
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · Thanh xuân
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58 Chs

Chapter- 39

The memory goes like this;

The surrounding was pin-drop silent, except for fast-pacing footsteps, leaves cracking sounds, and loud voices echoing around the thick forest region, the group were teenagers wandering through the forest to camp in a clear grass area and they found a vast area filled with smooth grass making it perfect for camping, the tents were set up.

Among them, a 14-year-old guy whose feet weren't still for a second kept strolling around until his friend pointed at him," Laksh, you have been strolling for hours, come and sit here, and relax. Woosh….Kirav, Pareet, see Laksh yaar (friend), he is on fire feet and looks like suddenly a ring of fire birth into existence. This guy is literally unstoppable."

14-year-old Lakshman corrects them in a mischievous tone," Rings of Fire, huh? Mr. Cool Indra, I am just warming up for the trekking forward, remember you told us that you know a secret place that lies hidden within this forest, I am excited about it, so I am cooling myself by rubbing my excitement to the grass. Tell yaar (friend), when are we going to that place? Hmm?"

Pareet answers with a calm tone," Laksh, we talked about this, our parents didn't permit us to explore that place and we all had made a plan to visit that place someday in the presence of the elder one.

We don't know what danger it might be hiding behind those beautiful bushes, since it is near the lake, it sounds more suspicious and dangerous. We can't afford to showcase our foolish bravery, so we will enjoy doing every other activity except that, Laksh."

Laksh objects with an irritated tone," Your parents had allowed it at first, but due to my parents' refusal, you are telling me this story, right? I knew it, they always do this, and they are trying to refrain me from my dream.

In my childhood years, they used to support me but now they are against my dream, I always wanted to become a police inspector but they don't think I am fit for that, they had rejected my dream and lately denied everything I say.

I don't like this, I am going to show how courageous I can be, but that's only possible if we venture into the secret place that you were telling us about. Please, Indra, take us to that place, once we visit that place and come back, we will inform our parents then, please."

Indra denied his request straight, " Laksh, we can't act like mindless fools. It's not just because your parents refused it rather it's our choice, because we know that it would be illogical to trespass that area without any guidance.

And in this vast forest, no one is there to save us except us, what if we all are helplessly trapped in some danger, then what would become of us?

Laksh, try to understand, that being courageous doesn't mean behaving foolish and remaining ignorant about the risks that might be waiting for us. Sorry! But I am not going there but you can ask others if they want to go or not."

Lakshman's gaze shifted from Indra to Pareet, he also shook his head 'no', then his gaze jumped to Kirav, and he too refused to join him. Lakshman felt disappointed and hurt, he remained frozen for a few minutes then suddenly he turned normal as if nothing happened. His friends were suspicious at first but they discarded the thought as soon Lakshman returned to his playful side.

The night set in, and all slowly went inside their tents with heavy droopy eyes, they instantly fella sleep as soon their head hit the pillow but one of them was wide awake, turning his body left and right but sleep didn't come to him.

He sighs in a sad tone," I don't understand, why they don't understand how important it is for me to prove to my parents that I am a perfect fit for being a policeman but, no, they don't want to understand just like my parents. However, what else I can do other than try to sneak.....*gasp*

Oh...Ohhh..Why didn't I think about this before, I will do this alone, but right now, it is too dark to be able to see properly, hmmm. Yes, I should go at sunrise time, early in the morning, and since my friends slept late, they would surely wake up late but I won't."

The time skips to the next day, the sun is at its peak, Lakshman's friends are searching for him but they can't find him anywhere, they woke up late and didn't find him there, they have been searching for him for hours.

Indra informs Lakshman's parents about Laksh being missing, his parents are sickly worried about Lakshman and then Indra asks them to come there soon along with the rescue team as he tells him about their last conversation with Lakshman.

Even after long hours, the rescue team hadn't found Lakshman yet but they did find his shirt ripped pieces hung at plants, this raised Lakshman's parents' tension even more, they just wished that their son was fine.

Meanwhile, somewhere near a beautiful lake, Lakshman sat nearby, his knees scraped, huge claw marks on his belly side, the vibrant blood patches burning his energy, his eyes burning bloodshot red, his hands shaking in fear, his loud sobs were only audible to the lake.

He mumbles in an anxious tone," I-I didn't know that something like this would happen to me, my friends beware me of the danger but they didn't alert me about the sneaky shadow thing that attacked me and scared me to the core with his senseless grim talks.

He is not nice..nnot nnice at all…he is a bad guy, he told me that he will return someday and I would have to face him again. I don't know what it was exactly, was it a ghost or creature or something else?

He said he would choose a child whose bright and radiant as me, like my light or aura or something..I don't know but I won't let him torture another kid, I will find that kid and protect him/her from this whatever thing. But right now, I feel so stressed and alert like any moment, I will burst into pieces if no one finds me.

Please help me find my way back home, I know my true purpose and aim is to save that kid from his sneaky grasp. Dad, Mom, I am sorry, I didn't listen to you but If I didn't wander then I wouldn't have met that sneaky thing and know about his plans.

And as being future police inspector, I will protect that child from this thing and also protect my civilians from treacherous beings, I promise this to myself. "

He heard the rustle-hustle of leaves, he hid himself, but then he observed their uniforms and realized they were here for me, he revealed himself in front of them. they immediately took him to their camp and treated his wounds first and his parents waited until his wound dressing was finished. After his dressing, they crashed onto him with a tight hug.

Lakshman's mom scolds him with a heavy voice," Do you know, how I felt within these hours, I felt like losing myself, I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, Laksh. We heard about your last conversation with your friends, we are really disappointed that you misunderstood us but guilty at the same time that we didn't understand your passion for your dream and hurt your sentiments.

We both were mistaken, so let's apologize to each other. And from now onwards, we would support your dreams but if you tried to even think about enacting another act like this one, then I would never forgive you."

Lakshman's dad didn't say anything but punched him playfully on his shoulder and asked him to be a responsible and strong police inspector so that he could protect the civilians from danger. He nods excitedly and hugs them again.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name, his memory abrupt and his vision opens to Navya leaning closer to her face and mumbles, " Are you really okay, you look like you are drowning in the sea although I don't think it is good for your old and weak bones, Mr. Old Laksh-man."

Lakshman glares at first then cackles in hearty laughter, Navya also gets infected with his laughter, and Hrida's eyelids twitch, which doesn't go unnoticed by them.

Navya rushed to her side, caressed her face, and mumbled softly, " Hrida, we miss you a lot, please wake up, beta. You are closer to waking up, keep trying, and come back to us, we are rooting for you. Your Laksh-man Bhaiya cares deeply about you, don't fret him more otherwise, when you wake up, he might look like an old man."

Lakshman grins and shakes his head at her pun, meanwhile at Lakshman's home, Soma's mom had changed into a night dress but she was constantly pacing here and there, which was too obvious to hide her anxiousness.

Lakshman was going to ask her but Soma asked her with an innocent tone, " Mom, is there something that is bothering you? Your brows are tensed and you are blinking too much, tell me, what is it?

I am strong, I can handle whatever you have to say. Mom, please, speak up. Since I came back from all, I have been studying and I didn't even touch my phone, so I don't have any idea about the current situation outside but your expression is loudly signaling me that something disturbing occurred today.

Is there another dark case or wait…is Lakshman Bhaiya, okay? Mom, you are worrying me. Mom!"

 Soma's mom responds, " Beta, it's just today so many things at once, I am trying to process it slowly in my brain. Because you didn't touch your phone, you didn't get to know about the tragic incident that occurred inside the mall where you visited with Shashi's family. Because of the shadow master, many people were hurt and especially those two..those two –"

Soma intervenes with a shocked tone," Hrida! Oh no...Tell me, she is not the one who is injured heavily, right? She is okay, right? Mom, tell me quickly."

Soma's mom questions back," How are you sure that Hrida was there? Did you see her there? Soma, speak up.....Soma, I am deeply hurt, you were going to hide this from me, you hide some big truths from me.

And Bhabhi, Lakshman, Soma, and Shashi were hiding huge truths from us. Soma, why didn't you inform us that you saw her, we could have saved from her this incident if you had informed me earlier. Did Shashi too know about this? "

Soma shakes his head 'No', he defends,"  Mom, Shashi didn't see her, I caught her hiding from us, but she pleaded with me with vulnerability, I couldn't betray her when she was already hurt by Shashi's broken promise.

I don't want to lose my friend and I was relieved noticing her fine clothes that indicated she is well-fed and living with someone, so, I thought I give her space. But you said, you could save her, that means she is in danger. Mom, we need to find her, we need to do something. Mom!"

Lakshman's parents, Soma were speaking simultaneously, so she silenced them with a loud clap, Soma's mom then recited the whole story, Lakshman's parents felt bad for Hrida whereas Soma's shocked expression turned into a serious expression, he didn't say anything, and ran outside.

Lakshman sprinted outside the house and stopped him from running, he questioned him in a normal tone, " Soma, where were you running off to…that too at this hour? What happened, tell me…

Oh I know, actually I am sorry, I didn't tell you before that your mom knows about our plan, don't worry, if we apologize, she will forgive us. Let's go inside, Soma."

Soma's face appeared adamant, he announced with an adamant tone, " Lakshman Bhaiya, we will talk about that later and I will apologize to Mom countless times but right now, I want to visit like right now.

I won't wait/listen to any of your excuses, I need to see her. I need to see her with my own eyes. I will visit her either with you or alone, I have the contact number of the psychologist Navya Didi. So, your choice, Bhaiya ?"

Lakshman tries to make him understand with a slow-paced tone," Soma, I just came from Navya's apartment, she is….stable and recovering slowly. Soma, we will visit her the next morning, don't worry and go to sleep, and don't inform Shashi about this especially. Okay? "

Soma refuses and persistently remains stubborn, he starts walking onto the road, Lakshman looks at Soma's mom, she gestures to him to take him. Lakshman utters out loud, " Soma, me, your mom and you are going to visit Hrida, but, let me inform Navya first, okay."

Soma instantly nodded and agreed with his suggestion, he patiently waited and requested him to let Shashi also visit there, and after many pleading requests to his mom and Lakshman, they agreed. Soma informed Shashi about everything on the phone, which blanked him out for a few longer seconds.

He hurriedly told his mom about Hrida's state and before he could request her to let us visit Hrida, she forwardly told him to sit in the car because they were going right now to visit her. Shashi was constantly praying for Hrida's recovery and whispered softly under his breath," Hrida, I am coming for you. You are not alone."

On the other side, Navya was talking on the phone with Lakshman, while Hrida lay still as before but at that moment her lips suddenly twitched and she mumbled in an inaudible tone, " Shashi ! Please come.....qquickk…", then again she fell into a deep sleep.