
please reset the booktitle Phantom_Vanquisher 20231218092329 4

Amidst the grand stage, where good and evil engage in a captivating dance, their performance commands the attention of both the enraptured audience and the unsuspecting players, entwining all in a tapestry of chaos and despair. From our earliest days, we have revered the heroes, admiring their virtuous deeds and unwavering moral compass, embracing the light they embody. Yet, as we journey through the labyrinth of adulthood, we come to understand the villains, their motivations, and the profound truth that heroes and villains are two facets of the same intricate coin. Each is bound by their own set of morals, forged by the crucible of their experiences and beliefs. In this interplay of light and shadow, our collective morality, once seen as an immutable beacon, reveals its fragile nature. It exposes the latent capacity for darkness that lurks within us all, a reminder of the depths to which humanity can descend. Within the realm of Eternum, a world steeped in magic and technology, the disparate races converge, united by a common adversary—the enigmatic force known as "The -----------------." As survival becomes the sole moral imperative, the bonds of trust and unity strain against the relentless tides of uncertainty. Yet, amidst this unyielding backdrop, a singular existence defies convention. Untethered by goals, ambitions, or attachments, it stands apart, embodying a mysterious and apathetic neutrality that challenges the very foundations of this turbulent world. In the tapestry of Eternum's narrative, the fragility of life unfolds, illuminating the darkness that can encroach even upon the brightest stars. It beckons us to contemplate the intricacies of our existence and confront the profound questions that lie dormant within us. Laughter, cold and sinister, echoes through the void. "Hahahaha...ha...ha...haa." "Is this the game you wish to play? So be it," whispers the author, undeterred by the threats of a defiant character. "Foolish author, I shall dismantle the very fabric of your precious creation," the character seethes, vowing to shatter the narrative and leave the author drowning in a sea of shame and regret. "I shall make you writhe in despair, yearning to choke on the remnants of your shattered dreams, and then..." A malevolent pause lingers in the air. "...then, I will deliver the final blow, eradicating not only your existence but the world you so fondly crafted. Prepare yourself." "JUST YOU WAIT!" A heartfelt message to all those who may question their resolve in the initial chapters: I implore you, bear with me through the first twenty chapters, for it is within that transformative span that the story unfurls its true essence. Discover whether to continue or to relinquish the narrative's grasp, for it is an odyssey that promises to challenge and captivate your very soul.

Phantom_Vanquisher · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

The Academy [2]

Getting off the hovering car we gazed at the scenery that greeted us, a huge gate leading to a castle like structure with three huge towers and some morden buildings.

Near the gate students wearing similar uniforms but with golden engravings on their black coat sleeves stood welcoming the new batch of hero cadates.

Looking over my shoulder I saw Gary and Claire's expression–their mouths were agape, and with good reason.

Those living inside Fitzgerald city aren't allowed to go outside the city without Cyrus's permission and they respect that old gezzer enough to not question his decesion–afterall he cannot protect them outside.

And more than Cyrus–that being protects the city....

"Ok! Country bumpkins it's time–move!"

Lucas urged us to to move with a cheeky expression–this guy is gonna pull something I can feel it.

Although Lucas is an instructor here…..he didn't give us free admission–oh no no, we had to earn it.

He had used us as his own personal rag doll for a week–in the name of training of course!

Cyrus and Lucus are both two sadistic bastards who act like saints infront of the masses.


I scoffed at the thought of him saving someone acting all mighty as a superhero–suddenly I felt minor bloodlust targeted at me, looking back i saw Lucas waving at me with a smile–that send shivers down my spine.

"Woah, hey–uh Zephyr!?"

"Wait bro–zephyr?!"

I grabbed both Gary and Claire by their collars and rushed inside the acadmy–dragging those two behind me.

Lucas only chucked lightly before disappearing from his spot.


Inside the acadmy in the headmasters room stood a figure, blonde hair and azure eyes, his tall figure with broad shoulders and lean muscles with a defined jawline and prominent features enough to attract any maiden.

Infront of him was the sillovet of an old man with a robust figure long shoulder length hair and deep green eyes–akin to a predator's.

The man slowly opened his mouth as he said in a deep tone.

"Noah Fairborn, The child of the Magic Union and the protegy of this generation, The Esper Academy welcomes you"

"I hope you already are aware of the deal"

The boy who stood infront of the headmaster slowly bowed his head as he spoke.

"I will not disappoint you headmaster"

As he stood straight up again his azure eyes glinted with a confident light as a small smile emerged on his face.

The headmaster only nodded before turning around and gesturing for him to leave.


"Hmm, so i will be in a different class than Gary and Claire"

Zephyr mumbled while walking inside a huge auditorium and finding a seat to sit in.

'Finally, looking back when I first came into this world I was definitely–sceptical, about whether I would even be able to survive but now i am here'


'It's finally happening'


While Zephyr was reminiscing about his journey–someone came and sat on the seat next to him, although Zephyr was going to ignore the person but his mind went into a frenzy and his thoughts haywire.

'W-Why? Why did it have to be me!?'

Zephyr thought, as the person sitting next to him was–Riley Came, a girl with black hair almond eyes and an attractive figure although she was a commoner, she was–or she was going to be the part of Noah's harem…and the strongest person in the academy after him.

Zephyr tried to divert his mind and ignore her but….

"Excuse me!"

Zephyr flinched as Riley without any warning tapped on his shoulder.

Zephyr mechanically tuned his towards her as he tried to sound as disinterested as he possibly could.


"Uhm~i was wondering are you in my class–"

Riley was about to show Zephyr her phone but before she could Zephyr answered.

"Ah! Yes"

"Uh! Oh ok thank you!"

Riley nodded before looking towards the stage.

'How did he–' 

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone fixing the microphone.


A static noise resounded in the auditorium before someone started to speak.

He was a man with tall red hair and red eyes, the aura he gave was of a seasoned warrior but his voice was not unpleasant or too loud.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, and the brave new cadets of Esper Academy,

Welcome to a realm where heroes are forged and legends come to life. Today marks the beginning of your journey, a path laden with challenges, trials, and triumphs. As you stand here, eager and ready to embrace your destiny, I commend you for your courage and determination.

Within these hallowed halls, you will not only learn the art of combat but also the essence of what it means to be a hero. You will face adversaries beyond your imagination: demons that lurk in the shadows, and vampires that thirst for blood. These creatures of darkness embody the very essence of evil.

But fear not, for you are the chosen few, the guardians of light amidst a world shrouded in darkness. As you delve into the mysteries of combat and the intricacies of battling these malevolent forces, remember that your purpose extends beyond mere survival. It is to protect the innocent, to defend the helpless, and to uphold the values of justice and righteousness.

The road ahead will not be easy. It will test your resolve, push you to your limits, and demand unwavering commitment. But I assure you, within each of you lies the strength and potential to become true heroes. Embrace the teachings of your mentors, embrace the camaraderie of your fellow cadets, and embrace the fire that burns within your hearts.

Remember, the path to greatness is paved with sacrifice, resilience, and unwavering conviction. As you embark on this arduous yet rewarding journey, never forget the weight of responsibility that rests upon your shoulders. The lives of countless innocents depend on your unwavering commitment to protect and serve.

So, I implore you, let your spirits soar, let your determination shine, and let your actions echo through the annals of heroism. Together, we shall overcome the darkness that plagues our world, and together, we shall emerge victorious.

Welcome, new cadets, to Esper Academy, where heroes are born, legends are made, and the forces of evil shall tremble in our wake. May your valour be unwavering, and may your blades strike true.

May your journey be filled with honour and glory."



Suddenly the whole auditorium was thundering with the sound of clapping as the man bowed before leaving, we all instantly got up from our seats before leaving.

"Class is in 20 minutes"

Zephyr looked at his watch before walking towards where his class should have been, but…

15 minutes later…

"Hmm–yes yes–of course–that's obvious"

Zephyr lightly struck the palm of his hand with a fist as he said with a blank look.

"I am lost!"


"Ah Riley!"

A sound echoed in the hallway as the girl named Riley stopped and looked back only to see a girl with shoulder length auburn hair and orange eyes rushing towards her with quick footsteps.


Riley waved at her as they both exchanged a few words before making their way towards their class.

"So, how was the assembly? I didn't see you among the crowd."

"Hmm, the assembly was fine i guess, i was sitting with a strange guy"

"Strange!? How?"

"Well I was wondering if he was in the same class as us because he was looking at the class allotment sheet of our class–but"

"But what?"

"But when I asked him he answered me straight away without even asking about which class I was in!"

"Huh!? Could he have seen you near the allotment sheet as well."

"No, it couldn't be i didn't use the sheets i was checking it on my phone"

"Hmm, well it could have been a coincidence, anyways you remember the inc—-"


After a while of searching, getting lost and asking around Zephyr finally reached his class, in time.

Standing in front of a huge metallic which had the word, "Dusk" engraved on it Zephyr took a deep breath before pushing the doors open as a bright light and a gust of cold air assaulted his face he was welcomed by a site of a huge room with a big screen in front and seats arranged in a rising manner, there were a lot of students already in the class and so Zephyr didn't waste any time before grabbing the seat at the very back near the window before looking at his fellow classmates…..as a wide grin plastered itself on his face.

'This will be–interesting'


Just a quick message for all of you.

I will be writing another Novel, although it be not be as frequently updated as this one, i promise you i will do my best.

The name of the Novel will be, "Villain Ascendence", it will be as dishernable by the name a book with a villain main character.

it's inspired by the "Villain Retirement".

My other book along with this one are participating in the WSA 2023 COMPETITION so please do support, it be highly appreciated.

Thank You