

Join Nicole on her journey, one of self-discovery, across the Kalos (and other) regions. Follow as she lives life to the beat of her own drum, and maybe enjoy all the love she has along the way. /* Will be Harem (Check aux chapter). There isn't a futanari tag, but be included for a long time. I’m more of a story writer than a smut writer. Combination of anime, game, romhacks, and a dash of au rulebending. Will not strive to make pokémon too serious, I guess. No perma-death and all that jazz. Will be lemons, but they will be sparse at the beginning because I’m not great at writing them and will mainly focusing on storyline there. Chapter every week at 8:00 AM MST (UTC -7) I don't own anything except my OC(s). Please don't sue me. */

RunningOnJava · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
75 Chs

I'd rather not say some explicatives [A/N]

I had hope. Hope that this heavily biased website would hold on some hope for me. Some hope that I would be able to use it without much hassle. It appears I am to be wrong. Webnovel, for some unknown reason, has stopped people from seeing chapters past 10 if people don't have the app. As such, I will continue posting on here, but also on other websites (Probably Scr*bble Hub)

Links to be provided: https://www.scribbléhub.com/sériés/562007/poklové/

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