
Pokémon Untold

Patrick, a naïve pokémon trainer in the Hisui region, is going to have to give everything to save the pokémon he loves.

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6 Chs

Chapter 1 - R A I N

Patrick wiped away the cold drops of rain that battered against his cheek. A single pokéball latched to his belt. Another blow from the opposing Starley and his Shinx would have to be rushed to a Pokémon center.

The Starley raised its ruffled, wet feathers and began to flap rapidly. An enormous gust of wind threatened to take Shinx off the ground and send him flying backwards. In a panic Patrick threw his final pokeball. Caught up in the wind it flew overhead behind him. Shinx's paws lost their hold on the muddy terrain.

Lightning streaked through the sky and all Patrick could feel and all Patrick could feel was the rough, wet fur of his Shinx striking him in the abdomen. With a THUD - he splashed in to a puddle of mud. Shinx's fur was torn from the mane, its star like, once luminescent tail, was now dimly flickering underneath the black storm clouds.

"Sorry..." Patrick whispered under his breath.

Shinx let out a purr, just barley audible to Patrick's ears as the rain drops continued to shoot down from the sky. Patrick returned Shinx to his pokéball . He began to search the field for the one that was blown away by Starleys gust attack. 50 feet behind him he spotted the silhouette of a pokémon, but couldn't make out which one. As he came within 10 feet he stopped dead in his tracks. He had found his pokéball, and it lay right beside a sleeping Bibarel.