
Two Worlds

over thousands years ago, there lived two friends.James Arthur and James Demosion . James was the son of a reigning king(king Arthur the second)

James was a tall and masculine creature from his gods.

He had a thin face, beautiful sea blue eyes,his skin was as white as snow, his nose was perfectly moulded, his lips were a peach colour, for his hair, he had a dark brown which was always organized and he had a thunder shape mark on his forehead.

For lokey, he had similar looks to James but for him, he had grey hair,his eyes where as bright as the morning sun,he had a pale skin that looked like that of a vampire.He had beautiful teeth and fangs shaped perfectly.His nails where so clean that you could see your face through it.

These two friends where very beautiful, when ever they rolled down their town on their horses, ladies would stop whatever they are doing and then take a glimpse at them.

Most ladies wished that they could marry them.(they would want to do it the other way round because it was the men who were supposed to marry the woman but because the woman are so desperate to marry them, THEY would rather want to me marry the)

Lokey was the son of the late Jackson Demosion.He was the king of the dark.his subjects were the demons of the mortal realm. lokeys' father was killed in a war by his close friend who now rules the mortal realm. king Arthur did not first approve of their friendship. Lokey had two beautiful sisters and a lovely mother who took care of them perfectly without any man's help.

Bella Demonsion and Alexa Demonsion were their names.

James Arthur and his friend (Lokey) were unseperable but something unsuden on the year 19TH October 1821 on the day of the coronation of crowning James Arthur, the king of this father's nation for he had come if age.

Lokey and James where preparing for the coronation.lokey was very happy for this best friend. James and Lokey decided to have fun in the forest before James became the king because becoming a king came with a lot of responsibilities so both of them rolled into the forest on their horses not thinking of where they were going and how they would come back.

All of a sudden, the part of the forest in which they had gone became dark and the wind began to blow heavily as if there was a storm coming the all of a sudden , everything stopped then at a far distance they saw a man in a black and white robe. His hair was soo dark.He rode on a flaming horse.He held a staff that was shaped in a form of a serpent. The two teenagers where so scared.

They tried rolling off on their horses but when the demon lifted his heads and looked at the boys, they froze due to the fluorescence in his eyes (they were being hypnotized due to his eyes).

He then hit his staff on the ground and creatures of all sorts came out from the ground (you can name them). they then surrounded the boys and the they all vanished into the underground world. There, the boys came back to normal.Now the demon introduced himself (he was the friend of the most powerful king of the mortal realm but then he killed his friend because THAT friend betrayed him)then Lokey realised that, that was his father's friend who killed him in the war.this mage Lokey very angry,he drew a sword and was about to slit the demons throte but then, the demon raised his hand towards Lokey and suspended him in the air.

Lokey tried to save himself but he couldn't.then the demon casted a evil spirit on him. he then manipulated him buy putting bad memories in this head. Already,Lokey was the son of the a powerful demon king, so he had an evil spirit in this heart.his heart turned into stone cold. Half of his hair turned black and this beautiful blazing sun eyes turned red and he became a totally different person.

James cried out, struggled and tried to save Lokey but it was too late.he had been demonised. when Lokey was now demonised, the demons in the mortal realm to hail him because, they had gotten a new powerful masters.a voice was manipulating him within.so then he grew hatred for him and wanted to kill him and take over hit kingdom.

But then, from above,thunder stroke and at that spot,a God from the heavenly realms came into the underground world.He was dressed in a white and blue with a hood.his his hair was white.he had eyes that looked like he was blind but actually, he wasn't.he was barefooted and had a staff in this hand it was just simple and had thundering shimmering light that could be seen passing through it.

There and then,he lifted up his staff and said"with the power that has been installed in me by the gods,this world shall now have two worlds.the he hit the staff on the ground and the world divided into two parts.