
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
94 Chs

Chapter 15: Kabuto

Julian awoke early, the peaceful ambiance of the morning reminiscent of his old home. Early rising had become a habit, a reminder of simpler times. He glanced out of the window to find a magnificent rainbow stretching across the sky, dewdrops glistening in the grass like scattered diamonds. The serenity of the moment filled him with a sense of tranquility.

After stretching and summoning his Pokémon, they engaged in their morning training and exercises. It was a bonding experience, a routine that strengthened their connection.

Julian: "I should visit the research center soon. I don't know how long it will take for Kabuto to be resurrected. This day is so peaceful; I hope I don't encounter any trouble today."

With his Pokémon by his side, Julian prepared to head to the Pokémon research center. He donned his usual black coat and mounted his bike for the journey. As he arrived at the research center, he was met by Tad.

Tad's arrival signaled the potential for new adventures and discoveries, a reminder that even in peaceful moments, the Pokémon world was full of surprises.

Tad: "Julian, you're just in time. The resurrection is about to be complete."

Julian couldn't contain his excitement. He rushed towards the lab with Professor Tad, his heart pounding with anticipation. As they reached the lab's beachside, a group of researchers and scientists surrounded the glowing fossil. Julian took his place in front of it, eager to witness the long-awaited moment.

Minutes felt like hours as they waited, their eyes fixed on the glowing fossil. Then, the radiance began to dim, revealing a small brown shell with four tiny legs and red glowing eyes peering out from beneath. It was Kabuto, brought back to life.

Julian couldn't help but smile, a mix of relief and joy washing over him as he beheld the resurrected Pokémon.

Julian thought to himself, 'System, display Kabuto's stats.'

As the information appeared, Julian's excitement grew. Kabuto's revival marked a significant milestone in their journey, and it was a moment worth celebrating.

Stats - Kabuto

Level - 1

HP - 30

Attack - 60

Defense - 80

Sp. Atk - 55

Sp. Def - 45

Speed - 55

Move set - harden, scratch. 

Julian: 'It looks like it's also very healthy.'

Julian couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he studied Kabuto's stats and moveset. With a strong Defense stat and decent Attack, Kabuto showed potential as a resilient battler. The moveset, though limited for now, hinted at the ability to both defend and strike.

Julian turned to Professor Tad and the surrounding researchers, a determined glint in his eye.

Julian: "Kabuto is in great shape, and its state show promise. We'll start training right away to unlock its full potential. Harden and Scratch might be its current moves, but together, we'll broaden its arsenal and turn it into a formidable Pokémon."

Kabuto's emergence into the world was met with a group of curious onlookers, which initially left him feeling uneasy. However, amid the crowd, he caught sight of Julian, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity washed over him. Though they were meeting for the first time, Kabuto's instincts told him that this person was to be trusted.

Julian, the seasoned trainer, approached Kabuto with a reassuring smile.

Julian: "Look at you, you look worried, but don't worry, I'm here."

Kabuto couldn't understand Julian's words, but something about the trainer's presence and voice made him feel safe and at ease. In a gesture that resembled a child seeking comfort, Kabuto jumped and clung onto Julian's arm. Julian was momentarily startled by the sudden display of affection but quickly relaxed, gently stroking Kabuto's back.

Tad observed the heartwarming scene and couldn't help but comment.

Tad: "Julian, it looks like Kabuto really likes you."

Julian smiled down at Kabuto, his expression a mix of joy and responsibility.

Julian: "Yes, he does."

Tad offered some valuable advice.

Tad: "Good for you, but you should take care of him properly. He's still like a baby and doesn't know much about the world."

Julian nodded, fully aware of the responsibility that came with nurturing Kabuto's growth. As he looked down at the newly resurrected Pokémon in his arms, he felt a deep sense of connection and anticipation for the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.

Julian: "Don't worry, Professor Tad. I will take good care of him. But first, I'll take him to the seashore so that he can get used to the sea."

Tad nodded in approval.

Tad: "Okay, then. Take care."

Julian gently picked up Kabuto and placed him on his head, where the little Pokémon felt surprisingly comfortable. Kabuto snuggled into the position and, with the gentle rocking motion of Julian's movements, drifted off to sleep. It almost looked as if Julian were wearing a beret hat with Kabuto nestled atop.

With Kabuto resting peacefully, Julian hopped on his bike and pedaled away toward the nearest seashore. Upon arrival, he released his Pokémon onto the beach, where they reveled in the open space and the allure of the sea. Julian also summoned his Gyarados, allowing it to finally swim freely.

Julian: "Gyarados, you can now swim freely, but don't wander too far."

As Gyarados gracefully entered the water, the other Pokémon played on the sandy shores. The seashore was alive with activity, and the bond between Julian and his Pokémon grew stronger with each passing moment, setting the stage for new adventures and discoveries on their journey together.

As Gyarados joyfully dove into the sea, Kabuto awoke to the vast, shimmering expanse of water that stretched before him. The sight filled him with wonder, and he couldn't resist the allure of the sea. He crawled down from Julian's head and cautiously approached the water's edge. As he touched the cool, gentle waves with his tiny legs, a sense of happiness washed over him. Kabuto couldn't resist the urge to play in the water.

Julian's other Pokémon, curious about the new addition to their group, began to gather around Kabuto. However, the sudden influx of unknown creatures made Kabuto nervous. He scampered back to Julian and found solace on top of his trainer's head, peering out with only his curious eyes visible.

Julian couldn't help but chuckle at Kabuto's timid reaction. He gently lifted Kabuto from his perch and held him, facing him toward the other Pokémon.

Julian: "Kabuto, you don't have to worry. They're just like your friends. We're a family."

Kabuto blinked at Julian's reassuring words, slowly taking in the presence of the other Pokémon. Gradually, his fear subsided, and he inched closer to Julian's shoulder, cautiously observing the others. The seashore became a place of discovery and camaraderie, marking the beginning of new friendships and shared adventures for the group.

Encouraged by Julian's reassurance, Kabuto climbed down from Julian's shoulder and cautiously approached the other Pokémon. As he got closer, they greeted him with friendly smiles, extending a warm welcome. Kabuto, no longer feeling threatened, clung onto each of them, reciprocating their friendly gestures.

Julian noticed that there was one more introduction to be made.

Julian: "Kabuto, there's still someone you should meet. Gyarados, come out."

As Kabuto watched the sea water rise and a colossal, dragon-like creature emerged, his initial fear resurfaced, and he darted back to Julian's side.

Julian, however, was quick to reassure him once more.

Julian: "You don't have to be scared, Kabuto. Gyarados is your friend too. In fact, he can take you on a ride beneath the sea. Right, Gyarados?"

Gyarados let out a low, rumbling growl that almost sounded like an affirmation. The enormous Pokémon extended its head toward Kabuto, offering a sense of safety and companionship. Slowly, Kabuto began to relax, his trust in Julian playing a crucial role in allowing him to gradually accept the awe-inspiring Gyarados as a friend. The seashore became a place of not only bonding but also of exciting possibilities and adventures for the newly formed Pokémon family.

With a friendly nod from Gyarados and the reassurance of Julian's words, Kabuto mustered the courage to approach the towering, dragon-like Pokémon. Slowly but steadily, he crawled onto Gyarados' back, then ventured up toward its head. From this lofty vantage point, the world stretched out before him, and Kabuto's excitement was palpable.

Suddenly, Gyarados made its move, diving gracefully beneath the water's surface. Kabuto clung tightly to Gyarados' head, eyes closed initially as the sensation of water enveloped him. But when he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a mesmerizing underwater world. Countless Pokémon of various shapes and colors, vibrant sea plants swaying with the current, and fascinating discoveries in every direction.

For Kabuto, it felt like an amusement park filled with endless wonders. He marveled at the beauty of the ocean and its inhabitants, his initial fear replaced with boundless curiosity and joy.

As Gyarados resurfaced, Kabuto eagerly made his way back to Julian, the experience etched into his memory as one of sheer wonder. Julian lifted Kabuto onto his head, a knowing smile on his face.

Julian: "Kabuto, did you like the sea?"

Kabuto responded with a joyful chirp, its tiny eyes gleaming with newfound fascination and a longing for more adventures to come. The seashore had transformed into a place of endless possibilities, where every day held the promise of discovery and growth.

Julian gazed at Pidgey with a thoughtful expression, a hint of pride in his eyes.

Julian: "Pidgey, come, let's train for a while. Let's see how strong you've become since the last time."

As Julian decided to evaluate Pidgey's progress, he couldn't help but check Pidgey's current stats using his system.

Julian: "System, display Pidgey's stats."

Stats - Pidgey

Level - 17

HP - 60

Attack - 70

Defense - 50

Sp. Atk - 75

Sp. Def - 60

Speed - 100

Move set - tackle, sand attack, gust, quick attack, whirlwind

The information appeared before him, and Julian studied it with interest. Pidgey, though still in its first form, showed potential with its impressive Speed stat. Julian couldn't help but muse about Pidgey's future evolution.

Julian: "Pidgey is still relatively weak compared to my other Pokémon, but that's to be expected in its first form. Once it evolves, its powers will rise drastically."

Turning his attention back to Pidgey, Julian issued a challenge.

Julian: "Pidgey, today we're going to learn Air Cutter."

Pidgey responded with a cheerful "peeee," ready to tackle the challenge head-on. With patience and determination, Julian began the training session, working closely with Pidgey to teach it the technique of Air Cutter. The seashore served as the backdrop for their hard work, as the bond between trainer and Pokémon continued to grow, paving the way for even greater achievements in the future.

Julian patiently stood on the seashore, guiding Pidgey through the process of learning Air Cutter. He provided instructions with a calm and focused demeanor.

Julian: "Okay, Pidgey, first, concentrate. Keep a calm mind and focus your energy. Collect it in your wings, and when you feel it's sufficient, release it in the form of sharp blades."

Pidgey, understanding the task at hand, began to practice diligently. Its initial attempts proved challenging, with the air around it remaining undisturbed. However, Pidgey was determined to master the technique. Julian watched with pride as his Pokémon displayed its dedication and resilience in the face of adversity.

In the distance, far above the Pokémon Mansion, a jet hovered in the sky. Inside the jet, John remained unconscious, while the elite members of Team Rocket known as the Metrix, Matori, and the bulky man, planned their next move. Dressed in black suits, they awaited communication from their leader.

Giovanni, the enigmatic head of Team Rocket, appeared on the screen, his expression a mixture of impatience and concern.

Giovanni: "Are you sure that he doesn't have the information on him?"

Matori nodded solemnly.

Matori: "Yes, Giovanni. We thoroughly searched him. There was no sign of any valuable data or information."

The bulky man chimed in with a nod of agreement.

Bulky Man: "He's clean, boss. No secrets to spill."

Giovanni's frown deepened as he contemplated their next move. The presence of Team Rocket loomed ominously in the background, their motives and plans shrouded in mystery. As Julian continued to nurture his Pokémon's potential on the tranquil seashore, the shadows of an impending confrontation between good and evil began to lengthen, casting an uncertain future over their journeys.

Matori relayed the information to Giovanni, providing the unsettling details of the break-in at the laboratory and the forced retrieval of classified data from John.

Matori: "No, sir. When we arrived, he was already unconscious. Upon checking the main server, there was no trace of the information we sought. It seems that someone infiltrated the laboratory, melted the locked door, and extracted the information. Furthermore, John appears to have been exposed to minor electric voltages, suggesting that he was coerced into providing the information."

Giovanni's eyes narrowed as he absorbed this troubling information.

Giovanni: "For now, retrieve John and bring him to me. Do not delve further into this matter."

Matori nodded firmly.

Matori: "Roger."

With that, the screen went dark, and the conversation concluded. The bulky man couldn't help but voice his curiosity about the stolen information.

Bulky Man: "What do you think this information is about?"

Matori's response was a solemn shake of her head.

Matori: "I don't know the nature of this information. It's highly classified, known to only a select few high-ranking members. We lack the authority to access it. Let's put this matter aside for now and return. Giovanni will handle the rest."

As the jet's engines roared to life, they disappeared into the sky, leaving behind unanswered questions and an air of mystery. In a world where secrets and power held sway, the shadows of hidden agendas and unforeseen consequences loomed ever larger.