
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Tranh châm biếm
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191 Chs

Chapter 5 - To Pewter City

Itsuki and his team arrived in Pewter city by afternoon. It wasn't that hard to get Pewter city especially when Itsuki had thoroughly studied the maps. Unlike a certain group, Itsuki never lost his path in the forest.

Itsuki sent Zera and Eevee to their poke balls. The Pewter city wasn't much developed when compared to Pallet town. The city was small but lively. In the center of the city is where the Pokémon Center was located.

Entering the Pokémon Center, Itsuki's look instantly attracted all the females, even famous and same looking never aging Nurse Joy looked at Itsuki and even came forward to greet.

"Hello! Welcome to Pewter city Pokémon center." Itsuki returned her greeting with a polite and gentle smile. "Hello! I want to register for the Indigo league. Can you please help me?" Nurse Joy nodded and asked Itsuki to follow him.

The registration was simple. Nurse joy first took Itsuki's photo and Itsuki paid 1,000 P$. When Itsuki left, his parents gave him 10,000 P$ and now he had 9,000 P$. After the registration, Itsuki got his badge case and a pokedex which he didn't needed.

Itsuki then said goodbye to Nurse Joy and went back to book a room in hotel. "I going to challenge Brock and he is a rock type gym leader. To defeat him, I afraid my Zera and Eevee won' able to help me that much. Plus I am not in a hurry to challenge Brock."

Itsuki also wanted to use his otherworldly knowledge to open some sort of business.

"In my 11 years of life, I know that Pokémon world also has internet but rarely anyone uses it. But If I can recreate YouTube or online games from earth, I should able to draw lots of attention."

"But to execute my plans I will need fund. I could always find the team rocket and steal their money." Itsuki had confidence that he could steal money from team rocket with his hacking skills.

After getting a room, Itsuki let Zera and Eevee rest in his room while he bought a laptop using 5,000 P$. 'The problem is, in this world people rarely uses Laptop or computer. Not to mention Mobile, as it does not exist.'

After buying a Laptop, Itsuki connected to the Wi-Fi given by the hotel. Of course, Itsuki had to pay some money to get their password.

'Having hacking skill in this world means you can do anything. Team rocket was able to hack into many research centers server because there were no strong defense barriers.'

Itsuki returned to his room and saw that his both Pokémon were eating barriers. Itsuki sat down and began to first try to find a man named Giovanni who was also the gym leader in public. Giovanni became the gym leader so that he could smoothly let his organization work in Kanto region.

'This world hacking technology is way behind earth. You can easily find one's IP address from internet under the user's nose and they will not find out.'

Itsuki after finally succeeded in hacking into Giovanni's bank account which was full of illegal people made by selling Pokémon to rich people. The whole Organization worked on stealing and threatening.

"Damn, he has more than 100 billion P$ on his account."

Itsuki couldn't even imagine how many people and Pokémon's life Team rocket ruined just to get this much money.

Itsuki did not hesitate to transfer one billion to an unknown account. He made sure to erase of presence. "They won't able to where did one billion P$ went." Itsuki also built a protector shield which hid information about his bank transactions.

'I really wish I could see Giovanni's reaction when he finds that he have suddenly lost 1 billion P$.' Itsuki smiling by imagining the ugly face of Giovanni. Itsuki also wanted to send some money to his parents but he didn't because he knew his parents would ask where he got this much from. That's why Itsuki wants to set his own business.

"It's already dinner time." Itsuki got up, Zera and Eevee also followed him. They went to 1st floor to have dinner and Itsuki went to take a bath and gave his Pokémon to the caretakers for cleaning their bodies. Both Eevee and Zera by nature liked to be cleaned daily because both of them are female.

Itsuki decided to create YouTube. Itsuki spent his entire night programming. His both Pokémon were very curious but after some time seeing those complicated words, both of them went to sleep. Despite working for the entire night, Itsuki was not tired because of having huge stamina.

"Recreating YouTube is easier since I am just making a copy of the original and with my programming skill, process became very smooth. But still I would need at least one week to recreate the entire thing."

Next day after having, Breakfast Itsuki went to a café which was located next to the Pokémon center. Itsuki got Wi-Fi in the café and there was also a playground for Pokémon. Itsuki let both of his Pokémon play there and he worked for the entire. Itsuki only stopped after 8 o'clock.

Every lady in the café looked at Itsuki and wanted to attract his attention but Itsuki was so focused on programming that he didn't notice them.

After returning, Itsuki had dinner and took a bath then again continued to work for the whole night. Like this 1 week passed, Itsuki finally finished recreating YouTube.

"This full week I did not sleep. I am extremely tired. I need some sleep." Itsuki told his Pokémon that he was going to sleep. Both Zera and Eevee watched over Itsuki as he slept.

10 hours later, Itsuki woke up. He first then took a bath and then went to have lunch with his Pokémon.

"Now I only have to promote my app throughout the entire Kanto region and also finish the editing. Also I nearly, I should ask Professor Oak to help me set up set up Server in Kanto region so that people in this region can use YouTube."

After lunch, Itsuki first called his parents and told them to not worry about him. Itsuki also told them about new project he has been working on. Fortunately Itsuki's parents did not ask how he got the idea or how he got the fund.

After calling his Parents, Itsuki called professor Oak.

"My boy Itsuki, how have you been doing?"

"I am doing fine professor. Professor Can you please help me with something?"

"What is it?" It was rare for Itsuki to ask Oak for any favor.

"Can you help set Server throughout Kanto region? You see recently I have…" Itsuki began to explain about his app and its usage.

"That's easy for me. I can finish the job in 2 weeks."

"Thank you Professor. I already have sent the money to your account." Itsuki is thankful that Oak did not ask Itsuki from where or how he got this much money.

"Finally I have some free time." Itsuki picked Eevee on his arms and decided to tour the Pewter city today.

"Zera, are you excited to tour the Pewter city?" Zera nodded her head with a smile.

Over the years, Itsuki has found that Pokémon world is crueler than he had thought. Many times, Trainer dies while traveling through the forest. It's that, the anime was kind of meant for children so the creators did not show my death scene. But this is actual Pokémon world.

Itsuki knew that many trainers treated their Pokémon with cruelty. Sometimes they would abandon Pokémon because they are not strong enough or worse trainers would even kill their own Pokémon. Itsuki had sworn to himself that he will never treat his Pokémon like that.

Good example, few years ago a trainer came to Pallet town. The trainer was very arrogant and challenged Professor Oak for a battle.

Because of his arrogance, the trainer never really properly trained his Pokémons so his Pokémons remained weak. Professor easily and quickly defeated that trainer in front of hundreds of people.

Losing in such humiliating way, the trainer felt ashamed and got out his anger on his injured Pokémon. He brutally in front of everyone killed his own Pokémon.

The whole scene was so disturbing that Itsuki still has Goosebumps and feels scared just thinking about that day.

Professor Oak was unable to stop him in time. But seeing a Pokémon being killed in front of him, Oak became angry and attacked the trainer. Later the trainer's ID was banned and he was put in prison.

That was the first and last time Itsuki had seen Professor Oak look so angry.

Today after touring through the city, Itsuki actually found a small black-market. The black market was located in an underground area. Before entering the black Market, Itsuki had put his both Pokémon in the poke balls. Who knows some greedy bastard might come after him to get his Zeraora, as Zeraora was a mythical Pokémon.


Written by Azure_warrior

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