
Oh shit 2 in a day

After waking up and having breakfast with the ladies, Delia and myself left the space and she gave Ashley a phone call. Ashley had already received the phone and the money. Delia and Ashley chatted for a bit, while I tried to get ahold of Storm. If he was within a certain distance, we could communicate. I could sense him toward the north east. Delia asked Ashley if she wanted to join us and I could Ashley freak out over the phone and told us to go get her. Delia gave Ashley my number since Delia couldn't always be reached. I sent her a message saying Hi, so she could get my number and save it. Delia went back into the space and I had Slimer come out since he didn't go with the rest last night. Slimer was a bit on the lazier side. Slimer had finished his evolution a few days ago after ingesting the poison pokecores. He looked like a wartortle but dark green and blue version. His tail was a dark blue that faded into a dark purple halfway down his tail.

We headed toward the other pokemon. The more we walked the more I could sense the rest of the pokemon. After about 2 hours of traveling I could finally communicate with Storm. Storm informed me that the evee gang was captured and brought into a cave at the base of the mountain. He couldn't do much as Achile and Duke were captured in a trap and now they had collars on them. Storm had tried to drag them into the space, but the collars prevented him from doing so. There were about 20 people inside the cave.

After sneaking up to where Storm was, I noticed who was responsible for this. Two of the guards outside the cave had giant a R on their shirts. I was pissed to say the least. Now I wanted to get in there and get my guys out. Storm told me they had some more pokemon inside in cages like our guys. They were all in separate cages and with collars on their necks. It was almost noon and waiting till dark to sneak in wasn't happening. I figured I would lure some of them away and have Storm and Slimer kill them quickly. I took out a spear from the space. This was something I am glad I picked up in my past life. I wasn't great with a spear, but I was good enough to do a lot of damage and kill someone easily. I picked it up at the pokemart as for some reason guns didn't exist in this world, but all of the other weapons did. I left it leaning on a tree and walked toward the guards.

I started making noise so get their attention. G1-"STOP!! Who goes there." B-"Help I'm lost out here and I'm missing my Pokemon." G2-"Put your hands up we will help you." B-[who the fuck would tell you to put your hands up and then say they were helping you, idiots] B-"I don't think so. I need to report you guys to the city"

I turned around and ran toward my spear and like any good idiot both guards followed right behind me. It only took a minute to get them a good distance in the woods away from the cave and I stopped as soon as I got my spear. I spun around and smiled at the two of them. B-"Thanks for following me guys. I didn't want to make to much noise at the entrance." G2 turned around right then and started running back. Unfortunately, he only took about 4 steps before my house cat jumped on him. He started to scream but was silenced before he could even get that loud. Storm crushed his skull with his massive maw. The other guard was about to yell but was shot by Slimer and was covered in slime. It had changed color and was a combination of green and purple. He was covered from head to toe and couldn't move. I walked over to him and stated that if he screamed, he would suffer a slow and painful death. I had Slimer shoot some water in his face to clean off the slime. B-"Answer everything if you want to live."

B-"Are you team rocket?" G1-"yes" B-"Who is in charge here?" G1-"His name is James, he has purple hair." B-"What are you guys doing out here?" G1-"We are catching pokemon, anyone's or anything we can." B-"What are the collars on the pokemon you captured?" G1-"How do you know about those?" B-"I ask the questions now lose some toes." I stabbed the knife down into his foot trying to cut off a few toes. I covered his mouth quickly since he started to scream. I pulled the knife out of his foot and wiped it off on him. After a few minutes he stopped screaming.

B-"question again. What are those collars?" G1-"They torture the pokemon, they are able to break the connection between trainers and the pokemon. Even if you kill the trainer, some pokemon still hold allegiance to them. So, by putting the collars on them it slowly breaks their will and they give up and then we capture them in a pokeball and send them back to HQ." B-"Thanks, I have enough and you can go now." I took my knife and stabbed it in his throat. B-"Fucking asshole, dare fuck with my guys."

B-"You guys go keep an eye on the cave. If anyone leaves it capture or kill them." I went back in the space. B-"Delia and Jasmine we got a problem. I need the pokemon." I explained what happened and that I was about to kill all of team rocket in the cave. I knew what James that guard was talking about and I couldn't wait to kill that idiot. I called all the pokemon over to me in the space. For what ever reason I could communicate with them in the space. Not having a clear conversation but they could understand what I wanted and vise versa. They could tell what I wanted, and they were all ready to go kill. I could see their eyes turning blood shot. B-"I need some of you to come with me. We must go save two of your brothers. If any thing gets in your way, you destroy it. It doesn't matter if they are pokemon or human." I pulled out Electrabuzz, Hypno, the 2 abras, Kadabra, 2 scythers and the 2 Bulbasaurs. I left the space and walked the cave entrance. I looked toward my physcic pokemon, B-"stun the humans right away. The rest of your fuck them up. Try to save one or two for me to get info out of. Let's go Storm."

I led the way to the cave. B-"Storm lead the way in." His eyes were bloodshot just like the rest of us.

MFVO- OH SHIT…. Team Rocket done fucked up

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