
Pokémon: A Teacher's Story

A teacher from our world died simply because of stress, as he lived his life as a simple man he accepted this death for he knows this is what he gets from pulling all those all nighters and stressing himself out. Thinking that it's the end for him. Oh how simply wrong he was, because by an unknown reason he somehow got reincarnated in a place similar yet different to the Pokémon world. A world called Ambrosius, but with the same set of characters like in the pokemon world with some new faces here and there. 'This world is set in the time in which Professor Oak is but a child, and the timeline is more cruel because of the after effects of a war that included all region.'

Laphlaes · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

A Cry(1)

June 18, 2020, Daffodil Street

As the clock strikes at 2 in the morning, without any warning a life is taken.

Ambrosius Planet, Johto Region. Morning 8:56am September 14, 1448.

In a certain clan in control of the Imperial Grass type of the Johto Region a child is born in a bright morning.

The woman in labour seems to be bleeding her life out and a doctor doing her best to keep her alive. The woman that looks like she's about to die at a moments notice, can be seen as having no desire to live even if it's for the sake of her new born.

At this sight the doctor signs at this looking at the baby in her hands with pity, "For a cute child like you, it seems that your mother choose to be with your father instead" and with that she stopped trying her best to keep the woman alive. As the woman lost her life the baby starts squirming and squinting it's eyes, the doctor is met with a pair of watery green with bluish hue eyes, a few moments after the child began to hiccup but slowly fell asleep as his body demanded.

So this is the first chapter I decided to make the first chapter short, don't worry I promise to make the next chapter at least 1k+ words

Laphlaescreators' thoughts