
please reset the booktitle UnknownPervert 20231218092329 42

Qin Yu, who has traveled to the future Gaowu era, found that he was carrying the computer's copy and paste function, which could not only copy the roots and talents of others but also the strength of the other party. "Ding...The host copies other computer physical attributes: strength +100, speed +10m/s, and gains the ability: hell flame!" "Ding...Host Duplicate Holy Rank Physique: Body of God of War (all attributes are improved after each battle injury recovery!)" "Ding...Host replication ability: time-reversal!" A teenager from Aquastar, as he replicated, again and again, his strength became stronger and stronger. It wasn't until a certain day that Qin Yu turned over a great emperor that the cosmic power clan was shocked to wake up, how powerful this young man from the galaxy is!

UnknownPervert · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Moving attribute values!

Today, one hundred thousand years later, you can only make a difference in this era if you become a warrior, or you can become a talented person in scientific research. Can live at the bottom of society.

After all, the current human race will not dominate the galaxy.

In one hundred thousand years, if human beings have not been inherited by advanced alien civilization, perhaps they have just left the solar system now.

You know, the entire Milky Way galaxy has a diameter of more than 100,000 light-years. Even if the human race travels at the speed of light, it will take more than 100,000 years to go through the Milky Way, let alone the entire Milky Way within 100,000 years.

However, a powerful warrior can explode with great power in this starry sky era.

Therefore, becoming a warrior is the main theme of this world.

If you are not a warrior, no matter how much money you make, you may be taken directly by the strong.

Therefore, if you can become a warrior in junior high school, you will definitely receive strong support.

Of course, Qin Yu now doesn't want to be noticed by too many people.

But only when you come into contact with a powerful circle can you copy more attributes, very powerful martial arts.

Qin Yu couldn't always use this Rao Shizi's alliance basic boxing technique all his life!

"Next, class b Qin Yu chooses his opponent!!"

Finally, with the end of the game on stage, it was finally Qin Yu's turn to challenge. Adding QQ3041446938 can remind you to update, and you can customize the novel you want


read "Is it finally here?" Qin Yu raised his brows.

Immediately strode directly towards the top of the ring.

"Qin Yu, who are you challenging!?" The

examiner is a middle-aged man with flamboyant muscles.

And he is also the martial arts instructor of Class A!

Equivalent to the head teacher.

But he doesn't show favoritism to anyone. When he comes to martial arts, the more favoritism, the more it hurts the students.

Secondly, there is a summit platform in this huge martial arts room, and school leaders and some instructors are watching this game.

As Qin Yu stepped onto the ring, in the summit stage above the ring, the principal, the head of the martial arts department and the instructors were all shocked.

"Qin Yu, this student has actually cultivated the basic boxing technique to 100% proficiency!" The

principal was also slightly surprised, but he did not expect such a genius level figure to appear.

It is foreseeable that as long as Qin Yu is given two more years, Qin Yu will definitely be able to grow into a true warrior.

At that time, there is hope to be admitted to universities in the province. QQ3041446938 can add more reminders, while Personal Tailor you want to see the novel

"yes ah, to enhance the strength before Qin Yu is not fast, it seems that the foundation should be practicing boxing wasted a lot.

But quicken the work, This kid has a bright future!" The

dean of the martial arts department also said with a smile.

"Well, I just don't know who he is going to challenge!" The

principal smiled slightly, looking forward to it.

If Qin Yu can enter the top ten, the strength will have the opportunity to enter the Shuitian City No. 1 High School.

On the ring, Qin Yu glanced at the virtual screen floating in the sky.

"I don't know who Qin Yu will choose this time. I think I should choose the top five or so students."

"It's hard to say that Qin Yu is only 27 now. Even if his strength is soaring, it is still a bit to directly challenge the top five students. difficulties

should before about ten. "



not only other school leaders is that students are a little curious.

On the large virtual screen, there are rows from the first to more than a thousand students.

The two words Sun Hao headed by him are particularly conspicuous.

"No.1: Class A Sun Hao

Power: 542kg

Speed: 47m/s

Anti-strike ability: 475kg"

The message in this row was particularly conspicuous, and Qin Yu immediately decided after seeing it!

Such a powerful property library does not choose who he chooses.

"I want to challenge, Class A Sun Hao!"

Without hesitation, Qin Yu said directly.

As soon as his words came out, the students around the martial arts arena were instantly silent.

"Sun Hao, did he challenge Sun Hao?"

"Does Qin Yu think he can fight Sun Hao when he becomes stronger ?!" "Tsk tusk tusk

, the show is on!"



Everyone was shocked when they heard Qin Yu's words, and of course there were many people who wanted to see Qin Yu's embarrassment sneer.

And Qin Yu didn't care about the opinions of these people.

Instead, he looked directly at Sun Hao below.

Sun Hao coldly glanced at Qin Yu on the stage. In his opinion, Qin Yu just wanted to make him famous.

He saw a lot of people like this.

"Huh, want to rely on me to be famous? Then you have to be mentally prepared!"

Sun Hao let out a cold snort and jumped directly onto the three-meter-high ring.

"The two shook hands! Ready to

compete !" The examiner gave a low voice, and then Qin Yu and the two walked directly opposite each other.

"You will regret it!!!"

A mocking voice came from Sun Hao's mouth.

However, Qin Yu just smiled and shen. out his right hand.

"Ding...link to other computers!!!"

As the two men's right hands were firmly held together, a computer system sound came.

Qin Yu skillfully opened the opponent's attribute area.

"Attribute area:

Power: 542

Speed: 47m/s

Constitution: 475

Soul: 11"

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