
Interlude- Sunny's first friend

Sunny was feeling very important. She's helped Joy and Becca look after their twins for a while now but today was the first night she's watching them alone. True, its because there is a big brawl with some angry stupid mean sea monsters down in the Den but they trusted her with the twins!

Looking into their cribs she wobbles her ribbons in front of both of them. Baby laughter is a joy and it must be cherished. An hour of this passes by and at no point does Sunny grow bored. Eventually the babies tire and Sunny sings the lullaby she always sings them."Syl sylveonnn...Syl syl syl sylveooooon."Nodding at a job well done she pads from the room to make sure everything is locked. This is very important. Nothing in the Den would ever harm hatchlings but Mom always told Sunny that you lock doors if you aren't going anywhere.Humming to herself and planning to snack on the berries Joy left for her Sunny pauses. There was movement outside. Pink movement. And not Mom-pink but her pink. Mom said that sylveon were pretty rare but that looked like her color!Sunny paced something fierce in a circle. Mom calls it Sunny's 'thinking dance'. Which is silly. Sunny knows how to really dance. This is a walk.Ultimately Sunny is a good girl. She can't leave the babies. Still, she presses her face up against the glass and is momentarily distracted by the fog her breath keeps. Remembering when Mom drew pictures in the conden...Condem...condiment? The fog breath. Yes. Remembering that Sunny starts making a picture of herself. Maybe if the other her out there (What else could it be? There are no pink dragons she knows of) sees it they'll come say hi!Satisfied with a well thought out plan she resolves to tell Mars that she's smart too. Query already knows but Mars needs a reminder. And to stop sighing when she says so. Padding to the big comfy couch she hops on and starts bouncing high enough so she can see into the baby room and also have fun bouncing!Its a shock then when a voice speaks!"What are you doing? Is that fun? I float but that looks fun too!" Shocked, Sunny gets ready, light screens, reflects and a massive Moonblast all get ready to simultaneously defend the babies and make the intruder go away.Its been a while since Mom got hurt but Sunny will never be helpless again. However, she doesn't see an enemy. She sees a pink skitty floating in the air! Wait. Its more slender and doesn't have a big tail. A long tail. But not big and poofy.Skitty don't float do they. Wait! She has to be firm like Tru is!"Its bouncing but how did you get in? You can't come into a house unless you're invited! You have to ring the doorbell and let me feel your hand..Uhm. Paw. So I know you are good!"There. She told this thin floating skitty what's four. What for? She told them!"Oh! I'm sorry. I saw you drawing and I was curious so I popped in. Like this!" The weird skitty keeps on teleporting like Query can do but without switching with someone. Its pretty amazing. Sunny has to admit this. No! She still has to be firm!"Okay that's very neat. You seem nice but I promised not to let in a stranger. So if you want to come in we need to go to the door and then I'll touch you with my ribbon after you ring the doorbell. And if you're nice we'll become friends."Really. Sunny is doing a great job. Her logic is fantastic. She'll make sure to point this out to Mars again. The weird but nice skitty nods in agreement and floats behind Sunny as she uses her ribbons to open the door. Skitty-floater heads out and Sunny shuts the door. A minute passes.Sunny opens the door and subtly points to where the doorbell is. The door shuts and a bell rings.Sunny opens the door and says in a deepened voice. "Why hello there. I'm Sunshine Mita. How are you? May I help you? Who are you?"Skitty-floater looks a bit confused and does a few flips in the air without falling. Its quite impressive. "I'm me! And I would like to come in. Is that the right way? And why is your voice funny now?""Oh! That's how humans greet people. Let me just see." Sunny reaches her ribbon up and touches this 'Me' person. That must be hard to distinguish when people talk about themselves. Once her ribbon shakes Me's tiny little paw Sunny relaxes the Moonblast she was still charging.Sunny may be friendly but Mom doesn't raise a fool….Not even Zaela when she's cranky. Which is a lot."Yes that's fine. You're very, very nice. I can tell. Because ribbons. Come in! Would you like some berries?" Sunny knows you have to be nice to guests and help them find things because they've never been in your house before. Even if this is Joy's house. Actually. That makes more sense if its Joy's house. Cause all the pokémon who visit it. Berries make them less grumpy!Me floats by and nods happily as Sunny leads her to the kitchen. Minutes pass as the two pink-furred pokémon munch happily together."Mom said I'm supposed to offer you tiny talk. I don't think she means whispers but then again there are hatchlings in the next room so make sure not to be loud.""Oh! Can I see them? I've never seen human hatchlings before."Sunny considers. Me's emotions are very kind. Curious and innocent but quite kind. Sure! Joy and Becca love pokémon after all. "Okay but you have to be very, very quiet and not touch. They're not like pokémon babies. Very delicate."Sunny leads Me into the room and smiles as she always does when she sees the twins. They're perfect. Even if they poop a lot. Me seems fascinated and hovers over one then to the other as if they can't decide which to look at. Sunny is happy when Me whispers softly to talk."They're really tiny and cute. I think I should give them a gift. That's fine right?"Sunny thinks on this. When the twins were born they did get a lot of gifts. Her new friend is just a bit late! That should be fine."That should be okay. Just don't make it messy or loud."Dragons like making a mess. Sunny doesn't think Me is a dragon but best to be safe.Me nods seriously and says a name 'Mew' a bunch of times and a glow leaves her. Sunny quickly moves her ribbon up to touch Me carefully just in case and relaxes when the glow is shown to be beneficial in Me's emotions. A big desire to have them grow strong and well.The glow splits and settles over the twins who don't wake or appear to feel it at all."Was that Wish? I know that too.""No. Its not really a move. They have something inside them that is good and fun. I just made sure that it'll not be kept secret from them. Sometimes people never find their warmth. This will help protect them when they are older."Me speaks the truth. Mom says that she and their family have to get strong to make sure people are safe. If Me wants to help the twins then she must be good."Thank's Me. I'm happy you came around. Want to go hop on the couch and watch the babies?""That sounds like fun! I think I can stop floating if I try!"Sunny had fun with Me all night. When she woke up to Joy and Becca coming back early in the morning Me was gone. Sunny wasn't worried. Friends last forever. Sunny has a lot of family. But this was her first friend she thinks! And they still are friends. Even if they aren't around each other. Sunny knows this to be true. Cause even now she is happy to have met Me. Wants her to be well and good. Yeah. Perfect.Now to go hug Aurora. Then Mom. And she guesses Mars.All of them.