
Pokémon: Landon's Kanto

10 year old Landon Rayner have move away from the Kalos region to the Kanto region to the town with his parents called: Pallet town. Landon and his shiny partner: Charmander to set on the journey to become the Pokemon Master while battling Mega Evolution along with his friends, can Landon and Charmander achieve his dreams while becoming mega evolution user and achieve his dreams?

Daoist30RBKp · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Pokémon Emergency!

Previously on Landon's Kanto. Landon have found an Shiny Charmander that was being captured by the Pokemon hunter and he'd rescue the fire type only he'd got the repay by the flamethrower on the poacher and it was sending to jail. Landon and his families to move into Kanto and Landon got himself an Rotom Phone to go on the journey in the Kanto learn about the mega evolution and get a Keystone from Mr. Fuji in the town called: Lavender town. Landon had manage to capture an Pidgey and he'd got himself another Shiny Pokemon that is a Magikarp that has the same color skin just like Charmander. Not only that he'd met an legendary Pokemon called: Ho-oh and get himself an Rainbow wing becoming the rainbow hero and he'd started to resume his journey only the trouble lurks in the city of Viridian. in this evening with the sun goes down. Landon kept on skating while capturing his two Pokemon. Pidgey and Shiny Magikarp. Landon kept on his mind that he'd saw the Legendary Pokemon of Ho-oh that was in the Kanto region while on his journey, if he'd wanted to knew about Mega evolution and getting his own Keystone while battling mega evolve Pokemon with his Charmander, until he'd becomes an Charizard. Landon kept on skating until he'd saw the city just up ahead as he'd hit the breaks with the sparks from his roller-blades of shoes as he'd look over the horizon of the city. 

"Viridian city. Time to head over to the Pokemon Center." Landon said as he'd started to skate his way toward the city, and he'd didn't know the figure was behind him. Earlier like two hours ago when the curtain female is carrying an damage bike due to the accident of the atrocious Pokemon. She has short, red hair tied into a side ponytail with blue elastic rubber band. She has green eyes and fair skin. She wears a yellow tank top that reveals her midriff, red suspenders, denim shorts that stop at her thighs and red sneakers with yellow lining and white laces. Her name is Misty Waterflower. She's the Cerulean city gym leader. You want to know why she's outside of the city from her duties as the gym leader? She's off on an journey to become an Water Pokemon Master and she's setting to make her dream come true, when she'd was fishing over the lake that she'd left an hour ago. She'd accidently fished an Gyarados on the lake and she'd was frightened of it and she'd tried to capture one and to overcome her fear until the Gyarados slammed on her tail toward Misty until she'd move out of the way, not only that the Gyarados crushes her bike and she'd saw her bike condition and she'd was furious and she'd was about to lash onto that Gyarados until the atrocious Pokemon unleashed the hyper beam toward her until she'd move out of the way as she'd started to make a run away from the gyarados. Misty was struggle carrying her bike toward the city so she'd can find the repair shop to fixed her bike and she'd kept on struggling on it. Misty gave it up and dropped with the signed. 

"It's hopeless. I've spent some of that money of that bike, I've just got. But thanks to the Gyarados and my fear of it. Let's hope there's an bike shop in Viridian City." Misty said in hopeful that they're might be an Bike shop in Viridian city so she can head back home. She'd just stopped until she'd heard some rolling as she'd kept on walking toward to the end of the trees until she'd turned to the source to the boy on her age that was skating as he'd hit the breaks with the sparks on his roller blades as he'd look over the horizon of the city. That boy was Landon Rayner.

"Viridian City. Time to head over to the Pokemon Center." Landon said as he'd started to skate his way toward the city. Misty saw Landon that she'd never seen before that how he'd handle those roller skates shoes that she'd never knew to skate, but she'd always the bike handle kind of girl that she'd tried. but she knew she'd hate skating. but this isn't time for that. Misty struggle to carried her bike over to the viridian city where'd Landon is heading toward the city to find the repair shop or not. Over in the city of Viridian to see an small Police station with the garage where'd the person reside to see Officer Jenny. She have dark hair teal and brighter skin. She wear a purple cap with a black rim, red top, and gold star, a purple collared shirt with red trim, a sky blue chestpiece, and gold shoulder pads, a black purse, a matching belt with a gold buckle, a purple skirt, black shoes, and white gloves. Officer Jenny are jobs to keep an identification of Pokemon Trainers, while dealing with Poachers, thieves and Criminals. Jenny using the compact remote radio on the speakers to the warning around all citizens of Viridian. 

"Attention, citizens of Viridian city! Attention, citizens of Viridian City! We have reports about possible Pokemon thieves in our area! Be on the lookout for suspicious looking strangers! Repeat - Be on the lookout for suspicious looking..." Officer Jenny stopped as she'd saw Landon skating up toward the Viridian city outpost coming towards it.

"Speak of the devil." Officer Jenny said seeing Landon skating his way toward Viridian city as Landon was almost his way over to the city toward the Pokemon Center as he'd saw Officer Jenny steps out of the station as she'd put her palm hand toward Landon. 

"Stop!" Officer Jenny ordered as Landon hit the brakes with some tire marks marking the road as he'd finally hit the brakes from his roller shoes as he'd stood in front of Officer Jenny. 

"Just where'd you skating at this time, young man?" Officer Jenny asked as Landon knew that where'd many officer Jenny's back in Kalos Region. His parents brings him and Charmander sense he'd got his first Pokemon. The officer they've thought they've accused of Landon stealing that shiny Charmander, until Abraham and Beatrice clearly states that this Charmander belongs to his son sense he's been raising it and they've clearly understand. Landon retract the blades back into his shoes. 

"Heading over to the Pokemon Center to rest up, Officer." Landon answered to the Officer Jenny of the Kanto region. 

"I'm going have to see your ID." Officer Jenny said as she'd put her hand in front of Landon as the former Kalos native got out his Rotom Phone out as he'd gave it to Officer Jenny as she'd started to see the identification of his Rotom. Officer Jenny carefully studied of his ID and she'd got it.

"Alright, looks like your ID is confirmed. Sorry about that, we've got a lot of Pokemon thieves around here." Officer Jenny said apologies to Landon as he'd noticed the wanted poster front of the billboard. The first one has shoulder-length periwinkle hair with a single fringe sprouting from the center of his eyes. The second has magenta long hair that it wears curled in a comet-tail behind her head. And she'd wears a pair of green pearl earring on her ears. They've both wears the same uniform of the White long and short shirt with the R on it and black gloves. White pants and white short skirt and black boots. First one is holding an Rose and the other one is showing that she'd wave her hand to cover herself.

"I can see that." Landon said seeing the wanted poster makes him sick that the Pokemon Poachers were sailing Charmander to the black market but luckily, he'd manage to save him.

"You've must be the forth person coming here from Pallet town." Officer Jenny said as Landon look back to the officer.

"Actually, in truth. I've come from the Kalos region and me and my folks move here to Pallet town. We've just got settle in." Landon said telling the officer the truth.

"Ah, and I've welcome you to the Kanto region. How I've get you a lift to get there?" Officer Jenny asked as Landon look at her confused.

"You've sure about that? I can skate myself to the..." Landon couldn't finished as Officer Jenny bring Landon to the garage where'd her motorcycle that has the side car attach to it as she'd set Landon down on the car seat as the garage door starting to open toward the road.

"Sit tight. Hold on and don't screamed!" Office Jenny exclaimed as she'd revved up the motorcycle as she'd drive toward the Pokemon Center as Landon starting to hold on from the crazy officer driving with the huge cloud of smoke in its wake only for a short term that the smoke is clear revealing Misty while carrying her damage bike with her might. Misty starting coughing of the smoke that Officer Jenny just make. 

"Hey!" Misty yelled at the officer that makes the smoke coming from her bike and she'd saw Landon on the sidecar that she'd must've followed him here in this city. She'd knew that Landon didn't borrowed her bike only he'd skated himself to the city with his pair of roller skate shoes. Misty knew it's getting late that the repair shop might be closed and she'd started to head over to the Pokemon Center where'd Officer Jenny and Landon is heading. Over past the hour that Officer Jenny and Landon are heading to the Pokemon Center that was just up ahead and Landon saw the Pokemon Center knew that was big just like the Pokemon Center back in Santalune city.

"I'd never knew that Pokemon Center was that big." Landon said seeing the gigantic Pokemon Center here in Viridian City and he'd notice that Officer Jenny isn't stopping her bike. 

"This is tricky. Just hold on. Here we go." Officer Jenny said as she'd starting to speed up as Landon starting to hold on from the speeding Officer clears the staircase at the front entrance and She'd slides it through to the inside as the doors open as the motorcycle and it's engages the break in front of the desk with the Nurse Joy resides. 

"We have a driveway, you know." Nurse Joy said scolding the officer that she'd drives into the Pokemon Center in the main lobby. 

"Sorry about that. I'd have to bring this trainer here that he's new in Pallet town." Office Jenny said in apologizing as Landon got out of the Sidecar still woozy from the driving that Officer Jenny just did. 

"Never. Do that again." Landon said controlling his emotions from the ride that officer just gave him. Landon took the deep breath and approach to the nurse joy. 

"Hey, can you give my Pokemon a Check up, please? And I'd like a room for a night." Landon said. 

"Why, Certainly." Nurse Joy said as she'd set the tray with six balls for each Pokemon in as Landon set his Pokemon in there with his three Pokemon and she'd gave Landon an room key for the Pokemon Center. Officer Jenny realized something.

"Oh, my goodness. I've must've drive in the Pokemon Center and it park in the front desk." Officer Jenny just nervously laughed while Nursey Joy smile.

"Next time, use the driveway." Nurse joy said as Office Jenny just left still laughing nervously as she'd took her motorcycle out of the Pokemon Center. 

"So, what's your name?" Nurse Joy asked.

"Landon Rayner. I'm new in the Kanto region." Landon said introducing to the Nurse Joy in the Kanto Region.

"Well then, Landon. We'll get your Pokemon properly treated." Nurse Joy said walking away with the tray of Pokemon that belongs to Landon. Landon sat on the benches of the Pokemon Center waiting for his Pokemon getting proper treated. He'd still kept on thinking about the Mega Evolution that he'd was so eager wanting to bond with so many Pokemon, so he can help them to reach their full potential. Shiny or Not Shiny. Landon look at the clock that has the wooden house that the miniature Pidgey kept on Coo-Coo that's read 8:00 PM. 

"Man. Waiting at the local Pokemon Center sure is taking a lot of time." Landon said that he'd learn about treating his Charmander healthy that his flame that his life source, it didn't not treated properly the flame will died along with Charmander. Landon noticed the video phone over at the hospital door with the needle sign with it as he'd knew that he'd needed to make a call from his new hometown while journeying. Landon stood up and he'd walked up to the video phones and he'd sat down on the stool as he'd grab the phone as he'd dial the new phone number that his parents told him while he'd just left for his journey. Landon put the phone on the ear while hearing the ringing noise from the phone and he'd waited for the call of his parents to answered his calls and he'd heard of the male voice.

"Hello? This is the Rayner's residence." The voice belongs to Abraham Rayner. 

"Hey, Dad. It's me." Landon said hearing the picture of Abraham appeared on the screen.

"Landon! Hey, how'd you doing son? Where'd are you?" Abraham asked of what his son is doing. 

"I'm at the Viridian City Pokemon Center." Landon said about that he'd arrive at the Viridian City. 

"You're at Viridian City? Most of the trainers usually get there until days to get there by day and night. I'm guessing you've must've arrive there by one day." Abraham said about his son arrival in the city contacting his dad. Landon notice someone is missing.

"Hey, Dad? Where's Mom?" Landon asked wanted to know where'd his mom is.

"Oh, Beatrice is greeting the resident at the next door goes by the name of Delia. Your mom and Delia are having some girls time. How about you? What have you been doing?" Abraham asked.

"Oh, I'm just caught myself some two Pokemon I've just got. Got a Pidgey and a Shiny Magikarp." Landon told his dad that he'd got two Pokemon in his arsenal that he'd just got on his first day of journey in the Kanto. 

"A shiny Magikarp?! Geez, and I've thought your Charmander was the only shiny." Abraham joking that Landon's got his Charmander that it was the only shiny Pokemon that he'd got in his arsenals.

"In case if you hadn't noticed, Dad. Most of the Pokemon have all shinnies just like Charmander and Magikarp. they're might be more of them out there." Landon said reasoned his dad that there are more shinnies out there seeing or catching them. Abraham laughed nervously of his son's remarked. 

"Good point. Wish you could see your mom, but she's still busy chatting with the neighbor." Dad said apologizing to his son. 

"It's alright. Maybe next time." Landon said as they've both said goodbye to each other and they've hanged up. Landon move around the stool just thinking about his journey's and learning about Mega Evolution as he'd notice the four colors stone on the wall. Landon walked over to the counter to see those stones. He'd recognize them in the books. Fire stone is Moltres. the fire legendary type. The blue is Articuno. The ice legendary type. The green one is Zapdos. The electric legendary type and the last yellow stone is Arcanine. the legendary Pokemon. 

"Moltes. Articuno. Zapdos. The three legendary of Kanto's." Landon said seeing the three Legendary of Kanto's trio, he'd only saw Ho-oh, the rainbow Pokemon. He'd never thought seeing his first sight of Ho-oh while being given a Rainbow wing from Ho-oh. Landon thoughts were interrupted as he'd heard the phone call as he'd saw the computer desk that someone was calling in the Viridian City Pokemon Center. Landon pressed the phone key button answering the call.

"This is Landon. May I'd asked who's calling?" Landon asked as he'd notice the fourth stone of Arcanine just dropped down revealing the screen of Professor Oak behind Landon that he'd didn't seen him. 

"I'm over here. Landon. It's professor Oak. Don't you see me?" Professor Oak asked that he'd didn't see him only behind him.

"You sure about that? The only thing I've saw was behind you." Landon said teasing only to see Professor Oak look behind to see Landon and he'd panic and he'd starting type on his computer causing the camera to face in front of him. 

"There. throat Clear. I just spoke with your father and he'd told me you've made it to the Pokemon Center in Viridian City. Is that correct?" Professor Oak asked seeing one of his trainers had made it into Viridian City. 

"Yeah, I'd was be talking to you I've gotten here sooner." Landon said reasoning the professor Oak of Kanto.

"You couldn't be talking if you-- Oh, I see. I dialed the Pokemon Center in Viridian City and you were able to answer." Professor Oak said about that Landon just answered the call behind the desk that the Professor Oak just answered instead of using the video phones. 

"Yes, just because I'd just got here." Landon said about he'd arrived gotten here in the night of Viridian City. 

"Mm. Hmm. I suppose that proves it. The other new Pokemon trainers made it there with no problem. And I'm pleasantly surprised you got there so soon. I admit, when you left on your journey, I had my doubts that you and Charmander are pretty handle as well, that just when Gary started his journey..." Professor Oak couldn't finished as Landon interrupted him.

"Wait. Who's Gary?" Landon asked whom this Gary is. 

"Oh, Gary just happens to be my grandson. He just left on the journey of becoming the Pokemon Master along with the other trainers got their own Pokemon goes by the name of Red and Leaf." Professor Oak explained to Landon about his Grandson Gary. 

"Wouldn't he'd had a red automobile by any chance?" Landon asked, curiously.

"Yes, that he'd does, Why?" Professor Oak asked. 

"Well, your idiot grandson driver almost run me over when I'm trying to meet you in person." Landon said about his grandson of his own ego couldn't control. Professor Oak just grumbled of his arrogant grandson. 

"That Grandson of mine." Professor Oak said mumbling.

"Anyway, while I'd just left, I'd just saw the legendary Pokemon called: Ho-oh appears in the sky over the rainbow. Here I've got it on my Rotom Phone." Landon said as he'd got out his Rotom Phone as he'd show the image to the Professor Oak that he'd just had an heart attack. 

"Landon! this is astounding! You've just met that legendary Pokemon! Sense most of the trainers just gave up their lives while trying to catch the legendary. you've must be pretty lucky." Professor Oak said about Landon seeing the legendary Pokemon in Kanto region.

"Thanks Professor." Landon said as he'd put his Rotom Phone away and it's a good thing, he didn't show the Professor the Rainbow wing. They've both heard the doorbell rings that's came from Professor Oak door.

"Ah, there's my pizza. Coming! It was very nice talking to you, Landon. And good luck. Mm, anchovies, spinach and pineapple pizza." Professor Oak said while he'd got his pizza from the delivery guy as he'd hung up the call from Landon. Landon heard the door open and he'd saw Nurse Joy coming with trays of Pokeballs containing belongs to Landon. 

"Here you are, Landon. Your Pokemon are fit and ready." Nurse joy said as Landon took his Pokeballs from the tray and he'd put it in his belt. 

"Thank you, Nurse joy." Landon said and he'd about to get some rest for tonight, until they've heard door open from behind as they've look over to see Misty carried her damage and crushed bike from her arms. 

"Finally!" Misty exclaimed that she'd got to the Pokemon Center and she'd was sweating from carrying her bike. 

"Oh my! What happened?!" Nurse joy asked of seeing Misty's bike. 

"Gyarados destroyed my bike! Trying to capture one but I'd run away!" Misty explained to the nurse joy of Viridian City. 

"Oh." Landon said wincing of the damage bike and he'd always used his roller shoes to skate to the Viridian City. Misty approach to the counter while Landon move aside from her.

"Is there an repair bike shop around here?" Misty asking hopefully that they're might be an repair shop here in this city. 

"I'm afraid not. But I've manage how to repair damage bikes." Nurse joy said that she'd got an skillful of repairing damage bikes. Misty signed of relief that she'd can't find an repair shop, but she'd did find someone that can help her.

"Thank you." Misty said in appreciate tone as she'd dropped her damage bike to the floor in front of the counter. Misty was still notice Landon was beside her while taking the breath. 

"Oh, sorry about that. Didn't see you there." Misty said apologizing to Landon that he was here in the Pokemon Center. 

"It's okay." Landon said. 

"I've just saw your skating your way here in this city." Misty said as she'd watched Landon that he'd skated his way over to the city of Viridian while carrying her damage. 

"Thanks, I've been pretty skillful of using these roller skate shoes." Landon said as he'd look at his roller skate shoes that the blades are in the shoes retractable. 

"Oh, by the way. Misty Waterflower. I'm specialized of Water-types, " Misty said introducing to Landon.

"Landon Rayner. I'm new to the Kanto region. My folks and I move here to the Kanto from the Kalos region." Landon said introducing to the red-headed here in Viridian City. Landon thought of something of it.

"You say that you're an Water-type user? Then, how come you tried to capture an Gyarados sense it was an Water and flying type?" Landon asked of the Water-type user that she'd tried to capture an Gyarados, but she'd run away.

"You want to know? It happens while I'd was just a baby. I'd was just crawling toward an sleeping Gyarados while I'd accidently went inside of his mouth and Gyarados closed it and after that, he'd just spit me out and I'd was crying. I've been terrified ever sense." Misty explained to the new native of Kanto that she'd was almost swallowed by the Gyarados as a baby. Landon winced, again about how Misty almost swallowed by the atrocious Pokemon. 

"Oh, That's rough." Landon said hearing that Misty almost swallowed by Gyarados.

"Tell me about it." Misty said in disbelief that she'd almost got swallowed and she'd tried to get her fear over it, but she didn't. Before they can say anything else, they've heard the speaker belongs to Officer Jenny and the alarm has gone off. 

"Your attention, please! Viridian City! Your attention, please. Our viridian city sensors have detected an aircraft belonging to a gang of Pokemon thieves! If you have a Pokemon in your possession, exercise extreme caution." Officer Jenny warned of the citizens of Viridian City and the Pokemon Center that they're are Pokemon thieves that has an aircraft. Nurse Joy and Misty were starting to alerted while Landon, however his face just sneered while mentioning of thieves. 

"Scums!" Landon exclaimed seeing the thieves are coming here. They've heard something shattered as they've two Pokeballs coming out of the window glass as the Pokeballs are open revealing out two Pokemons. First one is a spherical Pokémon filled with toxic gases. It has vacant eyes and a wide mouth that usually has two pointed teeth in the upper jaw. However, a full set of teeth has been seen in the anime. Below its face is a cream-colored skull-and-crossbones marking. Several geyser-like protrusions, which usually release a mustard-colored gas, cover this Pokémon's body. Koffing's purple skin is very thin, and over-inflation can cause it to explode. The second is a purple, serpentine Pokémon. Its eyes, underbelly, the thick stripe around its neck, and rattle are yellow. Ekans has three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects to each slit-pupiled eye and curves toward its nose. Its large mouth has a round, pink tongue and no visible teeth.

"Koffing!" Koffing was called out of his Pokeball.

"Ekans!" Ekans was called out of his Pokeball was well while rattling its tail. Koffing starting to released an huge amount of smoke coming out of his geyser protrusions. Landon, Misty and Nurse Joy are trying so hard trying to breath through the smoke as Landon whipped out his Rotom Phone and scanned those two Pokemon coming out of their Pokeballs. 

Koffing, the poison Gas Pokemon. A poison type. In hot places, Its eternal gases could expand and explode without any warning, Be very careful! 

Landon scanned the snake like Pokemon.

Ekans, the snake Pokemon. A Poison type. The older it gets, the longer it grows. At night, it wraps its long body around tree branches to rest. 

Landon put his Rotom Phone away still getting suspicious.

"Enough of this. Who's there?!" Landon asked in demanded. 

"Don't be frightened, little boy." The female voice said as the smoke starting to cleared revealing two figures. Landon recognized them in the wanted poster that he'd got here in Viridian City. 

"Allow us to introduce ourselves." The male voiced asked. 

(Hope you readers wouldn't mind I'd skip the motto it's really bugging while I'd was watching so many anime's of Pokemon.)

"We are Team Rocket. We came here to seek and rare valuable that are here in this Pokemon Center." The man just James just spoke.

"Your wasting your time. This is a center for weak and injured Pokemon." Nurse Joy replied that she'd needed them to leave, immediately.

"That may be so, but wouldn't be surprised if we found some gems among the junk." The Woman known as Jessie shot it back at her.

"If you think you can waltz in here and tried to take these injures. You've got anything coming." Landon said stepping in to face those incompetent fools. 

"Isn't that cute, the boy thinks he can tell us what to do." Jessie sneered. 

"Meowth, then lets squashed him!" Meowth squeaked. 

"Stay back you two. I'd got this." Landon said as he'd got two of his Pokeball out of his belt and pressed the button making them large. 

"Charmander! Pidgey! Battle time!" Landon called out at his two Pokemon got out of their Pokeballs into the battle. 

"Char!" Charmander was called out.

"PId" PIdgey chirped got called out as well. Charmander stars swirled around him entry. 

"What a rare, Charmander. I bet we can delivered it to the boss." Jessie giggled. Landon's face was anger about his Charmander getting poached from that witched. 

"Ready you two?" Landon asked his two Pokemon. 

"Charmander?" Charmander's tail flame fired up in determination.

"Gey!" Pidgey ruffled his feathers getting for a fight.

"Koffing, attack them with tackle!" James ordered.

"Ekans, grabbed it with bind!" Jessie ordered as both poison types charged with their attacks.

"Pidgey! Sand attack blind their eyes and Charmander! Dragon Dance!" Landon ordered as PIdgey flapped his wings creating huge dust of storm toward the poison type blinding their eyes and Charmander and surrounded by red and purple vortex went away and a few seconds. After that the sand storm they've charge at Landon's Pokemon. Pidgey dodge of Koffing's tackle attack while Ekans tried to bind Charmander, due to the Dragon dance increased Charmander's attack and speed. Charmander's speed kept on going speed in the blind of an eye as Ekans trying to captured that fired lizard.

"Dragon claw!" Landon ordered as Charmander claws glowed in Cyan as he'd slashed the snake Pokemon toward the snake Pokemon and Pidgey was told be Landon to used tackle while slamming the poison gas and into team rocket crashing down as they've both tried to get them off at them. 

"Ok. Charmander! Aim your flamethrower at Koffing's Geyser!" Landon ordered as Charmander took an deep breath as he'd unleashed the burst of Flamethrower toward Koffing's Geyser as the gas and flame don't mix with each other causing the huge burst of flame causing it to explode sending those idiots out of the building and into the sky. 

"TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF!" They've yelled causing the twinkle star appeared and disappeared. Landon was taking a breath in and out while dealing with those idiots. Nurse joy and Misty were impressed out of his battling skills and Nurse Joy was delighted that Landon just saved the Pokemon from being taken away. Landon noticed the huge entrance was blown up due to the gas from Koffing's and the flamethrower from Charmander's. 

"Oh, I've must've overdone it." Landon said seeing the damage caused by him and Charmander. 

"Char." Charmander said agreeing with Landon as well and Landon turned to Nurse Joy.

"Sorry about the damage, Nurse joy." Landon said apologizing to her. 

"It's fine. I'm glad that all the Pokemon are safe and sound. Thank you." Nurse joy said shaking Landon's hand in appreciated. 

"Don't worry about the damage. We've always fixed it all the time." Nurse Joy explained. 

"Ok. Alright. it's been a busy day. Come on, Guys. Let's hit the sack." Landon said as Charmander and PIdgey agreed as they've walked to their rooms to get some sleep. They've got an important day tomorrow. Misty was still amazed of what just happened. Landon just stopped team rocket and saved the injured Pokemon with his Shiny Charmander and his PIdgey as well. Until the next Chapter. Going over to the next city called: Pewter City. Landon needs to get through the forest called: Viridian Forest. However, He'd wasn't too comfortable with Misty that's her bike was damage as an companionship and he'd had no choice but to take her with him through the forest from her fear of bugs, while meeting the samurai wants to battle the foreigner native and the horde of Beedrills in this forest while dealing the team rocket trying to get his Charmander. Let's find out. 

Chapter 2 finished. 

Landon Rayner. 

Shiny Charmander: Male - Flamethrower, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Growl

Pidgey: Male - Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust

Shiny Magikarp: Male - Splash

Prof. Oak ranch - None