
please reset the booktitle Ife_Loves_books 20231218092329 63

The life of a man, Can be molded The purpose of a man, Can be shaped The only difference is, The decisions, we make. ~Oluwatoyosi When you grow up in a society where women are not valued or respected, you have to learn to make important decisions that will affected about your life forever. Oluwadarasimi is a young lady who just wanted to survive. Ever since she was born, her whole life has been shaped into the way the society wanted it to be. Her family offered no encouragement, her society offered no help. Bothered by the gruesome things, she had seen, heard and experienced, and stuck alone and in the pain and sufferings that a young woman should never encounter, she takes a decision that changes her life. Years later and she still doesn’t even know if she had grown into who she was supposed to be, yet she finds herself falling for a man who just confuses her to no end and shakes the balance of her life. He never had it rough in life but made up his mind to not dwell on his family’s fortune but to build himself up. Studying hard and taking risks made him who he is today. Adeyemi is a millionaire who didn’t have to use the influence of his family to be the man he is. Showing many people, that following your purpose can lead you to a whole new dimension that takes you on a whole journey of both good and bad. Now, imagine seeing a woman who is the least interested in him and seems to carry around a dark cloud, Adeyemi decides to follow his purpose and get closer to this woman who does nothing but intrigue him. Will he be able to break down her perfectly molded walls? The both of them go on a journey to build up their lives, encourage themselves and heal from everything that they had gone through. But even the past, never liked staying where it is…

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Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

We work so well together,

Like the stars and the moon.


I had gotten back home so late from visiting Pastor Ayobami yesterday mainly due to the traffic on Lagos Road; which may be the reason why I was presently contemplating going back home to sleep. I was in a class that wasn't boring but sounded so boring to me because I was hungry.

"Ki lo se e?" Praise asked me in Yoruba and although she wasn't of Yoruba background because she was from Bayelsa, she has lived in Lagos for a very long time. (What's wrong with you?).

"I'm hungry" I whined out, placing my head on the table so the lecturer won't see my face.

We were one hundred and fifteen in my department which made it almost impossible for the lecturer to focus on one person. Praise laughed silently at my predicament making me pout, this was such a serious matter.

"Mtcheew, you better sit well and let's finish this class so we can leave. Have you finished your presentation? You know it's tomorrow, right?" she asked. She was done with hers because it wasn't the same topic we were doing. I shook my head in response.

"No, I'm not. I've started the important parts just need some finishing touches. I'm going to the shop today, so, Adeyemi and I can work on it together." I said it so casually that I didn't understand why my friend's mouth was opened in a daze.

"You and Adeyemi Coker are working together? Wait, he agreed to help you? What kind of friend are you? You didn't even tell me" She attacked me quietly and slapped my arm.

"Oow, stop joor. He's the one that insisted we do it together, you know he studied computer science and business admin and my topic relates to the two, so, he said he can help me with some parts of it." I said it like it was no big deal even though I was silently worried about both of us together, again.

"It still doesn't change the fact that you didn't tell me you were working with, 'The Adeyemi Coker'" I smiled sheepishly at her to forgive me but she just turned her head to the other side.

"Sorry na, I didn't think it was that important. I'm sorry. What should I buy for you?" her head snapped to my side smiling wildly and I knew I brought this on myself.

"Good girl. Just buy me agba this night, that's all" she said, making me groan. 'Agba was the term we students use to call bread, egg, and sardine from a shop'. I nodded my head in agreement.

We finished the class at one pm and left. Praise went to meet her supervisor, complaining and grumbling at how hard it was to be in the final year while I went to the shop to finish up the clothes I left behind when I went for the visit. Grace was going to come to meet me in the shop when she is done with school by 3 pm.

By the time I finished working on the third gown, the door opened revealing Adeyemi, in a way I haven't seen before. He was wearing a green suit and its complimented trouser with a white inner shirt. He had a brown Rolex watch on his wrist and brown shoes. He looked like he came out of a movie and I just stared at him in awe.

"You're staring," he said with a chuckle snapping me out of my daze. What he wore complimented his skin perfectly.

"I'm sorry, you look so different. It's like you came out of an American movie." I explained my daze.

"Wow, well if you put it that way" he chuckled again while I looked him once over. He was a very handsome man, there was no doubt.

"I mean you look nice. I've never seen you in a suit" I corrected myself for him to understand making him nod his head.

"Oh, I understand. I went to work today at the branch, we are opening in Lagos. Remember I told you about expanding my business?" ooh, yes, I remember. I think I always forget that he was a big businessman.

"Oh, okay. How did it go? Are they done with the building?" I questioned as he took his suit off and sat down on the plastic chair beside my work table. I looked at him closely to see, that he was tired. Very tired.

"Yes, they are done, finally. We would be having the unveil in a week, so, we can sort out the administration and recruitment of employees" even his voice sounded tired and I suddenly felt bad for making him come to my shop to help me with my work.

"You look so tired. Do you know you don't have to help me with my work? I can do it on my own. Why not, go home and get some rest? Have you eaten?" I asked in a concerned voice while he just looked at me with amusement.

"I can't believe you are concerned about my well-being. I must be special" he commented making me roll my eyes at him. He was unbelievable.

"Seriously, that's what you got out of my rambling. You are just unbelievable" I said smacking his arm and going back to focus on my work.

"I was joking. Although, I do appreciate the concern. However, I did promise to help you with your work and I don't go back on my word so let's forget, how tired I am, because I don't think I can get tired of your company and to answer your question, no, I haven't eaten but I did order something for us while I was coming because I know you won't have eaten as well" well he was good. His English was so top-notch that his British accent complimented it so well.

"Well, now that you mentioned food, I guess I can overlook your tiredness, but immediately we are done, you must go straight home and rest," I said in a joking manner.

"Yes ma'am." He did a mock salute and we burst out laughing. I was getting too comfortable with his presence and it didn't seem wrong.

"So, let's get started. Your topic is on business law, right?" he was in business mode immediately and I liked it.

"Yes, I'm supposed to defend a client who committed fraud in his business," I replied while he set up his laptop.

We kept working for about two hours when Grace came in.

"Mummy, I'm back o" Grace whisper-yelled before stopping to look between Yemi and me with a look that said 'what's going on here?'. I looked at what she was looking at and my eyes widened, at the fact that we were both seated so close to each other, on the couch. We had moved here because it wasn't comfortable on the plastic chairs anymore. I cleared my throat to clear the atmosphere as they were both staring at each other.

"Hey baby, how was school?" I asked to distract her but her gaze was still on the man on my couch. She finally looked at me with surprise. I held out my hands to hug her.

"School was fine. Mummy, our PTA is Friday" she responded stepping out of my embrace and removing her bag to place it on the chair.

"Good afternoon, sir," Grace said as she moved closer to Yemi to remove her shoes.

Adeyemi seemed surprised at her greeting and quickly snapped out of his daze. He smiled at her and he bent to her level.

"Good afternoon, dear, how are you doing?" he asked with a soft voice while I continued to watch their interaction. This was the first time, Grace, was seeing me so comfortable with a man apart from Pastor Ayo.

"I'm fine sir. What is your name?" I always knew Grace was too smart for her good. She was just asking because she was new to seeing something like this. Adeyemi just chuckled at her forwardness.

"I'm Adeyemi, your mum's friend. You are Grace, right?" he asked putting out his hand to shake.

"You are my mum's friend? How?" she was just curious; I know that but I didn't want Yemi to be uncomfortable and she was implying that I had no friends.

"Grace, that's enough. Go to the changing room and remove your uniform." I ordered and she immediately did as I said.

"She is smart." I sighed at his comment. She was too smart.

"Yeah, too smart for her good. I'm sorry if she made you uncomfortable, she's just never seen me with a lot of guys" I explained the situation but he just nodded in understanding.

"Is this because of your past? I'm sorry, you just said, you haven't been with a lot of guys, so, I was just curious." he was curious and I was again being cautious. Should I answer him?

"Yeah, I don't have guy friends because let's just say, you, male species are very unpredictable and I haven't had good memories with them." I gave him the short version of my irritation with men.

"That's why you were so skeptical about having me as a friend? What exactly happened to you?" he was now concerned, at least that's what I think it is and it was confusing because I wanted to tell him.

"Mummy, I'm hungry" Grace whined coming out of the changing room now in a short gown I packed for her.

I let out a sigh of relief since I was grateful for the distraction because I did not know how I was going to get out of that one. I looked at Yemi with an apologetic smile but I knew this was far from over. I sighed again before looking at Grace.

"What do you want to eat, Grace?" she came to my side holding my hand and looking at me like I knew what she wanted and I did.

"Alright, take money from my purse and go buy the shawarma" she squealed jumping and hugging me making me laugh. She ran to my bag, took out the money and went out of the shop.

"Be careful" I shouted at the now closed door. I just smiled before turning my head to where I was before only to see Yemi looking back at me with a look I didn't understand.

"What?' I asked softly and he just shrugged.

"Nothing, you just look so natural being a mum. How do you do it? I'm sure it must have been hard taking care of a child alone. Why didn't your parents help you?" he asked again with the questions. I just couldn't escape him, could I?

"It was hard. Very hard but I had to provide for her. My parents abandoned me immediately after I got married or should I say immediately I was sold. When I gave birth to Grace, my husband hated her, so, he never provided for us." I said it with a shrug like it didn't hurt me.

I had grown so much but the memories still hurt me. Grace was the only thing, I had in this world to call mine and take care of. I didn't see pity in Yemi's eyes and I was beginning to like the way he looked at me but I would never assume anything. I learned assumptions only lead to half the probability of being the truth.

"You are strong, you know that? I might not know the whole story and I hope one day I will but from all I've seen, your interaction with Grace, how you know her so well, and how well you have built your life, tells me, what a strong woman you are. Not many people can be a single mum and achieve all you have, so you should be proud of what God has done for you because I am" he finished and I could only look at him in wonder.

Was I that strong? I always thanked God for what he has done for me because I knew that it could only take a God to bring me to where I am. So, with all that in mind, I just smiled so wide and nodded my tears away.

We went back to working and he offered to drop us off which I was against but Grace whined our way into his car.