
please reset the booktitle Purple_luv_3177 20231218092329 66

Warning:Novel is rated 18* No rape,No major misunderstanding. *************************** In her arms,he found his home and he wanted to stay in that home forever but his home is far away from her arms. He stood up put on his shirt and toss $20,000 dollar s notes at her and walk out of the room. He had never cheated before maybe that is why his heart grew heavy.

Purple_luv_3177 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

My Marriage life

I stretch my arm widely trying to reach to the alarm as the buzzing sound was echoing all around the room which l manage to put off and doze back to sleep again. I can't wake up this early since I have no work to do in the office today.

"Wake up!" A slender lady looking in her late twenties walk up to my bed side in a stylish manner putting on the lastest gucci design body hug dress with printed pattern at the edges of the beautiful dress hugging her body like a scared baby. Her jewelries flashing like a quick cheque notice. Her body is fair as a ripe orange asking to be picked and sucks all around looking slender like a starved bigger on the street.

She moves the heavy duvet and tossed it on the ground."get up and make me breakfast l can't afford to be late jing". She shouted on her tiny loud voice.

"Get the maid to do that" I responded still sleeping .

' No, I like your cooking skills,so get your lazy ass to the kitchen and make me fruit salads, I am watching my weight' she replied while opening the curtains.

I stood up stretching my arms high up revealing my able six abs and hairless chest. " Mia, I don't understand you right now, you mean l should cook for you this early morning?".

" Yes jing do not make a big deal out of this since this is not the first time you are making my breakfast!"she answered looking frustrated by that question he throws at her.

I rolled my eyes obviously looking irritated by her action but what can l do right now I said yes to the marriage simply because I love her.love is blind they said so all lovers must have lost their eyes like me l moves around with no eyes.

"Fine! So where are you off to?" I asked as I move to the closet to get my top.

" My child hood friend just came back from europe, so I want to visit her " .

"Ooh! So that child hood friend that I never met right?" I asked as I walked in with a big top and swing it over my head.

" Yep! Gosh jing never take off your shirt in front of any low ass lady, got that?"

I smiled " of course, only in front of you since you are my wife". I walk close to her " babe let have a baby we have been married for two years now so what are we waiting for?" I asked as l hug her placing my hands on her tiny waist and her's on my chest .

"No jing ,now is not the time to have a baby jing, we are still a young couple remember with fucking bastard money to control the economy, a baby can come after like 10 to 15 years that not too much right l am only 28 years old remember and you are just 30 years old so let wait for like 15 more years to come ok?" She smiles looking me in the eye, blinking her tiny eyeballs at me. ' Oh lord what was I looking at, everything about this lady is just so tiny! Tiny eye, Nose, hand, legs, face and even body. She looks like a pack of bone left to get dry by the sun without care'. I smiled at my thought but soon harden my face.

" Why Mia? Let have our kids early and rest at the late days of our life. You know am putting you into consideration so that childbirth will not be difficult for you".

'Do not bother about me jing, if the childbirth is difficult I can have a CS or no a surrogate mother would bear the child for me' she smiles and I lose my temper at her statement

" No! Hell No! Mia What are you thinking surrogate, Cs None of these can work, Every mother pray to birth their child themselves and you are here blabbing about surrogate and CS where is your brain? "I yelled at her bring a distance between us. Mia looks infuriated has she raised her eyebrows up and down that is her own way to show anger paving it's way to her head.

"You yelled at me jing, you called me senseless and blabbing high school girl right?" She asked with her shaking voice ready to cry.

" No!" I yell trying to control my anger," Liar!, When I get to the office I will tell my big sister about this " she shouted as tears drop from her eye. I looked at her lost of words and she walks pass me. And picked up her red diamond Gucci bag and pratically match out of the room.

" Gush!" I yelled as I place my hand on my heads messing with my hair.

"She behaved like a kid at twenty eight, I can't believe her! Gosh spoilt rich kids" I sighed and turn to go after her " Mia what about breakfast?"

Author's Note

please, like, comment and share my work please.And you can also rate my work to help me go a long way.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 And I will keep updating the story.🤍🤍🤍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜. Thanks