
please reset the booktitle Matthew_racheal 20231218092329 24

Ava pov Working as a personal assistant to an egomaniac, self centered, jerk for 5 years isn't as easy as it seems it makes you look like his errand manger and not his assistant. I doubt the moron even knows my name. I'm like a shadow at his behind always cleaning up all sorts of mess....until I couldn't take it anymore so I quit and fucker act like he doesn't even care!!! Until one sweet sunny day he comes and proposes a sweet juicy deal And that got me thinking a sweet deal and an opportunity for my revenge ... hell yeah!

Matthew_racheal · Thành thị
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4 Chs

chapter three - the interview day

Asher's pov

"so you're telling me that your assistant just quit?" Jamie's asks absently swirling his brandy before taking a sip.

"yes you dimwit, I told you that for like a hundred times already" I was already getting irritated by the question.

"did you know why she quit?"


"well,did you ask?"

"No" I replied already wishing I hadn't told him

"you're an asshole"

I scoffed "why would I ask her if she was resigning?"

"hmm...maybe because you need to know and you know somehow resolve it. dude you're a hard person to please and all those secretaries who worked before her didn't even last 3 months, but still she worked with you for 5 years, you dimwit" he refills his drink " you're not going to find another like her again."

rubbing my temples with my fingers,I creased the throbbing headache I felt coming on. but I couldn't help but think maybe he was right. I know I'm a very difficult person and I can't stand people who don't do there job right but she somehow did.

"well she's gone and I've already asked for another interview be scheduled for tomorrow."

"you can always beg her to stay you know?, increase her pay and all that?"

"I don't beg anyone you dipshit,and if she wanted me to increase her pay, she could have just asked."

"you're a moron you know that right?,how do you think, she could ask her boss who barely says more than a sentence to her? even worse doesn't know her name. my guess she probably got fed up with your bullshit and called it quits."

"just shut the fuck up you moron, you don't get to tell me how the fuck I treat my employees". suddenly regretting what I had said, I swallowed the leftover whiskey from my glass in frustration

Jamie sighs and gets up" you're still an asshole you know, call me when your feeling less like an asshole and more like a friend, wish you luck on your interview tomorrow." he pats my shoulder and leaves.

refilling my glass, I drained the whole glass and went for other until I completely blacked out.

**interview day**

I woke up with a massive headache and without a personal assistant and I was suddenly craving coffee like I always do anytime I'm awake

well like they say old habits die hard.

I got up,took a shower and just wore anything cause I couldn't pick what to wear what's even more hard is that I couldn't knot the stupid damn tie!

i groan in frustration, raking my hair with my hand. I hate this day already and It wasn't even 8:00 yet. I can get through this day I know it, just because I can't fix a damn tie doesn't mean this day can't get any better.

30 minutes into the interview I was already feeling agitated, stressed and mostly angry I just called over 50 applicants and there wasn't a single soul I liked! how is that possible?

"next!" I yell, which caused all heads to turn and stare at me with blank expressions like the rather be anywhere but here.

the door opens,and dark haired man dressed in a neutral tone color walks in and takes a sit.

judging by his clothes, I already hate the fucking guy.

"your name is Justin right?" my human resources manager asks passing his resume to me.

"yes sir"

"mind telling us while you think you're qualified for the job?" he asks again.

I couldn't care less about the fucker cause I already hated him right before he sat his freaking ass down the chair.

"well, I have a degree in internal business and I think I can be the best P.A if you'd give me a chance"

judging by his confidence and manner of approach, it seems he's worked in a seemingly large company like mine but I just don't like the guy.

for the love of God my eye twitches just by looking at his suit.

I studied the faces of the heads of the departments grading the applicants with me turns out they were quited pleased...but not me

"what are your plans for the com--"

"ever made coffee before?" I asked abruptly cutting off what the financial manager had to say.

"No sir I believe every company has a break room for that"

my co-workers stares at him, eyes widened in shock. i smirked at his response "oh really?"

he shook his head with confidence.

"you can go now and tell the next person to come in" his brows arched in confusion as he stands up and leaves

"oh " I call, his body turns in response "consider yourself not getting the job",

his face pales and confusion dawned on him cause he clearly couldn't figure out what went wrong

neither can I, I sound like a bitch right now nitpicking at any little fault I could find in them. I guess I'm not ready for a new one yet.i guess maybe I do need my ex assistant back.

"sir we are ready to call on the next applicant" the marketing manager reminds me.

"cancel them, we're not interviewing anyone anymore" I stand up " and someone send a copy of Ms grace resume to my office I need it as soon as possible." I left,didn't bother to brief them about my sudden change of plans.

I was so engrossed in what I had at hand I didn't hear the knocking.

"whatya reading?" he asks and snatches the folder away from my hands

"what the fuc--?" I look up to see it's Jamie and his ever ending grin "ever heard of knocking?"

"I did, you just didn't hear me. guess you were too deep in whatever this is?" he takes a peek at it and his grin widens.

" whatever are you doing looking at your ex-assistant file ?" he settles down on the leather arm chair away from my table and crosses his leg over at the arm of the chair.

"though you said you weren't interested?"

"I was just curious that's all"

"l smell a liar"

"shouldn't you be somewhere instead of here?" i reach for the folder just moves it away from me

"just wanted to pop by since I was around wanted to see how you're coping without your mommy" he jokes

"very well thank you, just finished conducting an interview and I was so pleased I couldn't pick which one I wanted".

" God you're such a liar, I just passed by your HR who told me you were such a bitch nitpicking about very little thing"


he shrugged "His words not mine"

"whatever" I grab the file from Jamie, taking a seat beside the arm chair he was on.

"so you wanna have lunch and p.s you look awful, surprised no one had told you that?" he picks a magazine from the front table and flips through it.

"gee thanks" I say while he just gives me a big smile in response.

"hey I asked a question you know? his head peaks up from the magazine he was looking at.

A sharp pain corsed through my head, it felt like it had hit something soothing the pain with my fingers ,I looked at the magazine on the floor and back at Jamie "

"sorry" he chuckles " you just seem so out of it, I wonder who's causing it?" he teases wiggling his brows at me.

I roll my eyes " Don't you have a bar to get to?"

and on cue his phone chimes with a message.

"well I do now" he stands and walks up to me patting my shoulder" try not to think about a certain someone okay, and please for the love of God wear a tie, you look like my fucking bartender". he Snickers and leaves

"fuck you" I mutter a curse. feeling the headache urging through, I toss the folder aside and sighed.