
Pleasure System.

C_MEN7 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


Justin sat on one of the various chairs in the waiting lobby. He did not understand what had happened in the awakening room, but one thing that he knew for a fact, was that his awakening exercise had failed. He could not feel any difference in his body, he was not different from himself a week before. 

Justin kept thinking of life for the next 30' min.

" You can go,", the attendant came out of the awakening room and informed him, with a confused expression.

" Hope there are no problem.?", Justin inquired.

"Not at all. It was just the energy source that had run thin, but everything is alright now ", the attendant answered. 

" Guess I'll be going then."Justin said in depressed voice as he got up from where he was sitting. As he left the attendant could not help but pity him. He would be the only known 18 year old, that would not be an awakened.

Justin walked the road he usually walked to get home every day, but he couldn't help but feel that today was especially lonely. As he walked, he could not hear any other thing, apart from the questions in his head. ' Why did I not awaken?, What did the system mean by Error?'.

As Justin kept thinking this, he didn't realize when had gotten home. That went to show how absent minded he was. He was quickly falling into the pit of depression.

Justin spent the rest of the day on auto pilot, his mind blank. All the seemingly endless questions he ought to be asking himself were currently nowhere to be found.

As the time went by, he began to feel like an alein in his own skin. The silence in the vicinity only helping to worsen his mental condition.

Justin barely managed to have dinner, after missing his lunch. His 18th birthday day was ruined. There was no cause to be Happy at all, talk more partying. There was no Joy for Justin today.

As Justin was busy contemplating life, a strange phenomenon was currently occurring within his body. All the energy that his body had sucked from the awakening system was currently put into use. 

His soul which had been sealed with a soul ruin, was currently sucking as much energy as possible, through a crack in the seal. As his soul kept absorbing the energy, it became stronger, boosting it's attack on the seal. 

Unknown to Justin, he was not only having a mental battle, but also one of the soul, as his soul became stronger the weaker the seal became. 

Justin went to sleep, oblivious to all this. He even prayed that he should not wake up anymore if you his was going to be his new life. 

Although Justin slept, his soul did not. It kept fighting against the seal, and although it didn't do much, it managed to create a wide enough opening before all the energy it had stolen from the awakening system was depleted, thus enabling Justin the ability to awaken.

After creating this opening, it did not just stop there, it went further to create the system that would make Justin grow stronger easier than others. A system where all Justin had to do to grow stronger was to have sex. 

Justin woke up the next day, feeling both joyful and hopeful. He couldn't describe how he could be feeling this, what he did not know was that it was his soul that had invited this feeling in him. Since his soul had managed to create an opening and a system, it was only normal for him to feel joyful and hopeful.

Justin quickly had his bath after which he ate and had breakfast. He had to be in school today, especially since he might never be able to awaken. Yesterday, had been Thursday and Justin had only been absent because he wanted to awaken, which Did not go as he planned. 

Now without any relative or anyone to help him, school was now his only option. 

Justin hurried to school, not wanting to be late. When he got to school, he was one of the few Early students. He quickly went to put his belongings safely in his locker. Then he quickly went to hide himself in the classroom wherein the first class he was supposed to attend would be held.

Justin did not leave the classroom because he did not want to encounter any one of the bullies. Slowly, other students began to troop into the classroom, taking the available seats. When the class was almost filled, Charlotte, The girl that Justin had..... That many guys had confessed to swaggered in, with a train of devoted followers in her trail. 

As soon as Justin set his eyes on her, he could not seem to get his eyes off. He stared so hard that Charlotte could not help but notice.

' why is he staring at me like that?', she wondered, as she gave him a polite smile. Justin on the other hand did not care what others thought of him, as just as he saw Charlotte, a Miracle had happened. He did not know what to make of this incident, or if it was just a coincidence, but as he looked at her, a system screen had appeared before his very eye. He could not believe it, he had thought that he would never be an awakened, but what he was seeing told otherwise. 

[ System Initializing.]

Only these two words floated before Justin but the joy that he felt was undiscribable. He suddenly felt the urge to go over to Charlotte this very moment and kiss her. 

Charlotte who had been observing Justin since she came in, could not help but recoil in her seat when she saw him turn to look at her, again, but this time with lovestruck eyes.

[ Initialization ... 20% ]

[ Initialization .....40% ]

[ Initialization .... 60% ]

[ Initialization ..... 80% ]




.[ Initialization ... 99%.]

Justin watched on in bated breath. The system had been synchronizing for up to five minutes now, which he had spent looking at Charlotte, but to him it felt Like eternity. 

It was not until an extra minute later that the Initialization was complete, and Justin could not contain the joy he felt when he saw the system interface showing;




[ Initialization... 100% ]


[ Initialization.. complete. ].

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