
Pokemon- About to be redo

this is going to be redone

NvR_MnD · Tranh châm biếm
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"Ha… Ha... Ha… Damn! Those stupid sh*t" kuhkk Pwaaaaaa… i spat blood in the ground while holding my ribs, Sh*t those crappy gang did a freaking crap in me… "Hehe dumb shts! Got a freaking good money on them with a poke ball to boot!" I walk slowly to the Trash Yard that was abandoned when pokemon broke through and this place was the most dangerous at the same time the safest place for me to be in… dangerous because of many pokemons that are passive aggressive and safest because

People tend to avoid this place because making a ruckus here is just inviting death parade, "Haaaa home sweet home!" This place is my home for 5 years! Considering i was 4 when i was abandoned at an orphanage that was just awful or should i say hell? Considering the matrons there treat everyone like slaves and with their sadistic personality? They were just like a demon in human skin

So, i ran… i ran as fast as i could, escaping that place knowing it was just as dangerous as the outside world, good thing though was i was a reincarnated person and i know how to do normal kids won't think about, i ran to the hell safe zone for anyone and this was it, were every Rattata, Trubbish, Salandit and Meowth are most off

Anyway, i found this place because there is not even a single one pokemon come close here, maybe passing by but no pokemon stay here for long i don't know why and i won't know because i am weak and i know it myself, so yeah as i grow up i ate food that i won't even think about eating… Tree Bark, Leaves, Left overs, Water from some trash and anything that could be eaten, i did have a few

Competitors but i always snatch a few for me when they were done beating me up, as i grow up i became better at stealing things so i did what i do until here i am! Stealing poke dollars and poke ball, poke dollars are hard to come by considering that this place is dirt poor and getting a poke ball is that the most valuable thing that i snatch in my years here

But this poke ball has a pokemon inside, i don't know if it will become hostile at me or not but i hope not… first thing in the morning i did my daily training then look at the poke ball… okay ill do it, as i grab the poke ball i send out the pokemon that was inside it… it was an unconscious zorua… then i panicked then put some bandages and cleaned its wounds with the water that i collected last week

Then i waited… and waited… and waited, i got hungry and fetch a few buns in a preserving box that i have gotten while scavenging items in this place, then when i turned back i saw zorua… looking faze then looked at the bun i was holding… "Uhm… do you want it?" i offered the bun in my hand but zorua looked at me again but this time in a hostile one… "Look i see that some humans probably did horrible

Stuff to you or anyone close to you but you see life is sh*t and now you're here your supposed to be life saver who is a kid that is thin and look like a mess and what does this mean? Well life just made my life sh*t and now here i am, looking at a white colored zorua that's messed up, beaten up and totally hungry" "Ruaaa Zoruaaa" "I know your angry but your weak! And you can't do

Nothing about it" "Ruaa Zorua Zorr" "Yes in a second that you're out of here you're going to be eaten by other pokemon" then we kept on ranting about life, about how sh*t we are in, how we were so weak and then i don't know when but… we've started tearing, crying and swearing until our grumbling tummy made noise… then finally we became at a still… no more sounds came to our mouth we didn't move we just

Stared at each other and finally zorua rub its body unto mine and i… for the first time in many years of this life i felt i have finally a new family… it came from a pokemon but still family in the end… then as we cleared everything and made things clear on what we are on, we trained and trained and in times we steal from people who in this place could have stolen the items too

Then Zorua learned Trick which made me and him happy so happy that we use it on gangs! We got quite a haul too!! 3 Pokeballs, 1 GreatBall and 1 Potions! It was a big big haul, as we trained his trick, we also trained his other moves! Which were Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, Leer and Finally Detect! The golden move which made our escape and sneaking ability easy

Of course, there were times that we were about to be caught that's were i pull out the smoke bomb that i buy in certain areas, then we escape through the sewers like those ninja T.Ts, of course we mapped the exit entrance of the sewers so that we know where we were, Me and Zorua also rob some of the gangs hide outs and got a tm and few pokeballs too…

The tm that we've got was double team! When the tm was used on zorua he grinned and then multiplied to two then two to four, but it disappeared too in just a few seconds, so i consoled zorua that he doesn't have to be hasty then his determination sky rocketed! He got up and trained which made me train some more…

It's already been a year since me and zorua partnered up, and ever since then we trained and stole things to the gangs here, of course we didn't cause too much trouble since it might lead us to our doom, we do it once every week then after we trained hard from skills to our physical strength, then we made code skills like Assassin (Shadow Sneak + Shadow Claw) or Assassination Classroom (Double Team '12 Clones' + Shadow Sneak + Shadow Claw) 

And our recent combination Frenzy Circus (Calm Mind + Double Team + Illusion + Shadow Ball + Dark Pulse) the early combinations were easy to do since Zorua only needed about 4 weeks each but the recent one? It took 4 months to form and 5 more months to be battle ready, we used in the battle between us and a group of rattatas

It was crazy how we confronted that horde because those rattatas has like 12 of them and 2 of us, yes i included myself since i bought a knife for myself, it took us about an hour give or take killing them since their coordination were crazy high, and besides their hunting moves we have to be really careful when some of them fire attacks at us, but still in the end we won and gained their bodies for us to eat

You see the frenzy circus is a move that combines 'real' illusion, these illusions could really attack like how a ninja could make another them and do independent moves, this is like that zorua uses calm mind so that he could focus in the battle at the same time divide his attention, so using double team as a catalyst for the moves he just has to spend a lot of energy so that he could 'transfer' some energy to them and make them do independent moves, and this crazy attack is very taxing!

One move that last for 10 minutes (If clones (12x) and If clones (2x) could last for about an hour) could make zorua just leave 10 percent or less energy enough for an escape… panting heavily, so this move is really scary at the same time very taxing, yes, pokemons are eaten in this world just so you guys know, Magicarp, Mareep etc… those pokemons of course are the not intelligent pokemons since its frowned upon all pokemon and trainers alike if someone eats other pokemon who are intelligent, Oh yeah, our exploits! Well let me tell you the people here? They gave us a name it was Shadow Thieves, cool right? Well, it sounded good, me and zorua were happy from the names, oh yeah, every time we steal stuffs zorua use his illusion to make me taller and he also made his body like a Meowth which

Totally gave the Meowth and their trainers have a hard time going out in 4 weeks because gangs were trying to find us, and the people who are trying to find me? well they didn't find me and totally expecting i died and eaten by some random pokemon so they didn't even try finding me after, and zorua? Well, they thought that he is still in his poke ball but after 4 months of trying to find him they forgot about it and thought he died too so we were good at that

Anyway, me and zorua found something good, information and this information is gold! those people who have R in their shirts will import crates in their warehouse in this day and we two are grinning since me and zorua or should we say the Shadow Thieves are going to do something about team rocket!

"Hehe are you ready Nieusio" I said since it's showtime "Rua Zorua!" "I know… this will be payback" "Ruaaa Zoruaa" "Okay let's go" "Rua" After Zorua nodded our forms started to shift to our thief's mode, as we sneak into their ware house, we saw something that shook me from my place and what shook me were kids! They fucking kidnap kids! "Sh*t Zorua this is going to be complicated" I whispered and zorua agreed because we saw

120 kids… and they were asleep even though they were treated roughly like bags thrown in some place and besides the group of kids we saw a few cages and crates too, we took a look on the cages and saw pokemons! And they were in their first forms too!! And they also look like they were starved and beaten badly…

"Zorua this is bad, we will need the authorities for this kind of mess" I worriedly said since this is bigger than i thought… "Ruaa" he nodded and also made me follow him and there i saw… two beaten almost dead pokemon… i don't know what their names are but they will die soon if they weren't cared for! So, without a thought i used my poke balls to catch them, this made our faces twisted

And the look of me and zorua were angry very angry! "These pieces of shit don't need to live zorua! Its assassination time! Use Assassination split into two since we have to create a diversion in our escape and in the last moment use Frenzy Circus with or without me and we will meet at Sewer #2 "Ruaa Zorua" "Good luck to you too" Me and zorua separated

And there it was! Zorua split into two and started running to the people who we marked, even though the other zorua is a double team skill it could kill since zorua trained so hard to make his clones able to do damage and since humans are easy to kill here, zorua looks like a wolf in a group of sheep

But this sheeps also pack a punch since they also have wolves that could kill, so me and zorua know that we could only sneak and kill them, yes i also started my killing spree and these grunts are easy to kill since they were newbies but an officer will be a little hard since they have a powerful pokemon besides them

Also, while this is happening i used a grunts phone and contacted a Police Officer Jenny since i don't believe a jenny from the jenny clan would ignore this thing… Yes, i don't believe in other police officer since they could betray without a thought if money and power is going to be in the table

"Heeeeey Shadow Thief why don't you join us! We could make you powerful and give a lot of benefits" a shout from the warehouse 'Heee did he think i was naïve? Pfft this is just a set up to get my voice… Jeeeez this is just child play' any way while i was looting them the officer kept on giving benefits until it didn't make any more sense so i just ignored him and kept on looting them while also getting

The files since i know they will set a fire here so that they wouldn't left anymore evidence against them to which i will also jeopardize "AWOOOOOOOOOOOO" 'hooo well they took longer than i thought, guess time to bale' then i started running away from the site while also making the 120 kids and pokemons safe, how? Well i made zorua have an illusion of me 'the thief mode' keep on killing any of the grunts

That tried to get near the kids and pokemons, so while that was happening i lead straight to the sewer and met up with zorua, "Success?" "Rua Zorua" he nodded while also letting me see what he got… "Is that a phone?" "Rua Ruaa Zoruaa" He nodded while i do feel touched and happy this also might have a tracker so we have to disassemble it and try to find anything that didn't speak 'phone' in it

So, while me and zorua got to our home the Rocket gang were captured while also burning the building with it, leaving the officers with nothing but the kidnapped kids and pokemons, the officers were taking the kids and pokemons with them while trying to find where the Shadow thieves were… and trying to find where they were besides the smoke bomb in the warehouse? Impossible and in the end concluded that they were gone, and let it go and immediately secure what they could get and getting more help

"Okay the potions and the most expensive item in us are ready, Are you ready Zorua?" I ask looking at him on top of our kitchen table "Ruaa" he nodded and then i released the two pokemons… full of bruise and wounds, their thin stomachs, clearly seen bones, their dead eyes and most of all their hanging breathes… "Okaaaay done!!" "Awwooo" Zorua nodded exhausted from the intense medical care that we did 'unknown to me and zorua while we heal them, we gave them some of our life force/ Energy to which made the Healing even possible to begin with'

Which consist of cleaning the wounds very carefully, cleaning it again very very carefully, then disinfect the wounds one by one while putting some potions in between then bandage the body while being really careful and we have to do it twice and very delicately because it might cause discomfort to the two pups? We dragged our exhausted body to our beds and finally sleep while being satisfied with what we did…

"Okay… so you two wants to join me?" "Leoo liitt leooo" "Zorrr ruaa ruaa" they both nodded… then i officially captured them then we partied after… okay its already been a week after that party and the place were in high vigilance from the officers because of us and the rockets… so in simple term we didn't go out of our base because of the risk of being found out, because i have a dark type pokemon we aren't clearly seen by psychic types and our base of operation has many roaming pokemon so clearly our tracks aren't going to be followed… in this time we trained and recuperated, revise moves, find efficiency, find

Faults in our move sets, filling up those faults, planning our next heist, looking at the map, watching news… (Broken T.V so not really used much) training the other 2 with breathing techniques that me and zorua develop for relaxing and calming our nerves, finding their own style of using moves, improving Nieusio's Move set, finding new moves, and a lot of training and eating!

So, let me get this straight in this week me and Nieusio trained and improved our selves, and this means that the two pokemon saw me and zorua work together, this sparked their interest in me, how do i know? Well, they always look at me before zorua (W) then talk to themselves, we fed them until they were good to walk, then slowly but surely guide them about the place that we were in

Meaning they know that we were at a dump site hiding from other people, we also describe what kind of situation we were in and what we did before and after their rescue, this made my affinity to them get closer, as they observe some more they saw that they could get stronger with me, and they wanted to join the team and i gladly accepted them… so as they recuperated, i devised what kind of training they will go at the same time know what kind of combination moves and Codes we could use


Zorua White (M) - Nieusio

Abi: Illusion

Moves: Shadow Sneak (B), Leer (B), Shadow Claw (B), Double Team (A), Shadow Ball (B), Calm Mind (A), Dark Pulse (B), Quick Attack (D), Tackle (E), Scratch (F), Hone Claws (D) 

Egg Moves: Detect (B), Trick (C)

Assassin (Shadow Sneak + Shadow Claw) 

Assassination (Double Team + Shadow Sneak + Shadow Claw) 

Frenzy Circus (Calm Mind + Double Team + Illusion + Shadow Ball + Dark Pulse)


Zorua (F)

Abi: Illusion

Type: Dark

Moves: Hone Claws (F), Torment (G), Leer (F), Scratch (F)

Egg Moves: Copy Cat (F), Detect (F), Fake Tears (Unlocked)



Litleo Shiny (Male)

Abi: Moxie, Unnerve

Type: Fire, Normal

Moves: Ember (F), Headbutt (F), Work Up (G), Fire Fang (G), Sunny Day (G)

Egg Moves: Snatch (G), Fire Spin (G), Dig (G)


How did i got this? Well after checking the phone and knowing that it was good enough, i put a pokedex memory card in the phone and there i found that i could see my pokemons stats, and so i did the same with the two and finally got to see their stats and i gotta say they are incredible, oh yeah i have to tell you guys that buying a pokedex memory card is normal here

In this world after buying a memory card specific to anything like pokepuff, pokemons, Map etc… you could use that memory as a way to know what you want VERY convenient isn't it… So let me describe our new members! Zorua (F) is the timid type pokemon unlike Nieusio who is calm and careful who analyzes anything slowly, Zorua for the first few days always hid behind Littleo and trying to not be recognizable but she also has a good trait about her! She is good at using her energy! She could control her hone claws to perfectly slice vegetables and meat, this also made her my assistant when cooking which Nieusio totally failed as a helping hand, anyway more about Zorua being timid made her fast at running but also fast on using her illusion and keeping that illusion for a very long time

Contrast to timid zorua Littleo is what you guessed at a lion who suffered, Littleo is brave but also very intelligent, he knows what and when to be brave (Not unlike a certain head strong dude who rushes to anything dangerous) Littleo keeps on challenging Nieusio to battle while also using him as a way to improve his skill set and utilizing those skill sets, as we bond and trained for 2 more months

We got out of our hide out and returning to the city where there is a lot of people I made zorua turn herself and Littleo to rattatas while Nieusio into zorua, the rattatas at both in my shoulders while zorua is beside me, as we go to the gate this time not as a thief but as a child who will be roaming around the place, we saw a lot of children's with bruises, which we also saw people who are at a pokemon battle, As we roamed we saw a flyer that said that the top 150 people who pass a test will

Get a Novice trainer card which means that a person could stay at a pokemon center and use their facility for 15 days and it could serve as an identity card too! Which means i can get missions and money legally and buy a land! Oh man we will finally get a normal house if we win, there is also uhm a reward money but it says here that it will depend on the rank of the person… this is a good start, then we got to a pokemon center to register for the small tournament

Which was easy… but the nurse there gave me 2 pair of clothes because they were just there she said and i also got a pair of sneakers and also a mask, the clothes were a black hoodie with toxic in the middle and white shirt with a toxic in the middle, the jeans were black and lastly the shoes were green sneakers, i thanked her for her generosity but the thing is… she didn't let me go after choosing my clothes… she pulled me in a bath… i got forcefully pulled in a bath with a sexy babe…

Yeah, and finally i thanked her again and this time i got out of the center totally clean this time, so as i roamed some more i saw that people were excited for the tournament that i saw kids training their pokemon and before i start to roam again i was called by a kid and challenge me to a pokemon battle

to which i accepted and when we finally found a place to battle, we pulled our poke balls and got a random referee to judge the battle, "Go Nieusio!" i called and Nieusio took a stance getting ready for the battle "Go taru!" What appeared though was not the Rattata that was violet colored it was black! "Hehe this is my partner Taru he is a Rattata that has another type!" Yeah… the kid bragged that his father got him that rare Rattata and he totally is going to win because of its rarity

to which i ignored because my zorua came from a daily battle while that Rattata was… overfed, yeah, the Rattata that made both me and zorua speechless was a black fat Rattata, it even looked at us smugly! "Get ready kid here i go! Nieusio Scratch" "Oh oh Rattata dodge and give him uhm… uhh Psychic!" Both me and zorua got shocked again because this kid clearly doesn't know how to battle and know what moves its pokemon has! So, in a basic manner Nieusio defeated the Rattata in one move, because it can't dodge the attack and its trainer doesn't know what moves it has, Nieusio landed a critical hit to rattata to which we clearly saw a ripple in its tummy… my pokemons were speechless Zorua and Littleo mouths were hanging around totally open, waiting for a bug to enter their mouths… "You win just slightly and uhm it was totally luck!" "Kid… you don't know your pokemons moves… and it clearly isn't battle ready" "No its not! Rattata is… just tired from our exercise… yeah, his just tired" "Do you want to train with me?" "Uhm… could i?" "Yeah, I'll teach you

but there is a pay" "That's not a problem, i could pay" "Then we only have 2 months before the tournament so ill train you next day…" "Sure" Then we agreed that we will meet at the pokemon center and he only has to pay 50 poke dollars (pd) per session to which he agreed happily, i roamed some more and got challenge by other people then won some pd's for me and my mons, which after we got home and calculated the money on hand and that we earned about 250 pd,

we were so happy that night because we earned something by not stealing and started a small party, the party ended at midnight "So first you have to know what are the moves of your pokemon" "Oh okay then, Rattata show us your moves" The Rattata showed us Tackle, Tail Whip and Rest after that i ask the kid named Reo what's Rattata ability, to which he proudly answered "Don't know" "Uhm… you shouldn't

be proud of that" "Why? My classmates said that to be the best trainer the ability of our pokemon has to be hidden" "Who the freak said that? Are they dumb? I mean yes letting your enemy know your Pokémon's ability might give you a disadvantage but you not knowing your pokemons ability just made you look like a clown" "Ughh, Ill beat that Sh---" then we look at the dex that he has and

the ability is thick fat… yeahp totally nailed it, i mean thick fat gives resistance to both ice and fire type moves so thats kinda good? Oh well, the first training that i gave to the kids pokemon is running a lap… with its trainer "Why, ha… ha. ha. Did i have to run too?" "Well kid it's because getting sync with your pokemon could help you strengthen your bond with each other and it keeps both of you motivated"

After a month of daily training both Reo and his Rattata became more sync that both of them know what the other needs just by doing small gestures, as they both trained in the month their physical body and rattatas attacks improved, from a hopeless mob to a beginner pokemon trainer haaa what an improvement, then i told reo that he should improve the moves of his Rattata and also try fighting other trainers so he could gain experience from other trainers, to which he obliged gladly

Of course, i battle him so that he could get an idea of what strong Pokémon's do and guide him to have his own battle technics, i also trained my pokemons and of course with me by their sides when doing physical training, we do 5x of what reo does so reo saw that we were far apart and we were a pretty strong, to which i told him that there are greater mountains from the mountains that we climb

He wasn't sure what i was talking about but he still nodded which was good enough, i have Nieusio meditate and try improving his skills some more like using shadow claw through the shadows, which was both easy and hard, easy because he did it in first try, hard because it was only 5 meters apart from him, to which he gladly accepted the challenge, i instructed Zorua to try copycat and copy other moves

Then integrate that move to herself so she could use those moves, while that was happening i also instructed that she should also try improving her claw skills, she agreed of course, Littleo was a little hard since most of my skills are deception and he is a warrior so it was kinda contrasting me but i still instructed him that he should try using work up while using sunny day, while he should use headbutt

The walls in the abandon building where we were training, he accepted the task gladly, of course the trainer can't be too far apart from its pokemon right? So, i also trained my physical body and try the quiet training, this training was me consisting of walking quietly and trying to make my presence less, my training ground were an abandon building, a lake side and finally trying to hide my presence when

Moving in the forest, the first two were medium hard since i either step on a rock or make splash sounds, and i did worst in the forest since i even hear my footstep and my movements, so that was an utter failure "Hey boss what have you been trying to do?" "Hmm?" "Well i can see that you've been trying to sneak but you seemed so frustrated?" "Well, ive been trying to make my presence small

So that powerful pokemon won't look at me and it could help me traverse dangerous places with little to no convenience" "Hmm that's a bit hard… well you could probably figure it out soon" "Hehe Thanks, Oh yeah, your friends didn't come huh…" "Yeah they didn't believe that i got stronger so they ignored me" "HAhhaha let them be we will show them when its time" "Hehe it will shock them for sure"

"Good luck Reo" "Good Luck to you too boss" "Haaa i told you, you shouldn't call me boss, it will create a misunderstanding" "Well should i call you master?" "No?" "Hello everybody!!! The tournament will start in a minute please go to your venues and the battle will start after" As me and reo separated i got to venue B and surprise not surprised there were about a 200 of us in here" As i battled Trainer pokemons with Nieusio our normal attacks became easier to use and let me tell you we only used

Our E rank moves and below and made the challenge harder both for me and Nieusio because we have to dodge effective moves like dark pulse… they were small but did damage, and we also have to conserve energy because we fight battle after battle to which was very taxing and also a great improvement, "Nieusio Scratch that aipom when its close enough" "Aipom Agility to fury swipes!"

"Try to dodge Nieusio" "Zoooor!!" as we fought and fought i see that normal moves don't work too much on Nieusio no scratch that it isn't even damaging him… as we finished our foe, we got back to the waiting area and had a talk about what happened… "You know i think you have a ghost typing…"

"Zorua…" He nodded slowly thinking about what happened in the stage, "Hmm i think we have to explore you're typing because we might get the end of the stick if we don't know what you are" "Rua Zor Zor" He said that we could do it now while we fight in the stage "No… that's risky because we still have to fight around 200 more people" "Rua…" "Well, this is risky but we have to be careful" "RUAA"

My zorua happily hugged to me that we fell back down, while that was happening unknown to me there were various people who took notice of my fight and were already planning on doing to me "HEHE boss it looks like a rare pokemon… want to take that?" "HEHEHE an amusing person AND pokemon" "Kekeke well then ill plan something for the perfect capture" another place "Fufufu madam it looks like we found

Something in this backwater place" "Hmm an interesting person i do say" "Fufuf your beautiful self deserves powerful, beautiful and graceful pokemon" "Fufufu that's true, JAMES! Immediately get the money and initiate transaction" "Yes madam!"

As we fought the tournament in 3 fast days, we gained a few attentions to which Reo used that as a reason to boast to his others friends, Reo also showed his effort by landing in the top 100 of the spot which was big because the benefits in landing in the top 100 were a basic trainer card, 1000 pd and lastly a potion, though it may look like its low but the trainer card is already big because getting a trainer card is hustle, why? Well you have to take written test, camp test, feeding test etc… which is easy BUT

Every time you take a test you have to pay 100 pd and the test consist of 5 things which is affordable? But if you are going to get both the Card and pokemon it will sum up to 3000pd, 1500 for the trainer card and 1500 MINIMUM for getting the pokemon, so besides the hustle it will make a hole in your deep deep pockets, so yeah getting those as a reward is already big and the other 2 were just an add up to

That, anyway as i climb the ladder of top 50 stronger opponents showed up which me and zorua still restrained our skills, its not really arrogance because if we show our real battle strength then all our enemies will ambush us like we are a sitting pidgey in a tree, anyway when we landed on the top 20 we surrendered because getting to the top is a red flag!

Yes rewards are good but getting killed is not GOOD unless i have a backer i wont ever rise to the very top unless i myself is strong enough with my mons, anyway my rewards were really good The novice trainer card which gives a 5 months free food and lodging at the poke centers, 5000 pd, simple space bag that could store 15 items and has a preserving function in it, and lastly 2 dusk ball and 2 friend ball WITH a bonus BASIC incubator!

The incubator was an old one but who cares an INCUBATOR this thing cost a lot!! Like 50,000 poke dollars is already the minimum one! As we exit the building a group of thugs (In my opinion) appeared "Kehehe boss it's that one" "Heeeh Come with me kid ill show you something good" "Heh… Sure let's go" "Eh Eh boss… do you" "No just stay there… ill see you tomorrow" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'll be fine"

I smiled at him and goes to the group of guys… as i look around their backs i see that they were quite built? Like they weren't a random thug and more like the 'I have strength and look at these muscle that would choke you!' kind of thing, they wore some thug look you know the gold chain neck, loose shirt and all those shiz… while we walk to some dark place "Say kid… would you like to trade that pokemon??" "Which one?" while i smile merrily i already set zorua to use his illusions both to my shadow and their shadows "You know that pokemon who was fighting in the field"

"… hmm interesting" 'This kid… isn't fazed, this is abnormal f*ck he's even smiling' "So if i trade my pokemon with all your pokemon would you like that?" "…hmm you're interesting but no i would like to trade your pokemon with a few mons that are in stock to us, like a trapinch for example you know a better mon than this one" "Well… i'm really not interested in the trade though" i smiled at him while looking oblivious at their threatening eyes "But i do want to buy some mons to see some interesting ones"

"Hehe… kid since your in our turf now, i think you don't quite have a choice here but to give me that zorua" Welp there you go guys the evil chant sh*t "Hehe kid for your own good just leave everything you have… maybe we will spare your life too" "…Ustedes son realmente interesantes" {Spanish} "Huh… what did the kid said?" "I don't know boss but i think he is trying to threaten us" "Hombre, esto es realmente interesante" [Man, This is really interesting {Translate}]

"Look boss he is even making fun of us with his smirking" "Kid just give your mon to us will you, and you wont be bloodied out of here" "…You guys are quite still good for a gang… even though this shit hole is already rotten you guys are still good so ill just beat all of you up for compensation" "You!!! Don't underestimate us!! Paras GO!!" "Skitty!!" "Grimer go" "Rattata go!" "Take care of them now would you, partner" "Rua.."

After beating them to a pulp i looted them… got few Dollars and few poke balls, i returned to my home and trained for a while since i am waiting to get to a properly age to go to my own adventure which includes having funds in the equation…

Days passed and i challenged a few small-time trainers like me and go to the forest or abandoned village to salvage some stuff which resulted to my disappointment was nothing but dollars and clothes, do not get me wrong i got a few clothes to nurse joy but you see, where's the fun if i get things easily aint it?

 That is why i either challenged passing trainers or explore the forest and note some survival facts! To which was really a drag but hey being alive is better than dead right? "…So, you still didn't get a glimpse to the kid?" "No boss… he's really slippery" "…forget it, some of the high classes are investigating him so pull back" "Okay boss" as the grunt left the mysterious guy just pulled a sigma villain grin with hand rubbing "…Kid you humiliated me… hehe ill see if you still survive"

While said kid is training his sneaking ability and close to him were his pokemon training intensely with a

boy in a cap who is running around with a black rat with him "Huff huff… boss is this necessary? Huff huff" i look at this brat and said with a joyful smile "Yehp…" His deadpan look though made my smile twitch "Boss am i really allowed to go with you as long as i train with you for 6 months?" without looking back i started to train again and answered "Yehp" then he started to train again harder this time

2 months past again but this time with a significant power up both my mons and Reo's because we often challenge trainers now which we gained a moniker called the Novice Trainer of Red Forest and his side kick Reo the follower, though reo kind of don't want that nick name i convinced him that it will change soon because we were going to challenge gyms soon

"Hello nurse joy"

I greeted a beautiful pink haired nurse

"Hello Aiz, are you going to take a mission?"

"Yes i do… if there is a wild pokemon causing trouble that would be more appreciated"

"Oh… well there is one but i'm not sure if you would liked it"


"A group of Tadbulb that's close to a factory kind of stayed there and the commissioner wants the Tadbulb out of there"

…hmm tadbulbs?

 "What's a Tadbulb?"

"Well they're yellow lightbulbs with a tail and they like any other electric types like in a electric field place although they don't cause too much harm they are often commissioned to be taken care of because of their sense of danger which they light up the place and this annoyed many workers close to the vicinity"

"…Okay I'll take the mission, maybe I'll get a new mon for this mission" 

"You, coming reo?"

"I think I'll go since i'm interested in some electric types that i could see there"

After we gathered our stuff and some protective gear, we go to the factory which is a bit quite far from this place because of certain dangers and ol that shiz

"Okay… huff lets rest and ill let Kitsuna and Raion scout first"


After we rested and eat, we searched the periphery of the plant and there i saw various electric pokemon… and there i also saw various pokemon eating each other, yeah innocent gone, i guess? Well, the pokemon that was eating each other was a grubbin and a toxel who was dead…

"Well then… i won't look at that… so there is a Tadbulb around… HERE"



An electric wave came right infront of my face to which Kitsuna deflected by the same electric wave



'3 tadbulb appeared'

"Okay this is not what i've expected but… Let's go Syo (Nieusio) Shadow sneak Suna (Kitsuna) Copy Shadow sneak! Rai (Raion) Sunny day and go Ember!"

My mons immediately go into action while the bulb pokemons were trying to slow them down with thunder wave and thunder shock

"This wont work! Syo Shadow ball! Suna support with Leer!"

Black balls started sprouting at the back of my zorua and as swift as a flying kunai who for some reason bend at their trajectory at the 3 bulb pokemon which hit perfectly and knocked the 3 bulb pokemon down

"Dang that accuracy i mean i know this result would happen but yeah, the training worked i guess"


"Ohh okay then Go poke ball!"

"Lets see their stats"

Tadbulb (F)

Abi: Own Tempo

Type: Electric

Moves: Tackle (F), Thunder shock (G)

Egg Moves: Parabolic Charge (Unlocked)

Tadbulb (M)

Abi: Own Tempo

Type: Electric

Moves: Tackle (F), Thunder Wave (G)

Egg Moves: Muddy Water (Unlocked)

Tadbulb (F)

Abi: Static

Type: Electric

Moves: Tackle (F), Thunder shock (G)

Egg Moves: Parabolic Charge (Unlocked)

"Not bad…"


"Yeah, they'll join us since they are perfect for our home right now"


"Light source? No, they will be perfect because they could generate electricity and become our sneaky small mons"


"Yeah, remember that resistance training that i've been wanting to train? They are perfect for that, and besides they're cute"

As i walk back to the place where i left, i saw Reo with a Joltik in his shoulder


"Yeah, found him fighting spinaraks and saw him taking them down really quick and when i saw that i knew that i have to catch him"

"Hmm so after fighting him you caught him?"

"Yehp, so how bout you?"

"Caught 3 tadbulbs"

"Duuude congrats, and how would you feed them?"

"Same Same"

"Were going to stick with the plan?"

"Yeahp… 2 days here and train for some time"


We trained the resistance of our pokemon through fighting electric type pokemon while also getting the tadbulb's that i was going to be their trainer and if they trained hard they could get food and items that could strengthen them, of course i trained with them and also scavenge some items that could be useful for protection such as a steel pipe that somehow produces electricity when you hit the bend part of the pipe, some berries that we could sell on the market, and thunder stone…

Yehp somehow there were thunder stone in this place…

"Maybe because of the concentration of electric energy around this place? Or maybe because electric pokemon are here and somehow affected this place and thus birth a thunder stone"

"Uh, eh??"

"Uhm, do you believe him Aiz?"

"Well… he has a white coat and as far as i know they are either a nurse or a researcher"

"Uhm sir are you by chance a…"

"Yehp, my name is Citric eleik or by many known person Professor Cir of Environmental changes and Resources of Terrain researcher"

"Uhm, so why are you here professor?"

"Hmm? Well i was the one who commissioned the mission"

"Oh, so yeah we took care the problem"

"Hmm, hand me the mission and ill sign it and so you could get the rewards at the center"

"Oh, here you go professor"

"Quick question professor, why did you uhm…"

"Well the thing is, they'll become food in this environment and since they were just born a few days ago they will be perfect for some trainers"

"…Wait, if that is so? Why didn't you just take care of them?"

"Well, they aren't really liked since they are quite weak and expensive to evolve"

Quite lucky for me since they are really going to be useful because even though they are weak as a tadbulb but becoming a Bellibolt is a good tank and special attacker, and since i have 3 of them hehehe this will be a really great heist!

"Boss… helloooo"

"Uh eh?? Hehehe sorry"

"Seriously boss… your drooling face is creepy"

"Hahaha sorry sorry"

"Hahaha well then kids ill go back to investigating"

"See you professor" 2x

"See you kids and thanks again"

As we go back to the center which didn't take that long to go back, we saw two gangs fighting with their respective types and various mons, its crazy how that certain event made many groups… or gangs for that matter

"Good thing they didn't saw us…"

"Yeah… really good, and this just motivated me to train harder"

"Your right boss… sooner or later they'll create problems… and i don't want to be a sitting duck at the end"

"Well then… lets go train!"

"Haaaa… lets go!!!!!

"Haaa training really improved my pokemon boss!!"

"Yeahp and i gotta say we've improved so much!!"

"Hehehe boss it looks like our journey will be easier than what i though!"

"Yeah!! And since we've fought lots of trainers in this past month, we've gained quite a money for our journey"

"Hehehe its quite unbelievable that we have so much money!"

"Well… then"

I look at my back and saw an old dude with a head band that has a Zigzagoon in the middle with his goons all over the place

"Hehehe kids… shouldn't hold too much money, how about… hehe let this uncle take care of them for you guys"

Reo looks like his about to last but i held him back with a smile and said to the people infront of me

"Hehe how about a… NO"

With my teasing tone who as much as anyone could understand that i was playing with them

And for sure there were various reactions but most of them were

"Grrr kid you don't want to mess with us!"

"Hehehe that true kid, and besides what can the two of you fight with 6 of us?"

"Kids just give us the money and… the dex"

"You guys are getting greedy i guess"

"What do we do boss?"

"Lets see how our progress is, Come on out Tadbulb!"


"Hahahah that?! Tiny pokemon would take care of us? Show em what we do! Zigzagoon!!"


With the leader sending his pokemon the others followed

"Let's go Teo! Jeo!"


"HAHAHAHA this will be easy!!!! Goo Zigzagoon quick attack!"

"Koffing Tackle"


"Tadbulb spray water gun!"

"Teo Focus energy"

"Geo E Terrain"

While our opponents pokemon were rushing at us the support moves were done easy and with a good combination of being wet and having electricity as a terrain…




A sound of wailings followed 

"End this battle, Teo Quick succession of sucker punch!"

*Dugshh, pshhh, tshoasdhh (Sound effect of crashing down)

"Nooo Zigzagoon"


Their sorrowful looks at their pokemon being taken down with a few moves was a dead shocking to them and seeing this of course i took a picture for a memento

"Now then uncle… hehe since you came here why don't you give this godchild some resources"





"You… you you DARE!!!"

"Hehe Ols fare in this world"

"Hehe since you were going to rob us… well"

"What a funny coincidence"

"Grrrr Ill remember thiiiisss"

"What a good uncle…"

"Are you sure of this boss??"


"We've angered a gang"

"Baaah they're just a bunch of weaklings"

"That's true…"

"Now!! The lootssss"

"Hahaha well"

After that day we came back to our training and challenging, sometimes we will meet a group that will try to rob us but… well we go back with extra items with us, of course those said gangs will try to rob us again but… well you know they were really weak… like how jessy and james were but a lot weaker and less genius

"Dos Kaso! This is where you're going DOWN!!!"

"Again? You guys never learn!"

"Lets end this quickly… there's a good mission at the center"

"Grrrr go Yanmega!!!"




"Boss, this is really getting annoying…"

"I know, should we start our journey?"

"Yeah, i think we should"

"?? How about your parents"

"They kicked me out…"

"And why??"

"Well, they said that i should start my journey so they could finally take their own from another region"

"Wait?? They're abandoning you?"


"Do you get an allowance?"


"Uhm, huh… weird"

Any who, after that little conversation we started to pack and ready our items that we were going to need, since we were going away from this settlement

You know, now that i think about it, i'm really fucked without my mons aren't i? i mean snakes that are far venomous, bugs that could literally kill people, birds that could behead a person and now that i think about it, i feel really blessed right now

Any who, the next settlement in the region that is closer to us is called Voltaic Crown City, it's a city known for its Electric Gym Badge, its also where most wealthy people recruit people like me, who are orphan or a poor kid

Its unknown to me why they have to recruit em, and its none of my business, Me and Reo after setting his good byes to the people he knew we started out journey