Looking at the two groups rushing at each other, a smirk appeared on Orion's face. He thought, 'Looks like the Golems have a numerical advantage. Kadabra can still feel several strong presence inside the hill. Combined with their type advantage, Golems have too much of an advantage. Unless Dodrio can somehow utilize their speed to get an advantage, the Golems will win.
Looting from the hill will be a very difficult task as Rhydon can't dig there undetected and we will be susceptible to a magnitude of Ground and Rock type attacks. Looks like I can only steal from the Dodrio nest. Oh well, that's not a big loss. In the last 6 months, I have found as many as 8 more similar places where I can cause war and gain the benefits. That's plenty of targets for the next month.'
Orion and his Pokemons waited patiently for the two groups to kill each other. The battle continued for several hours. As Orion had guessed, despite their higher speed, Dodrio and Doduo were on the losing end.
Doduo and Dodrio only knew Normal and Flying type attacks. Both were resisted by the Rock type. The only super effective attack they had was Jump Kick. Unfortunately, only the leader of the Dodrio knew that move, which he used very effectively against the leader of the Golem colony, despite the Golem being 2 levels higher than him.
The others were fighting a losing battle despite landing more hits. Understanding that they would lose, the Doduo and Dodrio who were still in the nest came out and joined the battle. Only one Dodrio and young babies stayed back in the nest.
Unfortunately for the Dodrios, that was the very chance Orion was waiting for. Considering that the Dodrio were fighting against the Golems, Orion expected them to have made some preparations against anyone sneaking in through the ground. So he didn't bother digging. Instead, Kadabra directly teleported the entire group right inside the Dodrio nest!
The last remaining Dodrio was shocked to see someone teleporting in. It immediately tried to attack but was stopped as Kadabra used Psychic to immobilize it and Rhydon used Rock Blast to kill it.
Seeing that sight, one dozen young Doduos began chirping loudly. That lasted just a couple of seconds as all of them were knocked out by Kadabra's Psychic.
Meanwhile, Orion's eyes quickly scanned for anything valuable he could see. It didn't take long for him to find them. Kadabra directly began teleporting them into the underground room they had created some distance away.
While Kadabra was doing so, Rhydon was digging a hole right in the middle of the Dodrio's nest. As for Machoke, he was keeping an eye on whether anyone would return due to the cries of the baby Doduos.
Kadabra immediately cleared every single valuable in the nest. He didn't even leave a single berry behind. Right when he was done, Machoke informed Orion that he could hear a bunch of Pokemons running towards the nest. Hearing that, Rhydon stopped digging and Kadabra teleported the four of them out.
Moments after they left, a couple of Dodrios and 12 Doduos returned to their nest. To their horror, the Dodrio that was supposed to be protecting the nest was dead! Worse, he was killed by rocks as well! And, the baby Doduos were knocked unconscious. They saw the hole in their nest as well.
The cry of one Dodrio made everyone else rush towards him. The eyes of all 14 Pokemons were wide open as they could find any of their valuable treasure. All 14 immediately reached the conclusion that some Golems had somehow dug a tunnel into their nest, killed that Dodrio, injured their young ones and stolen all their resources!
With red eyes, they returned to the battlefield. As soon as they reached it, they unleashed a loud cry to inform every Dodrio and Doduo about what had happened in the nest.
On understanding what had happened in their nest, every single Dodrio and Doduo was enraged. They weren't sure whether their young ones would survive or not. And, without their resources, getting stronger or recovering from injuries would become extremely difficult. No matter the result of the war, they understood their nest would suffer heavily. It was as if their future had been snatched from them.
The Dodrios and Doduos understood that Golems were serious about annihilating them. It caused them to enter a frenzy. They stopped caring about their safety and began attacking in an extremely reckless manner. Even if they died, they wanted to drag their enemies into the afterlife along with them.
As a result, the Geodudes, Gravelers and Golems suddenly began to have an extremely high number of casualties. Dozens of Geodudes died within a minute. Several Gravelers died as well. Though none of the Golems died, several took horrifying injuries.
In a minute, the momentum of the battle had changed. Even the leading Golem took a heavy beating. However, he was the one who was the most confused among any other Pokemon there.
He wondered, 'Golem?' (What the hell are these goddamn birds talking about? When did I send anyone to sneak in and attack their nest? Even if I did, how could we steal everything so quickly? Something is fishy. These Goddamn birds attacked us and killed our young ones. And now they are fighting like we are the ones who started the attack!)
The Golem tried talking with the leader of the Dodrios. Unfortunately, Dodrio wasn't in any mood to listen to his 'trickery'.
The Golem realized, 'Golem' (If this continues, then we might get wiped out instead. Even if we win, our losses would be too damn high and our hill will be under threat from other Pokemons! I can't let their assault continue).
The leading Golem immediately unleashed a loud roar! Responding to his roar, the remaining Geodudes, Gravelers and Golems that were still in the hill came out and began rolling down the hill. Since the Dodrios wouldn't listen, he wanted to use excessive force to eliminate them for good.
Unfortunately for the Golems, a few pairs of eyes sparkled with greed on seeing the Golem hill being emptied!
Orion licked his lips thinking, 'Hehe, I didn't anticipate this. Even though I wanted to blame the Golems, I didn't think they would enter into such a frenzy. This is so good. I can finally get some decent resources for my Rhydon.'
With the Golem hill nearly empty, Kadabra teleported Orion and his team right into their colony!
A/N : If you want to, you can support me on Pat reon.
Link - www.pat reon.com/demigod9
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Pat reon has 14 additional chapters right now.