
Pointless Death

I woke up with a neck pain again… And, my back is getting worse. I thought because I was young I would not feel like an old man, but sadly that is not the case. I crack my back as I often do. And, while I do not think it helps, I enjoy the popping sounds it makes.

I consulted with my doctor, and they informed me that there was no harm in doing it. So I figured why not? My neck pain might because I am sleeping on two pillows. I wondered why I was never told doing that was a bad idea?

I recently found myself only using one pillow, but the problem is still there, is it getting better or will this take some time? Hopefully, it goes away soon. I read many web novels and watched tons of anime. On some level, I wished such an event happened to me.

I loved my family, but life has become mundane. Its a cycle of Work, sleep and repeat. The romance part of life is a problem for me; I do not care to curb my tongue all the time. And, no woman would love the real me. Even my current girlfriend is a victim of a face I bring to the world. She might like me, but she only likes my creation.

I have no real ambitions. Money is nice, but it's only a tool to grasp something. If I have no desires for the material world, why would I care about obtaining anymore than I a small excess?

Are doctors and lawyers morons?. What is the point of working hard for money when your stressed out because of how much you work all the time?

However, I am reminded of the irony of what I am implying when I walk outside and see a Range Rover in my driveway, I understood that it was a nice car, but did our family need the most expensive car on the lot?

I entered my Mercedes Benz and headed to work. It was an easy job, which honestly required no thinking. One could argue I had to be alert, but nothing happened all day. I moved dirt around by driving a machine that did all the hard work. In fact, the machine was worth more than I was.

After moving dirt around, I feel a little hunger and sigh because when I looked at my watch, it was only nine. Meaning I still had a few more hours until lunch. And, I could not leave my post because trucks always come at this hour.

I powered through until lunchtime, but I felt like my will was dying I needed my daily drug. Once I got my hands on my McDonald's chicken sandwiches, I grinned. This single lunch cost me around half an hour of wages, but this was the only indulgence I had.

After embracing the spirit of the cookie monster, I opened my mouth and lifted the sandwich I did not nor could not resist the bacon; the cheese and the love.

Besides this was grilled chicken, these two sandwiches only had around 800 calories, and I removed mayonnaise which meant it is about 650 calories or units of fat.

Honestly, I am surprised that I am not overweight. I guess drinking water and avoiding sauces helps. After all, I can have mayonnaise or 3 cookies. And, cookies rule the world everyone knows that.

My girlfriend is calling me, which pisses me off. Your bored cool I get it, but right now I want to enjoy my fucking sandwich, and I hate being called during working hours.

After taking a deep breath, I answered the phone and said, "Hello."

She replied, "Hey, babe what you up to?"

While I was upset because she was not getting to the point, I still responded, "Eating lunch, what's up?"

I hate social norms and things of that nature, but in fairness, I use the same mask so it's not anything I can complain about.

"Babe, we haven't made plans for the weekend."

While sighing because I could not enjoy my half hour break because of something that could have been talking about during the next four days, I said, "It's Monday, why don't we talk about something tonight when I have more time?"

"Babe, are you cheating on me?"

After hearing her comment, I got pissed and said, "Yes, you caught me lets break up."

I waited for a second and heard her reaction. "What!"

Now that the funny part was over I hung up and blocked her. The problem was not the question it was that we had talked about this same topic last night. I understand people make up crazy shit in their head, but if I explain stuff two times. I do not want to hear about it again in the next fucking day. It's not worth the stress.

First, you piss me off by calling me during lunch, and then you piss me off, and then you ask a question that could only lead to a fucking argument. Fucking bitch ruined my McDonalds…

After moving some more dirt around, I headed home and listened to some music on the way back. What is not a better breakup song than Puke by Eminem? Who does not fucking love this song? If you don't, I have some words for you.

"You don't know; how sick you make me

You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach

Every time I think of you.

I puke."

Eminem was divine when he wrote this song. I still had terrible feelings of my breakup, but I was not going to drag it out and let it rot. I knew its best to cut the bitch off and move on. And, no I was not going to be friends with her, after all, I had only shown her the mask and not the real me what type of friendship was there to be had?

I parked in my driveway and powered down my car. Once I get into my room, I should turn on some Taylor Swift songs. However, once I opened my door…

I saw a fucking gun pointed at my mothers head. WTF, Is this shit? Adrenaline poured into my veins; my eyes opened wide. I could hear my heart pounding into my chest.

The person holding the gun was masked, but I knew it was the girl I just broke up with. Seeing the gun pointed at my mother, I gulped. Sure, I did not break up with her in the best way, but what does this have to do with my mother — you slimy bitch.

"Hands up; you fucker!"

Naturally, I obeyed her command. I am not stupid that gun makes her my god.

"Why did you cheat on your girlfriend."

After hearing my X, I stood still until she said, "Hurry the fuck up; I don't have all day."

Because I could not think of anything in time, I told the truth, I knew this was a stupid idea, but I could think of a better answer.

"I did not cheat on her."

She fired her gun and hit my foot and said, "Stop lying."

"Fuck!" I fell over and grabbed my foot. In my heart I was thanking God I was a construction worker. I love you stupid safety laws that make no sense today you saved my pretty toes today.

And, thank you god for adrenaline! Perhaps, because of it, I knew that chick made a mistake. She was too close to me while my foot while injured; it still worked.

I prepared myself to assault her and said, "What do you want me to say!"

"The truth!"

I looked at my mom and said, "I'm sorry."

Before I even turned my head, I dove at her and started a melee. I was not an expert but thought it would be best to deal with her quickly. I grabbed her wrist with one hand and attacked her with my other arm.

However, I heard a gunshot from behind me and sighed. Because at that moment, I knew my girlfriend was not alone. I had managed to deal with one person, but my vision was blurring, and my vision was leaving me. With my final act, I grabbed the gun in her hand and shot the person who was puking after shooting me.

After I shot my killer, I used the last of my life and rested beside my mother, who was trying to free herself. While I knew I was dead, she likely wanted to help, but when she released herself and picked up my head, she knew it was the end for me.

In my last moment of life, I saw my mother's red hands and her crying face and heard her say, "I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. Forgive me, son."

Was the Protag a dick?

Did he need to die?

Was it was all terrible?

Acutelittletrapcreators' thoughts