
Even a Slowpoke

Foods almost out again and I'm making another trip into viridian city to restock the pantry and toiletries…and a new white ceramic bowl for Slowpoke… I don't think I want to deal with his bullshit if I forgot to get it…

It's been 2 months since me and Slowpoke made our small peace agreement and the minor annoyances have left me alone since, but he still hasn't let Becky throw out the shards of his bowl, he just hovers over them like a dragon over treasure….

Still no evolutions on my side which is annoying BUT the cold weather has cleared up and we are jumping into the warmer months which was great until the first unbearably hot day hit….none of my mons know ice beam or any ice related skill to cool the place down so I think I'll have to grab a pretty good aircon this run…

While I don't have any evolutions yet, Becky on the other has herself a big ol butterfly with a wingspan of over 5 foot that hovers around her almost 24/7… bugs do evolve quickly so….it's fine….I guess

I mean one of mine would have to be close right? With The amount of battling and training we do, one of them would have to be close….I did hear it could take years for evolution in a lot of Pokémon but….I don't know….I guess I just wanted an evolved Pokémon I guess…

My Pokémon seemed to have reached a peak stature wise with most of them being larger than the average species size….nothing record breaking, but noticeable…

But just because their stature growth stopped mean their strength has plateaued….i means the gains are slower, yes. But they continue to grow in strength day by day…

Skiddo and miltank have taken to training very well while only skiddo has taken to battling willingly….miltank just doesn't enjoy combat like the rest….I mean she is pretty good at it but you can see her reluctance….but she gives the whole crew fresh milk every day and with how expensive moomoo milk is I'm more than thankful… she is worth keeping around even if just for that…not to mention she seems to have taking a shining to being machops sous-chef in the kitchen.

Everyone else is the same….just on the grind….no one has really learned any new moves except miltank learning iron-tail but everyone is just working on what they know and their physical strength and reflex with brawls and gravity training with the odd wild mon battle we have every now and then…

Becky's butterfree on the other hand seemed to be welcomed to visit the butterfree forest up north and has been learning everything it can…I gave becky a little nudge to see if it could learn pollen puff….and it did….and if it can learn all the spore attacks with teleport? Butterfree would be a newby trainers wet dream….all you could ever ask for…not that I'm planning on having Slowpoke try and teach it teleport….let her figure out….I reckon a butterfree in there must know it….

But meh….that would be her problem…I did mention to her about possibly grabbing another mon but she hasn't found one yet….one she likes anyway….but I guess it ends up better for me… if she can take care of the house when eventually start exploring the areas a little more…I might have to leave for a few days…weeks maybe…

But as I pull up to the side of the "road" in my stolen truck I hop out….litterally….being 10 gives you a bit of a handicap when driving, especially if the phonebooks start lurching forward…

Slowpoke is sitting in the back of the truck making sure no one is around.


All clear it seems, I release the rest of the crew who fan out with Slowpoke floating himself and Ferroseed next to me as we make our way into the woods…it's been a few months and if someone hasn't come for the bags by now it's either no one is looking for them or this is some sort of high level sting operation that would have caught me if they really wanted to anyway…it's basically only me n becky who live out this way so…probably a bad call burying it too close to where I live when I'm the only person who lives here….but whatever I was exhausted at the time so it is what it is…

We eventually come to a rock next to a tree with a fist mark it in….I give a quick nod to machop who promptly grabs the 4 foot tall boulder and tosses it aside like it was made of styrofoam and it didn't take him long to find a couple electrical tape covered plastic bags that housed the goodies, that haven't been touched since the night I left them here….these things would be worth a fuck tonne of money….but these little bags of unexplainable science fuckery are going to save me insane amounts of work and make travelling a cinch… it was a tough choice as maybe the value of the bag would be heaps lower in 6 years compared to now and I could buy a dozen of these for half the price or…they could stay the same and I'd have to buy another….fuck it I'll sell one and keep one…

So with that settled we made our way back to the "road" which was pretty much covered in grass and potholes….but I knew where the pot holes were now so they won't get me a 4th time….

Another bit of uncomfortable driving while sitting on phone books and I made it to the outskirts of the habitable part of Viridian before Slowpoke lifted the cart out of the truck and took his rightful place of being chauffeured around….I do this to look inconspicuous and have a Pokémon always out watching my back, to everyone I'm just an innocent kid wheeling around the family dog…it makes sense to give your kid some protection right? especially with the gangs wars I've been seeing on the local news….they try and downplay it by telling people the police have it well in hand but people who have things well in hand don't have the news reporting how well in hands things are every night for months…

I probably should have gotten the bags in the return trip….I don't want people knowing I'm carrying around almost a million dollars in bags, so I guess Slowpoke will be sitting them until we get back?

I do a quick check on my pokeballs in my pants, check my fanny pack for cash, medicine and making sure I got everything. I grabbed the handle of the pull cart and set off into the horizon to tackle one of mankinds greatest and oldest enemies….shopping alone while kinda hungry

I mean I ate before I left but clearly its not enough…. I guess I could get something on the way? Haven't had fast food in this world yet and I got some money so why not splurge?

Walking the streets for an hour I come across my first fast food looking joint it's a kfc….or KFF as it stated on the big sign….Kanto Fried Farfetch'd, this looks like an absolute banger, smells exactly like KFC did so here's hoping

I make it inside after a desperate struggle to get the wagon in before the door shut and see it's identical to every kfc back home…same register set up…same grubby red plastic serving trays suspiciously close to the big square garbage cans, hell ever the people who work here have the same uniform….

After I stood there for a second I felt a hand on my back and turn around to see an 18ish year old fella wearing the typical red polo, black trousers and black KFF hat, average black hair and eyes with a very forgettable face

"I'm sorry kid but we don't allow Pokémon out of their balls in the restaurant, even a Slowpoke…you'll have to return him"

I turn to look at Slowpoke as he just watches ahead, probably looking pictures on the menus behind the cashiers..

"I'm sorry mister, this is my family Slowpoke and I didn't bring his pokeball with me…I'm not aloud to leave him by himself…he gets himself into trouble when no one watches him…"

The guys frowns and was about to ask me to leave when suddenly a blueish barrier forms around both of us and Slowpoke and the large front windows of the store implode and shatter with a largish explosion sounding in the background maybe a street away….

Slowpokes protect saved me and apparently the guy who was about to kick him out from and serious injuries besides a bit of lightheaded confusion and ringing in our ears.

I look around and see some people on the floor covering their heads and shivering, a few of them have glass sticking out of them..

The two cashiers seemed to have been knocked unconscious and the only people still on our feet are me and the other guy who's shaking his head and pulling himself together…

There's cries for help and screaming coming from both inside the shop and out of the street that I can hear even through the intense ringing…not that I could see from all the dust that's come out of no where….which is starting to clear up and I can see the street…

People struggling and picking themselves up off the street and two buildings seemed to have exploded just down the street and men wearing dark hoodies with two large grey and black wolfish pokemon I would guess as mightyena are running down the street away from the explosion only to be interpreted by two uniformed police officers, each with a smaller orange and white dogs running along side them….


The two clearly members of "darkness" didn't seem in the peaceful surrender type of mood I reckoned….and a moment later I'm proven right as they ordered their mightyena pair to use bite on the two officers…not the growlithe accompanying the two. No, the actual officers themselves but the two smaller flame dogs didn't need an excuse to protect their trainer or handler…whatever they were…as two gouts of flame larger than their own bodies bellow out of their maws like ignited napalm and catch the two gangbangers Pokémon flat footed as they were engulfed in flame while moaning in pain

It's over almost as quickly quickly as it begun as the flamethrowers stop and the two mightyena were signed and a little melted in a few places but still seemed ready to brawl…that was until a 3rd group turned up…4 guys and one gal…. Their uniform and ragged get ups all matched and consisted of an almost offensive amount of purple with what looks like a cobra hood pattern logo on their chests…

One of them is missing an arm and the rest were in various degrees of borderline critical condition…

"Yo-you mother fuckers killed everyone….EVERYONE!!! And I think it's only fair we get a little payback…"

"Grab the bags and follow me!!" I shout to Slowpoke who picks up the bags he was sitting on in the now broken pull cart.

The crazed look in his eye was enough for me to sprint to the counter before diving over into a tumble and start bolting for a back door

I'm hoping they have, running past all the confused and scared teenagers I make my way as fast as I can past the burning baskets of oil and metal shelves and see what looks like a fire escape and bust out with Slowpoke hot on my heals…I take out meowths ball and enlarge it just encase…

I didn't just want to teleport in public unless it was 100% necessary….and it's probably warranted now but I'm hoping being stingy doesn't kill me here….I burst through out the back into an alley and start legging it as fast I can in the opposite direction. But just as I do meowth busts out of his ball and all of a sudden two ethereal blue spheres form around the three of us before….


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