
please reset the booktitle Matthew_racheal 20231218092329 24

Ava pov Working as a personal assistant to an egomaniac, self centered, jerk for 5 years isn't as easy as it seems it makes you look like his errand manger and not his assistant. I doubt the moron even knows my name. I'm like a shadow at his behind always cleaning up all sorts of mess....until I couldn't take it anymore so I quit and fucker act like he doesn't even care!!! Until one sweet sunny day he comes and proposes a sweet juicy deal And that got me thinking a sweet deal and an opportunity for my revenge ... hell yeah!

Matthew_racheal · Thành thị
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4 Chs

chapter 4- The bitch is back.

************mature content ************

Adam's pov

"who are you?" I asked the unfamiliar face who is now occupying my ex-assistant desk when I stepped into the office.

"Good morning sir" a middle aged woman wearing a very thick dark rimmed glasses and has British accent greeted.

"that doesn't answer my question" I say taking my phone out from my pocket, calling the manager

"come here right now" I gritted,cutting off the call before he could even say hello

" I ask again who are you?"

"I'm Mrs abelamonga sir , your personal assistant.

"excuse me?" my eyebrow arch in confusion " Mrs abel---what now?"

"good morning sir" the manger Greeted me as I turn my head to face him.

"what's this?" pointing at the middle aged British woman

"your personal assistant sir" he says

"Don't give me that shit, she's just an old lady for Pete's sake" I say in disgust.

"well, yesterday's debacle didn't actually produce quite the result we were hoping for so we got a fill in for you at least for the next few day.....weeks.... months....years until we can finish a replacement" he says quietly

years....you've got to be fucking kidding me

restraining a headache I felt kicking in " Are you telling me that I would have an old lady whose probably supposed to be my dad's freaking side chick as my fucking personal assistant?" I ask my teeth most likely crooked cause of the way I clenched them so hard in anger.

trying to calm myself I taking a deep breath before speaking

"I want you and Mrs abell-- what ever you call your name out of my office " walking towards my door, turning back I add,

" And cancel all my appointments for today ,no visitors, sechdule whatsoever I would like to be left alone."


A hand touches my face causing me to jerkoff from my alcohol induced thoughts

yh sleeping and drinking on duty...what a fucking beautiful day I'm having.

"hey handsome" a voice says

I know that slurry fucking as hell sexy voice... why?

cause it's imprinted into my Goddamn memory and another reason my dick stirres to life.

even when I'm drunk and on my death bed I think I'll still be has hard as I am right now if I could hear that voice. but the sad part about this fucking fantasy is she's married to my dad's business partner who is twice my dad's age( okay I exaggerated maybe just a little bit... but you know what I mean).

I mean this fucking beauty standing before me has the ability to make me horny as hell even though the shit day I'm having ,she was my college sweetheart until she left me for the last elders....

" why are you starring at me like you've seen a ghost?" Savannah asks "do i look more pretty because I dyed my hair red?, I've always been a sucker for redheads" she says swirling her fingers round her locks.

those fingers that' held my cock as she sucked me off to orgasmland.

it takes everything in me to block out those thoughts and bring myself out of my fucked up trance and speak

"what the hell are you doing here? I say trying to sound calm and not letting her presence get to me but falters when I see a smirk on her face.

" to see you( Nickname that is the same resmebleance to his dick)* , and I missed you so much dummy "she looks down at my already noticeable hard buldge building between my legs. her smirks widens,

"well , you and you're little buddy too." my eyes follow her as she gracefully walks around me in her little black dress that all so elegantly screams 'fuck me'.

"love that you fired your assistant she's always a pain in my ass anytime I come visit"

she bends at my back and nips my ear sending shivers to my dick who is seems to want to rips out my slacks and be free

sorry not today buddy

I groan for some reason i weirdly miss Ms grace cause she wouldn't allow savannah to come in here for any reason probably because she's banned from ever coming to my office.

"love what you've done with the place" she licks and sucks my earlobe making me close eyes trying resist the fucking pressure to not adrag her ass to my big table and fuck her brains out. " for instance the table is extremely bigger " as if the Goddamn bitch read my mind.

"whatever it is your doing stop" I managed to find my words

she turns my chair and looks at me with an innocent look

"what am I doing? " she asks innocently before smiling

"we could have had this, me and you together, we could work out, you didn't have to leave me for that old man" I blurt out but quickly regrets it because it's just hurts, she's the whole fucking reason I started sleeping out

she snorts" back to this again, c'mon you're ruining the sexy vibe going on here. she pauses I want you to fuck me she brings her red lips to my neck and begins to rain kisses on me

" I'm so horny for you Adam" and that all it takes for me to stand up from the chair before I lose it knocking her off her balance.

"I may fuck a whole lot of sluts in the city in lust for you but one thing I won't do is fuck a married woman and my dear savannah you are one !" I yell pacing up and down to calm my already enraging hard on.

"oh c'mon Adam get it together and stop acting like a kid who just got is candy stolen" she stands " I already told you why I had to it's not like I had a choice.

"choice?, you could have stayed with me ,been with me but instead you went for a fucker who had way too much money and a little peice of meat down there."

"I'm not going to stay here and agrue this, I thought we could settle our lust for each other in a clearly obvious way but I guess not" digging into her mini purse she brings out an evenlope and drops it on my very large desk that would clearly not be used for fucking.... shame

" what this?" I asks staring at the envelope like it's a paper bomb about to designate or something

"it's an invitation to Joshua 70th birthday every business personnel is gonna be there old and new I guess you can use this knowledge to your advantage see who you want to invest in and who is willing to do business with you." she says adding lipstick touches to her already red plump lips.

" why are you giving this, surely you have a purpose of giving me this?"

she smiles" let's just say it's a gift for getting rid of your P.A and it's also a gift to say I'm sorry babe, that even though I'm still married I would still love to have sex with you" she walks up to my exit door " and besides you can't resist me you said it yourself you have sex with every woman thinking it's me" she giggles and I fucking hate it, it ticks me off

"you think I can't resist you?" I say through gritted teeth my fists clenched.

". darling, you had a raging hard on by just hearing my voice.

I hate that she's right I really hate it

"but very soon enough you'll give in and when you do I'll accept you as always " she turns to leaves but stops " and p.s bring an extra it's an invitation for the world of married ,maybe carry along those sluts you fuck thinking it's me" she smirks " yeah bring them they'll make a good arm candy".

Her smirk widens as if she remembers something. her eyes fixed on mine she pulls her panties down her creamy, soft silky legs, stepping out of it and placing them on hands.

" a little something to remember me bye" she pecks my lips and leaves

and I gulped down a saliva I didn't even know I was keeping all pent up in my mouth

looking at her red Lacy thong she just worn two seconds ago in my hands, I knew within me that I'm so fucked.