
chapter 16- Getting benefits in Alex name

The moment Alex heard the words "pokemon riot" Alex started to lose his balance and he fell heavily on the ground. He started to lose his senses slowly. The surrounding people headed towards him to lift him back to his feet. Although they did rose him to his feet he still wobbled around.

This strange behavior shocked Pikachu as he never saw Alex like this and feared for Alex. While the other people who saw Alex as a monster after he crushed the presence of two older advanced trainer alone just sighed thinking,' It is understandable. After all even I am barely kept my senses after I heard it was happening.'

Alex after standing and drinking a glass of water one of the town guard gave him asked," How , how long till it officially begins?"

" It would be a couple of days at most. And after that we can only pray and try to protect the town. " Answered the mayor smiling sadly.

" So what do I have to do in this situation?" Alex asked resolutely after he overcome the initial shock of the news.

This impressed the captain of Garrison and gym leader greatly but they felt someone so young shouldn't join them in the battle especially one so young and strong.

If he was a rookie or even intermediate trainer he would only have to handle some Pokemon and can leave to rest but for advanced and higher level there is no rest.

They are leaders and have to be ready throughout the interval of battle and can't neglect a single second for the consequences could be disastrous.

There are many towns destroyed due to pokemon riot or better called as rampage of wild pokemons. They are nearly thousands of Pokemons in these riots and have turned many towns to ruins.

" Although you are good, you are still young. So you will follow the captain of town Garrison during this time. " Mayor thought that this way they can have least problem in case he neglected or become careless during his mission.

" So what level riot is this ?"

" according to latest reports, Luckily it is only low B grade riot."

Riots are divided into many different criteria on the basis of the leader of these riots.

D grade riot -- it is headed by advanced pokemons

C grade riot -- it is headed by elite pokemons

B Grade riot -- it is headed by pseudo king Pokemon

A grade riot -- it is headed by king grade pokemons

S grade riot -- it is headed by pseudo champion Pokemon.

And the rest higher grade riot are called apocalyptic riot for the massive damage and destruction happening to take down the pokemons. It is said that in these riots one feels that world end has arrived.

The these grades are divided into low, intermediate and high levels on basis on number of leaders. If there are three or less than Three leaders are present then it is low grade, if less than seven it is intermediate and if more than that it is advanced.

Alex just nodded and asked," Can I head for the pokemon center and my pokemons all healed up and ready for battle."

" Very well. The two guards who brought you here will take you to the pokemon center. " The mayor said and let him leave. Alex is still to young and can't be involved in the planning of town defence so his presence wasn't much needed here.

As for Alex dumping them and leaving the town they didn't consider this situation as if he dare to abandon the town he would be sanctioned by the league officials and he won't be able to escape the punishment.

Of course an elite four or Champion may help them in this situation but they won't waste their time on a developing genius. Only grown up genius are true genius and the kid genius are buried in the sand crushed, destroyed and used as stepping stone by others.

Alex left the room and the discussion for town defence restarted with new vigour. But the gym leader of the sky city, Terence said," it is a pity that he arrived at the town. If he headed for somewhere else he might have better chances of survival and he may grow into someone special in the future. "

" Indeed. I don't know how many young genius perished in these riots when they try to prove themselves they are better than others and are turned dead in return.

Captain Bolt, do protect him. He is probably looked after by some official in the league. I will try to get some more guards in his name. After all even if we take down the leader, to face so many elite and advanced pokemons would still be a problem.

And there is also signs showing it might be a intermediate grade riot. Even if you, me and Terrence get involved we could only take down the leaders. In that case there will be even more elite and advanced trainers which I don't think we could subdue." Mayor said as he felt it was more serious situation than a low grade riot.

After that most people left the room and only the trio master trainers remained. After the mayor Flinn called at the league, an official at the league HQ answered the call," Hello here is pokemons league HQ, how can I help you?"

" Hello I am Flinn, mayor of Sky town. I.. "

" I know you. You called multiple times for help but let me tell you, all the resources allotted to take on low grade riots is sent to you, we can't send anymore things or people to you. "

" But there is a high possibility that it may even be a intermediate grade riot. We need more help. We could take on the leader but the lower level pokemons may be too much for us to handle.

Also we have a young advance level trainer about eleven years old with us. I think league could grant us some more help even if just to protect him. " Mayor tried to negotiate

This turned the official silent and was thinking of something. " Tell me his name and pokemon trainer ID and I will do what I can after discussing with the leaders?"

" His name is Alex Bart from Floral town and his ID is…"

" Wait for my next call." And he turned down the phone.

The mayor, captain and gym leader were happy at getting more support for facing this riot.

How will the league official react and what changes may happen due to Alex involvement? Stay tuned

To be continued

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