girl who had an expression full of 'Stealing is what I'm best at!'

Cynthia caught a glimpse of Meowth and laughed, "You won't get it!" as she pulled out a Lipstick tube!

Ace was full of question marks but Cynthia turned the tube, making Ace's scalp numb! Ace shouted, "Back off!" Meowth ran off as Cynthia rubbed her lips with the lipstick, "Come on, Garchomp! Unleash your power! Mega Evolve!"

Garchomp roared at the sky before energy formed a cocoon around her.

It shattered, revealing a Mega Garchomp!

Ace rubbed his nose, feeling his blood pumping.

You know, Meowth was level 47 at this time!

Ace grinned and shouted, "Show them what you're made of Meowth! No!" he pointed forward, "Perrserker!" Meowth took out a stone from her fur and Cynthia was baffled, "Suppressing Evolution?!"

Ace caught the stone as Meowth spread her arms, acting like a Sailor Moon transformation.

She lit up and transformed into a beautiful Gold and Black Perrserker!

Perrserker slashed the ground with her long claws, "Perrserker!" Cynthia smiled and clapped, "Great!" Ace waved, "That's not all!" 

Ash shouted, "Perrserker is gonna Mega Evolve too?!" Ace almost tripped and laughed angrily, "What did I teach you?!" before turning back, "Use Curse!" Cynthia frowned and said, "I don't know what you're doing, but Taunt!"

Ace crossed his arms, "It doesn't matter, Perrserker's speed is -6!" Cynthia frowned, "And the Attack and Defense is +6?" Ace rubbed his palms and chuckled, "That's right. Curse can only be learned during the Meowth period! Which is why we've been holding on for so long!"

Cynthia frowned and pointed out, "But you can't dodge now! Dragon Rush!" Ace laughed, "We don't have to! Iron Body!" Perrserker tensed up and Cynthia frowned, another powerful move she's never seen!

When Garchomp was about to come into contact with Perrserker, Ace shouted, "It's now! Gyro Ball!" Cynthia was stunned and shouted, "Hold on with Scorching Sands!" Perrserker spun insanely fast, shooting off the ground into Garchomp's stomach!

Garchomp was sent flying as Perrserker landed on the ground, falling to one knee. Ace frowned slightly, Garchomp's ability changed to Sand Force so that last Scorching Sands was extremely heavy damage!

Especially with the Sandstorm set up beforehand!

Ace waved his fist, "Hold on, Perrserker! You're almost there!" Perrserker slowly stood up, breathing heavily. Cynthia clapped, "You're both amazing, Ace! But this is over!" Ace looked over at Garchomp getting up, wiping her chest.

Cynthia smiled, "You can't dodge this one anymore, Earthquake!" Ace clicked his tongue and took back Perrserker, "You did great, I'm proud of you." Cynthia waved at Garchomp and she didn't stomp down.