
Pokémon: Noah journey

Living as a brother of both Viola and Alexa have a happy live in Pokémon world. His name is Noah he takes glorious pictures of every Pokémon. His dream is to become best Pokémon trainer and take every picture of Pokémon. Follow his journey in Pokémon world with love, romance, adventurous and action.

Villain116 · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 2

"What's going on? Sis" claimed a little boy while seeing a woman cleaning a camera set. She stopped and glimpse at the cute boy who has a bright smile on his face. She chuckles seeing how enthusiasm he is, she strokes his black hair.

"Nothing much cleaning my new camera set" stated the woman with brown hair and dark green eyes.

"You always do this Sis; you know my desire is to become the best Pokémon trainer and I will take every picture of Pokémon because it will help you in your dream Sister" declared the boy as he smiles.

"Awa thank you my cute little brother" claimed she cuddle him.


"Helioptile~" shout a lizard type Pokémon as it rubs its head to her cheek who was sleeping. She woke up from her dream as she smiles.

"Did we reach the airport Helioptile?, I can't wait to see him" claimed she observe at the window as she notice the airport as her heartbeat become greater.

*Attention to the travelers the plane has reached Kalos region- Lumiose city. Thank you for traveling*

"Huh, home sweet home" said Alexa as get out of the plane.


"Long time no see!" claimed Noah as he hugs her.

"Noah!" claimed Alexa as her voice is full of happy. She then kisses him all over his face. He couldn't help let her do it. After some time, she clams herself and look at him delightfully.

"Look at you, have you eating?, you look very thin and I have told you handful of times while traveling that you should eat properly sis" stated Noah as he starts lecture to her. Seeing this Serena and Viola chuckles, both Gible and Eevee are playing happily with Helioptile.

"Good for you!" stated Viola in sarcasm. Alexa grin looking at her. Viola turns away from her eye sight.

"Noah, I'll do it as you say so, please let it go and I promise" stated Alexa as put a pitiful face. He clams down a little and nod his head. She sighed inwardly and hugs one more time.

"Hello, sister Alexa" said Serena.

"Oh, Serena how are you?" claimed Alexa as they both start talking, Gible directly jump into her.


"Awa Gible did you miss me, me to" claimed Alexa as she cuddle it and pat Eevee head.

"Ok, shall we all go to prof. Sycamore Lab" stated Viola.

"Ah, I'll drive sister" claimed Alexa.



Lumiose city- prof. Sycamore Lab

"Gabite~" landshark type Pokémon as it moves to its head toward a man with black curly hair and gray eyes. He pats gently as Gabite close it eyes with a happy expression.

"Oh, they have come" said he go towards the entrance.

"Hello prof. Sycamore Good to see you" claimed Noah as he shakes hand with prof. Sycamore.

"Haha it's been long time Noah and you look glorious, hello you guys" claimed pro. Sycamore. They all nodded their heads and talk each other as for Pokémon they are in their world.

"Oh! Your Shiny Gible and Eevee are as healthy as usual and you are starting your journey, come I prepared everything for it" stated prof. Sycamore. An assistant came with Pokédex and Pokéballs. In addition to, three Pokémon stand in straight line as they look at Noah.

"Thank you prof. Sycamore"

"No problem your photos on Mega evolution helped my research enormously" claimed prof. Sycamore as he gives those things and asked him to select the Pokémon.

"No prof. I don't need Pokémon because I have Gible and Eevee as my starting Pokémon" stated Noah as he pats the three Pokémon.

"Ok then take 10 Pokéballs, don't worry I'll manage from association furthermore this ID is that you worked as an assistant prof. in my lab it'll help you in discount while you are purchasing items in association" prof. Sycamore.

"Thank you prof. Sycamore"

"it's ok, this is what I do?" stated professor.

"Lastly, I want you take these reports to prof. Rowan and it helps a lot for me, will you" claimed Professor.

"No worries" said Noah as he takes those reports and put it in his backpack.

"I'd better get going"

"Ah, if you take any photos about Pokémon while evolving send me those pics" declared Prof.Sycamore.


"You should go for extra mile" as a reply Noah smiled.


They spend in Luminose city for one day, all dated together in the city. The city avenues have smaller Parisian- style buildings, eating in famous restaurant. Finally, they all went to prisom tower.

"I told those two that I'll be here" claimed Noah as he looks around.

"Who you are talking about?" asked Alexa.

"Brother Noah!" shouted cute little blonde girl as she run and hug him.

"Bonnie! How are you?" claimed Noah

"I am good brother Noah" said Bonnie.

"Ok, where is Clemont?" said Noah as Bonnie put a blank face.

"Brother come quickly" shouted Bonnie as they all see a blonde hair person running while panting laboriously.

"That's a good one" stated Noah as he holding his laugh.

"Don't joke and Bonnie why did you run always?" argued Clemont.

"Ok dude long time and how is your work now?" said Noah.

"Well, everything is fine and are you going to start your journey" said Clemont.

"Yep, I am dude" claimed Noah as they talk each other and Bonnie talk with others. They go to Lumiose museum and spend happily some time.

"Ok Clemont bey and Bonnie don't cry I will come again at that time I will give you numerous souvenirs" suggested as he hugs her while patting her head.

"Woo.. really will you come?" asked Bonnie while she is crying as he nodded his head. She then pecks his cheek.

"Ah, brother Noah don't forget to check a girl for my brother" claimed Bonnie

"Bonnie don't tell like that, how many times I have told you and it is very embarrassing" argued Clemont as everyone laughed out. Then they say goodbye to each other and went directly to Airport. Both Viola and Serena are crying, he hugs them and talk some time with them.

"Take care both of you" "Gible~" "Eevee~" "Helioptile~" said Noah unexpectedly Viola kiss him on his lips which shocked Alexa. Serena also kisses him. They both wave their hands as he and Alexa go in plane as it takes off.


Sinnoh region- Sandgem city

At airpot

"Huh, I'll send you pics of this region Sis Alexa" said Noah as he looks at her with complicated heart.

"Noah did Viola…." Before she wants to say he interrupted her by kissing her. She widens her eyes and let him kiss her.

"I love you to the moon and back" declared Noah as she starts crying and nodded her head.

"Me to, looks like my plane is come, I dying for to come with you but I have work and I will try to come at Sinnoh league" stated Alexa.

"Take care!" "Gible~" "Eevee~"

"Step up your game" "Bey" as they both wave their hands. She turns her head as she holds her mouth with her hand, tears falling from her face.


"It's ok, he starts up his goal then I will be preserving on my goal" claimed Alexa as she put a determine face.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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