
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · Thanh xuân
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58 Chs


Shashi's mom crept to him with bruised and scraped arms, she leaned closer to Shashi to embrace him but Hrida blocked her arms.

Shashi's mom scolded her, " Hrida, I can hold him, I don't…I can't watch him suffer like this. I can't..I can't lose him. And, you can't stop me from meeting my son."

 Hrida explains with a heavy tone, " You will be affected by his shadow, and seeing you being affected, will intensify his pain, which neither of us want. I am stopping from meeting your son, just for now, once he recovers, hug him all you want, I won't come in between you two ever."

Shashi's mom's body violently shakes while she is weeping over his son's condition, Navya hugs Shashi's mom encouraging her to trust her faith in her son's strength but none of them can ignore this painful whimper but it also ensures them that he still fighting inside.

 Hrida's world blurs, her heart filled with agony, each breath she inhaled poked her heart, her mind tangling her nerves inside, she currently could hear only the chaos, weeping sounds, faint hisses, melodic chants, and Kali's sadistic snicker, mocking her decisions that dragged her loved ones in the tornado, suddenly all the puzzle pieces fall into place in her brain.

She could see the whole picture clearly in her head; the Truth of her life; A poison truth, her memories played on recap from the beginning, from running away till now, she had always the truth within, but she avoided it every time while looking for it everywhere physically.

Her eyes shone in reflection of the real image of her life, then an idea popped into her brain that might be the solution to Shashi's pain.

Shashi comments with hissing in between, " You were right, Hrida * hiss *, I always lose in games but luckily I have won as well because you had let me win."

Hrida whispers in an audible tone with a hint of pain in her voice, " Yes, I will let you win this time as well, Shashi."

All of them were confused by her statement, Shashi's mind focused on her words and when he realized her intention, he mouthed 'no'. Before he could stop her, she slightly pushed everyone away from Shashi, they were surprised by her action.

 Hrida immediately spoke out in a loud, clear, and serious tone, " Kali, I allow you to take control over me. Shift all shadows from Shashi to me only." She then quickly grasped Shashi's hands in her hands and closed her eyes in fright.

Kali rejoiced in victory, and with a blink of an eye, surged all shadows lingering upon Shashi to her, Hrida pants heavily, her skin feeling being torn apart, and she groans in pain.

Her olive skin turned a pitch-black hue, and she curled her body and increased her grip on Shashi's hands, her eyes became glossy and her nerves twisted around. She didn't leave Shashi's hands even though she was miserably aching in pain.

Ultimately after a few seconds, Shashi was completely free from shadows, even Shashi's mom, Lakshman, and all other hidden shadows absorbed by her, her grip loosened, her hands slipped out of his hands.

She felt her whole body shaking, feeling weak inside, her heart racing fast within her ribcage, her body burning hot as coal fire, she fell face flat on the ground tasting the dirt inside her mouth. She weeps loudly, choking in between. 

Shashi screams her name with a shocked tone, " Hridaa!". Her loved ones rushed to her while Shashi held her against his torso, pressing her head against his chest. Shashi's mom embraces them both, Shashi voices out with a heart-aching tone, " Hrida….Again, you put your life in danger for me. 

Why did you….i won't let you lose, do you hear me? I won't let you lose. 

Oh, partner, you always do this, you let me win again by defeating yourself, be fair for once, silly girl. 

 I can win on my own. You shouldn't have lost yourself.

I don't like..i don't like to win when you lose, Hrida. I would rather be pleased to make you win and let myself lose. 

Hrida, I can't lose you, we can't lose you, I need my game partner. I....you promised me, we would always be each other's best friend forever except soma of course. How will you fulfill that promise if you won't be there with me, you can't do this to us, Hrida. 

Hrida, what about Tapish, he will lose his only younger sister, and he will be devastated. What about my mom, who sees you like a daughter, Soma, Divit, and Navya, how would they live without you?

And me, Hrida, what about me? How would I…I can't…I won't…I don't know, you have to win too. 

I won't let you go this time away from me. 

I can't live my life without your constant rambles and obsession with pretty headbands…I can't… Mom! please…do something, she will listen to you, she always does. Soma,a t least, you tell her to return back to us. "

Hrida announces while looking at Shashi with a teary tone," Shashi…I have no idea what might happen next, so please take care of my Tapish, your mom, and yourself from now onwards.

And yes, don't prank Soma too much. I will miss you a lot, all of you. 

I don't want to let you go or anyone of you."

All of them pleaded with her to not give in yet and cheered her to hold on to her unbreakable strength, they also reminded her that she is the bravest person among them all.

But Hrida's response was low hisses and groans, Shashi caressed her head, completely covered her in his arms, and continuously prayed to God to return Hrida back to him.

Soma held Hrida's hands gently in his cold hands, Soma's mom and Shashi's mom stared at Hrida with painful gaze, they both could hear their son's heart aching sound from their hearts. 

Navya kept her eyes closed and vowed to chant whisper of prayers till Hrida recovered, she had been doing this for almost 30 minutes, and her throat got extremely dry causing her to cough badly but she still didn't stop, Lakshman noticed her conflict, he wrapped one arm around her shoulder, providing her strength.

Shashi rambles in despair, " Why did you let me win? I did want to win but not without you."

Hrida replies, hissing in pain while a soft smile stays on her lips, intensely staring at Hrida, " How can I let you lose, I don't like to see you lose. Whether it be a game or real life, I will always let you win even if we both win or you can win. 

You know, I love my best friend and my loved ones."

 Shashi chuckles while tears non-stop flowing through his eyes, " Then you will have to win as well. Because If you win, then only it is my win, other than that everything is just a loss. My victory lies with you, not without you. "

Hrida was going to reply but she felt heaviness inside her, and sudden sharp pain all over her body, she let out a loud groan, her vision faded slowly, and the sounds numbed down.                Shashi and Soma noticed her eyes blinking faintly, and her eyelids shut down partially, Shashi felt her skin being hot as boiling water, and Soma also felt her hands hot to touch, he breathed air on her palm, and his cold hands did soothe her hands.

Shashi informed Navya about her body temperature, Shashi's mom checked her arm, Navya checked her head, and Shashi's mom exclaimed with a heavily concerned tone, " Hrida is burning up, Navya, If we don't do something to cool her down, we might lose her. Hrida, don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you."

Shashi agrees with his mom, " Mom, I will provide her coldness after all, moons are cold and lights are warm as her. So, I will cool down her heat." He pressed his cold hands on her cheek, soothing her cheek, and whispered comforting words but Hrida couldn't hear anything while Soma was caressing her hand. 

However Hrida felt peace residing in his arms, and her body temperature reduced a bit still Hrida was slowly losing consciousness; Shashi's mom fanned her using her saree pallu (a piece of cloth).

Navya hurried inside Hrida's house and searched for a table fan, but there wasn't a single table fan, only ACs were fitted into each room except Hrida's room, she didn't like AC much, so she had a table fan in her room. 

 Navya picked up the table fan and hurried outside but they needed an extension cord to plug in the connection with the electric fan, which wasn't available in Hrida's home. Soma's mom sent a few police officers to collect an extension and a few table fans from the consent of civilians from their homes.

Through the help of an extension cord, they built the connection between Hrida's house switchboard and 2-4 table fans organized in a circle form, directing all air towards her, it did soothe her heat up to a minimum extent, but still, it didn't bring much difference in Hrida's state.

Shashi tears up, and his tears land on her cheeks, causing her to blink rapidly, she whispers weakly, " Hold me tight, the shadow is pulling me towards darkness, I don't want to go...I …stay. Tapish, Shashi, don't let me go. Please !"

Shashi reassures with a determined tone, " I won't let you go, I am holding you tight, my grip won't waver at all. Hrida, trust me, listen to my voice, and don't let go of my hand, look in front of you, I am lending you my hand, grip it tight, Hrida."

Hrida wriggled one hand out of Soma's grip and wrapped it around Shashi's neck, he felt like someone pouring hot water on him, his grip on her other hand loosened but her hand didn't let go of Soma's hand and intertwined her hand in his.

He felt a weird kick in his belly, his eyes widened in surprise, and his cheeks flushed red, Shashi was going through a similar feeling, his cheeks on fire, he felt a shiver when her warm hand wrapped around his neck, his heart is bumping loudly, while Hrida snuggles closer to him and presses her head near his heart.

Hrida mumbles with a weak soft smile on her lips, " I can hear your heart loud and clear, your heart sounds like a melody, I feel better now." Shashi is speechless by her statement; he tries to focus on her condition instead of his feelings.

Kali evilly laughs thinking of ruining their short span moment of happiness, spreads his arms wide and waves his lingering arms rapidly, Hrida suddenly gasps, her breathing cut short, dark red hue sweat forming on her forehead.

Shashi's mom exclaims in shock, " Hrida! Her breathing is getting heavy, I am sure, this is Kali's doing, he wants to diminish even a single source of light within her, we all need to think fast, beta. Think, all of you, quick please."

All are trying to think and process their brains to find an immediate solution, Shashi heard Hrida's low whisper, " I love you Shashi, my best friend, my moon and I love all of you. Thank you for standing by my side till now."

Shashi's mind races fast like a cheetah hearing the word 'moon', the recorded video of Hrida singing a song, which saved them from the shadow that night when Hrida returned his phone.

Her song made those shadows disappear into their dens, Shashi reminds his mom, " Mom, mom. That song, remember the video where Hrida sang her song that made those shadows cower and left us alone.

If you still remember the lyrics, sing along with me, her song lyrics are imprinted in my brain as I have listened to her song a thousand times. "

Shashi sang her song in a loud, audible tone with rhythm, Shashi's mom joined his son in his singing, Soma didn't know the lyrics but when he felt Hrida's hand stop shaking.

Soma thought of another idea to enhance Shashi's plan, he announced to the crowd with a powerful tone, " Dear civilians, we need everyone's help to save her, who fought bravely for us, please hum the tune along their singing in chorus. "

Lakshman supports his idea, " Yes, please co-operate with Shashi and Soma's plan and just hum the tune along with Shashi's mom and Shashi's singing. And Dhansi ji, please hand over the mic to both of them and all of you, hum it loud."

The audience obeyed his command and immediately acted upon the order, all of them started humming loudly along with Shashi's family singing, and the entire city tuned in with the echo of her song with the help of everyone, hoping for Hrida to wake up.

Shashi and Shashi's mom were singing this song;

I have no problem running into you.

The dancing trees, the jazzy breeze 

Are making me sway with ease

The cricket's noise and the bubbly stars 

Are making me sing out loud that I, 

 I-I would love to stay,

I want to stay, I don't wanna run,

 just stay along with you.

Run, run, that's what I have been doing current,

 But my heart is running into you, Current.

Hmm. Hmmm. Hm. Hhmm. Hmmh

Hmm. Hmmm. Hm. Hhmm. Hmmh."

No more run, no more, Run.

 Run, run that's what I don't wanna do current

I don't wanna do it current. I just wanna stay here currentttt. "