
please reset the booktitle Matthew_racheal 20231218092329 24

Ava pov Working as a personal assistant to an egomaniac, self centered, jerk for 5 years isn't as easy as it seems it makes you look like his errand manger and not his assistant. I doubt the moron even knows my name. I'm like a shadow at his behind always cleaning up all sorts of mess....until I couldn't take it anymore so I quit and fucker act like he doesn't even care!!! Until one sweet sunny day he comes and proposes a sweet juicy deal And that got me thinking a sweet deal and an opportunity for my revenge ... hell yeah!

Matthew_racheal · Thành thị
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chapter two: The resignation letter

Ava's pov

it's was a chilly evening when I stepped in my bestfriend's diner, I just closed from work and was really stressed out that I could faint and since I dont want to be carried out on a stretcher with an ambulance team at my back, I slumped on the available chair I could find removing my black flats, wiggling my toes for comfort.

"why do you always come here every time you get off from work?, it's like creepy and weird at the same time." my best friend Ciara says and smiles placing a cup of coffee on the table.

Ciara and I go a long way back in high school because we share the passion for fangirling. yeah I love fangirling, my favorite boyband is WHY DON'T WE and luckily Ciara loves it too and that's why we were able to click so well and ever since then ,she's like my other half we could have gotten married but instead she got married to her college sweetheart and now they have a kid who I adore so much.

Inhaling the rich scent of the caffeine, I take a sip of my coffee, closing my eyes to savour the rich taste in my mouth which makes me more relaxed " that's why I love you c" I moan

"because of the coffee?" she teases while I just laugh .taking another and another putting coffee up back down.

" I got you a little welcome back from work gift" she says, digging her hand through her apron pocket ,she tosses some pictures at the table.

" please tell me it's what I think it is" my eyes dancing with excitement when I pick up the pictures.

it's pictures of our favorite band.this is just enough to destress me.

flipping through the pictures, I can't help but feel Giddy like a high school girl who just got flowers from her crush. " oh my God these pictures are so cute c"

"yeah I know" admiring her manicured fingers.

" we would have taken those together but as usual --". and right on cue, my ringtone filles the air, I take it from my bag to check the caller's I'D ,I roll my eyes at the unknown caller and flashes the screen at her.

"figures, he's the only bastard that calls an employee outside of work" she says while I offer a quick apology, picking up the call.

"Ms grace speaking, how I can help you Mr Blake?" I tried to sound professional and less stressed out than I already am.

"okay sir I'll get that ready tomorrow" I nod taking out a little notepad and a pen jotting the relevant points to what he says. After a while he goes off.

"like seriously, I hate how that guy makes you work 24 hours round the clock" Ciara complains with a straight face her arm crossed over the other.

I sigh "I've been thinking about it and maybe it's time to resign" i say slowly waiting to see her reaction.

"oh my God Ava!" she sheriks ,her eyes widened

"I know, I know, i shouldn't,it was stupid of me to sugg--" the words dies right in my mouth because she wraps her arms around me in a bear crushing hug nearly knocking the breathe out of me.

" that's wonderful news Ava, I don't know about you but that's the best news have heard since I got pregnant with Lucas."

"really?" I ask while she nods in excitement.

"You definitely need a break honey, I mean look at you" she inspects me from head to toe.

"what wrong with me?" I glare at her In pretense and tries to shove her away from me but she's stuck in like a glue wrapping her arms tighter.

" nothing wrong with you darling, it's just your social life is just a no-no" she says while I pout.

"my social life it's just fine by me" I agrue

she scoffs giving me the are you kidding me look.

" tell me Ava when was the last time you've fucked a guy and not a last minute quickie with your vibrator?"

"I mean...last 2 weeks....no....hmm...."

"you see, you can't even remember cause you've not had a mind blowing sex in a long time, that hole of yours hasn't been lubricated in a long time" ciara says while I just stare at her in shock cause Ciara really has no mouth filter she just says things as she sees it.

"ok Ava, when as the last time we did something that's just about us?, or the last time we went fangirling?" this job of yours is eating your social life away can't you see it?."

she drops her arms around me and looks at me trying to read my expression.

she's right I can't remember the last time I had time for myself it's always been work,work and work.

I sigh " you're right Ciara I should think about myself now" I sadly smile

"oh, I'm sorry if I hurt you Ava" Ciara eyes softens as she places her hand above mine.

"No you didn't, you just made me realize that I can't keep living like this, I can't keep living my life taking care of someone who don't see me as a person"

"so what are you going to do?,you wanna think about it?"

"no there's nothing to think about" I inhale and exhale a deep breath trying to say the two words that I hope I won't end up regretting " I'm resigning".


today as always is as hectic as it has always been, answered a few phone calls, booked appointments and got Mr Blake his coffee twice.. but I didn't mind cause this time I was leaving for good.

I waited impatiently, biting my nails, staring the clock like my life depends on it, cause right now my life really depends on it. I can only imagine how he would react when I tell him I would be leaving, maybe he'll finally notice me?. beg me to stay?, finally confess his love to me... I put a pause on my thoughts.

okay I think that's last one it's a bit too far.

My body shivers with anxiety and anticipation and each strokes that the clock makes me wonder if I'm doing the right thing, oh my God I'm have mixed feelings about this already.

my phone chimes in, telling it's time to pull my big girl pants on and move. I took a deep breath, and checked myself through his very expensive large glass doors, even checked my teeth to see didn't have any left over salad stuck in there somewhere.

wouldn't want to be dangling my resignation letter at his handsome face with a lettuce stuck to my teeth cause that would be so embarrassing.

knocking twice I entered " Good evening Mr Blake" I greeted with a smile but as usual no response.

oh fuck it let's do this. I mentally motivate myself as I placed my resignation letter quietly on his desk.

"what's this?" he takes the letter in his hands assessing it like it's a deadly weapon or something.

it's a pack of condom moron" I mentally cursed at him

"My resignation letter" I answered.

he lifts his head to take a look at me,our eyes locking, those blue ocean like orbs melts with my chocolate's, his eyes are compelling, I'll give him that,and I just want to be lost in them.

I can't deny that this man has the most sexist eyes I've ever seen...I mean it's that even possible. and damn if those eyes didn't make my clit throb with need.

he clears his throat bringing me out of my almost sexually infused thoughts. I'm almost positive my face is as red as a chili pepper no doubt. no surprise that area I'm still attracted to this jerkface.

I rub my cheeks with my palms trying to soothe my redden face.

"when do you want to leave ?" he asks his face unfazed about my decision to leave.

oh my God did he just ask me that?

I'm such an idiot , what did I really think?, that he'll hold me in his arms and beg me not to leave?, I've worked with this asshole for years I know his shitty behavior in and out.

and sometimes even I get surprised at how I think.

"as soon as possible"

"okay" he picks up his phone,dials a number and places it on his ear" I need you to set up an interview with applicants for the position of the personal assistant" he pauses " yes, she resigned not too long" briefly looking at me "you can excuse yourself now".

he says before going back to his phone call.

And just like that, I no longer for his company, much less any other. I don't even know how I'm feeling right now. cause I'm just numb and I don't like feeling numb at all.


"cheers baby gIrl, you're finally a free woman" Ciara yells over at the booming music ,drowning what I probably think it's her fourth drink.

I didn't want to have a party or anything like that but having a friend like Ciara, I knew there was nothing like that especially when she knows how hard I worked and hates my boss, I mean ex boss by the way so she she decided to take me to a new clubhouse that opened downtown.

I chuckled and replied " it's not like I'm married or in a relationship" I chew on a piece of lettuce served alongside our drinks. I wasn't really in the mood for drinking.

"uhh--duhh" you were like literally married to your work, but I'm glad that's all over sweetie" she giggles and gulps down the beer that I had lost count of.

"sweetheart I had a lot of things planned out for us,Monday fangirling, Tuesday fangirling" she slurs , ticking her to do list with her fingers.

"Ciara you know you can't hold your alcohol "I collect the glass from her but she justtakes it back.

"don't be such a party poopers at your own party" she whines and giggles at her own words "you know what?" she says as she 6finishes her drink "I'm gonna go to the bathroom and when I come back, we're gonna talk about how to marry you off to Jonas." she says running off, I couldn't help but smile.

ever since I was in high school I always dreamt of marrying Jonas because he is cute and he's my favorite out of the guys in the group.

I smiled at my childish thoughts ,i pressed the cold bottle to my lips,taking a sip of the cool drink, trying to feel relaxed under the soothing music the DJ just switched to until a familiar figure meets my eyes.

I know that well defined toned muscles and biceps everywhere, I nearly choke on my own saliva. what the hell is he doing here? I wondered until my visuals caught his best and only friend jamie Logan passing him a drink.

jamie Logan isn't anything like Asher he's sweet, Caring,nice, while Asher is the exact opposite sometimes I wonder how they are even friends at all. and he has a habit of opening up new clubs, and my guess this is his 17th club house so far.

they were sitted at the VIP area so I couldn't hear what they were talking about and i couldn't make out what they were saying either cause I'm not good at lip sync.

when Asher eyes was surveying the crowd like he was looking for someone, no doubt someone to warm his bed tonight. but I couldn't help but to hide my face so he won't spot me in the hi crowd but somehow wish he was also looking for me. and memories of what went on in his office earlier today came flashing in my eyes and they stung with unshed tears.

In anger ,I gulped the whole bottle of beer and requested for more.

it's time to get rid of these stupid butterflies dancing around my stomach if I ever want to move on from that bastard.