
please reset the booktitle Rahasya_1 20231218092329 3

Rudra a young man in his 30s is transferred in a novel with lazy god system

Rahasya_1 · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Coming out of the shitty place(mountain) pp

(Sorry for grammar mistakes)

As he talking about the novel to himself, Suddenly the golden finger started speaking in a robotic voice.

{"The host can get rewards by daily sign-in in Lazy god system"}

Hearing the voice Rudra did not got excited like others who get system their was just a smile on his face because even if he didn't get the system he was not going to follow the villan's path to become the protagonist he was just going to relax in this life "No work and No work "was his motive from the start.

{"Does the host want to sign-in"}

"Ok sign-in"Rudra replied.

{"Congratulations host you got the title "God level Doctor " and 20 million $ }

After hearing the voice his headache started again after some time his headache stop and lot of information

got into his brain .

"I think now ,I have to get used to this pain "Rudra signed in his heart.

He has now became a god level doctor he can now cure any kind of disease and also the money he get from the system will help him after the novel finishes to live his comfortable life.

Suddenly the master called him and told him to come at the training hall ,Rudra got ready and walked towards the training hall .

Arriving at the training hall Rudra saw that John was also present in the hall he didn't care about him and walked straight towards the master .

Seeing Rudra ignoring him John was angry "This bastard ,How dare he ignore me "John whispered in his heart.

The master started talking "I think time has come you should leave the mountain and go to the capital"

Listening to his master John was excited he always wanted to go to to the capital and leave a luxurious life and bulid his harem and trample over the rich second generation , "Pretend to be pig and eat tiger".

Seeing the expression on John's face Rudra was annoyed "This bastard didn't even leave the mountain yet, started building his flying castle"

The master walked towards John and told him "When you go to the capital go meet your fiance from the Alves family ,When i was in capital the 'Alves' family elder promised me to marry his daughter to my student"

After saying that he also told John that Rudra's family named 'Smith' is the richest family in capital which will help you in gaining power in capital ,Then he walked towards Rudra and Sayed "You will help your senior brother "and gave his final goodbye.

Rudra was very annoyed he just wanted to beat crap out of the master behaving like a gentleman but seeing his master's old face he gave up .

After packing up their luggage both of them started walking down the mountain .

John wanted to make Rudra realise that how inferior he is to him so he came up with an idea.

"Hey Rudra should we race down the mountain " He spoke to Rudra.

Rudra also wanted to get rid of this bastard so he accepted John's challenge after count of 3 ,John started running as fast as he can jumping and making use of his flexible body .

Rudra pretended like he was behind him ,Rudra took out his phone and called his bodyguard who has been waiting for him down the mountain in a mansion arranged by the Smith family

"Hey Percy (bodyguard's name) come and pick me up with the helicopter " Hearing his master's order Percy was overjoyed he quickly sat on the helicopter and drove it towards the mountain.

Percy picked his master (Rudra) from the mountain and rushed down the mountain .

[At John's side]

John came down the mountain with sweat all over his body he didn't stop at any place for sec He rushed down the mountain with his full speed .

"That bastard doesn't even know difference between earth and sky Hahaa..haa"John spoke with joy on his face but suddenly he froze seeing Rudra waiting for him with a cold drink in his hand .

"You..you, How did you do it?!!!!John spoke with a ugly face.

"Oh ,I came by helicopter"Rudra replied.

"This is cheating the race was for showing your abilities" John spoke with anger

"Richness is also an ability "Rudra replied

[Dialogue from justice league]

"You bastard wait when I get rich i will make your whole family bankrupt "John whispered in his heart

Rudra didn't care about him anymore and got in his car, Seeing Rudra going John quickly came near Rudra and started repeating his master words that Smith family will help him in capital.

John was very angry but if he wanted to become powerful in the capital he has to first rely on Smith family for backup so he told Rudra to go with him to the Alves family to see his fiance and to make Alves family realise that he has Smith family as his backup .

Rudra was not a pig he understands what John means by taking him to see his Fiance it's just that John thinks he is the only one who is smart in this world and others are just pigs

Rudra was also bored he wanted to see a drama scene happening in front of him so he agreed to John's request.

After coming to Alves family mansion both John and Rudra walked towards the main hall of the mansion Dexter the heroine father was waiting for us to arrive ,He got the message of our arrival from the Master.

"Welcome ,Welcome my future son in law "Dexter happily welcomed John

He knows that the person personally taught by the Master from the mountain should be extraordinary and will also help him becoming the strongest in four major families in the capital.

He also welcomed me because he knew that offending the most richest and strongest family which is respected by four major families in capital is not good for him.

He then called his daughter the 1st Heroine Rose in the main hall .

Rose was sitting in her bedroom with a angry face when she heard her father calling someone son in law in the main hall but suddenly she heard something that really shocked her.

[Now then ,The novel has started, The first brainless heroine will show up ]

[This was the scene were she doesn't acknowledge her fiance John and tells him to get out]

[I really want to see this scene ,seeing John feeling ashamed Hahaha..]

"Who is that" hearing the voice Rose stood up and started moving her eyes around her but didn't see anyone in her room .

"Where did the voice came from "She was confused