
Pokémon: Global Invasion

Twenty-three years ago, a series of mysterious spatial rifts appeared around the world, leading to an enigmatic realm that humanity dubbed the Secret Dimension. Within this dimension, extraordinary creatures known as Pokémon emerged, using the rifts to invade the human world, igniting countless battles. However, during an adventurous exploration of the Secret Dimension, humans uncovered a hidden Pokémon Research Institute. This groundbreaking discovery could change the course of their struggle and open new possibilities for coexistence with these fascinating creatures...

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Chapter 45: Pokémon Training Knowledge

The entire Aloha Academy Library occupies a significant amount of ground.

It is divided into four levels, each with a large difference in the Pokémon collections. For instance, some basic books, such as introductions to Pokémon, attributes of moves, and type advantages between Pokémon, are all stored on the first floor.

The second floor contains more in-depth books, such as the moves that specific Pokémon can learn, along with some methods for using those moves.

Books on basic move training methods and basic Pokémon training knowledge are all located on the third floor, which is the most valuable part of the entire library.

The final fourth floor houses the most important books in the library, such as training methods for specific Pokémon and methods for some rare moves. If Professor Sato successfully researches the training method for Sandstorm, it would also be stored on this floor.

However, the fourth floor is generally inaccessible to ordinary people; only those who have made significant contributions to the school might be allowed entry.

The access card Ryoma held granted him the privilege of entering the third floor, but even so, that was enough to excite him.

In the time that followed, Ryoma roughly browsed through the library's catalog of books.

Since the books on the first floor could be borrowed, he planned to check out the three books about Sandshrew.

On the second and third floors, however, the books must be read inside the library and could not be taken out; therefore, Ryoma intended to take advantage of the early hour to review them here.

The books on the second floor were quite basic, filled with Pokémon data. Ryoma felt very confident about his grasp of this information, and he might even have more knowledge about it than what was available in these books.

Thus, he headed straight to the third floor, where the training methods for basic moves and fundamental Pokémon training knowledge were the most precious information for him at present.

Climbing the stairs, Ryoma arrived at the landing. After scanning his access card and performing facial recognition, he successfully entered the second floor, then quickly made his way to the third floor.

As he surveyed the third floor of the library, he noticed that although the area was large, the number of books was not many. Each shelf was sparsely filled with a few books, arranged according to their types.

Following the directional signs, he arrived at the shelf containing books on Ground-type moves. There were very few Ground-type moves to begin with, and the books here only included Dig, Mud-Slap, and Sand Attack, though the methods to learn them were quite varied.

Upon seeing the move Dig, Ryoma's eyes immediately lit up.

It is known that Dig is a god-level move in reality, not only capable of evading various attacks but also very practical in everyday life.

Previously, Ryoma had also tried to teach Sandshrew to learn Dig, but it had proven that Dig was not simply about digging a hole. It involved an in-depth application of Ground-type dynamics.

The essence of the move lay in how to use Ground-type energy to break down hard soil quickly to create cavities!

Without any hesitation, Ryoma picked up one of the books and found a corner to start reading.

The deeper he delved into the book, the more his eyes brightened. He gained many insights from it, and began to conceptualize a training method specifically for Sandshrew in his mind.

"I see, so it can be learned using this method to master Dig."

After finishing the book, Ryoma couldn't help but click his tongue in amazement at the depth of knowledge of the senior who wrote the Dig training method, which was far beyond what he currently possessed, providing him with a wealth of information.

After putting the book down, Ryoma checked his phone and was surprised to find that the entire screen was displaying a snowflake pattern. It was clear that the school had some means of blocking the use of electronic devices.

This was naturally to maintain the confidentiality of the books; otherwise, anyone could simply take a phone and snap pictures, easily bringing all the books home.

"Perhaps somewhere in the library, there might even be special Pokémon guardians," Ryoma thought to himself as he looked up and surveyed the area.

Shaking his head slightly, he moved to the reading area, where there was a clock that showed it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Time really flew by; he had spent such a long time reading a book about Dig.

"I can set the training for Dig aside for now; the most important thing is still to train Sandshrew's physical condition."

"With the nutrient juices and Pokémon food provided by Professor Sato, I must make the most of it."

Ryoma returned the book about Dig to the shelf and quickly walked toward the section containing basic Pokémon training knowledge.

The Pokémon training knowledge on the second floor was indeed quite basic, without specific training methods dedicated to any particular Pokémon. Nevertheless, Ryoma was very excited.

At the moment, he had a head full of knowledge about Pokémon but lacked any Pokémon training knowledge. These basic books were just right for laying a foundation and enriching his knowledge reserve.

As he scanned the shelves, he quickly locked onto a book about Ground-type Pokémon training and promptly took it, finding a spot to read.

"I see, training Pokémon is somewhat similar to training athletes. The most fundamental aspect is naturally the training of physical condition, which includes attack power, defense power, and speed."

"Additionally, aspects such as control, coordination, and reaction time can also be trained through specific methods."

"By combining appropriate food and training methods, it seems even the scales, claws, and skin of Pokémon can be targeted for specific training…"

The more Ryoma read, the more enthusiastic he became, feeling as though a new world was slowly unfolding before him. He realized that Pokémon training was like this, rather than just relying on the data from the games.

Ryoma was fully absorbed, and after finishing the book in his hands, he reluctantly stood up. Looking at the clock, he realized it was already past 11 P.M. Soon, it would be a brand new day!

"Time flies so fast; it looks like I need to head back."

"I still need to cooperate with Professor Sato's research tomorrow. If I affect the research due to not resting well, it won't be good if I upset Professor Sato."

As he stood up and stretched, Ryoma reluctantly returned the book to its place. He then went to the first floor to borrow the three books about Sandshrew before swiping his card to leave the library and making his way to the dormitory arranged by Professor Sato.