
Weird life, new discoveries

Mom was so busy with work, i wont say i wasn't happy she was, but her presence matters a lot, sometimes, we had days when we braid hair it was like a tradition, and having a 4c natural hair means war and pain without proper management.

And that's more than enough reason to keep my hair braided for a long time,and after so much detangling,washing and tying tight buns, i couldn't take the pain of combing so i confronted mom about it, weird enough when she was in the middle of a conversation with a clint.

Bad timing, but i don't want the stress anymore, i could see the annoyance ion her face, which soon disappeared, ' you wont kill me before my time" it's also a normal word, in an african home, which is usually accompanied by, i did not kill my mother so you wont kill me.

she directed me to a salon a little bit far from my house, though it was the first time going outside to dress my hair,

mom would always dress my hair for me,even though I had a full and long hair,she wouldn't complain.But because of her mini restaurant i had to go elsewhere to dress my hair,l felt I was going for an interview, and had chanted everything I Would say,once I get to salon.

"good day ma, Mrs Rita directed my to your salon"

"Good day ma I would like to dress my hair" I continued chanting, like a child with autism.When I got there,they were a lot of people there, I actually thought I would meet just one person, but a multitude of humans were there, all were either being attended to, or attending to someone.

You are grown up reth, you can do this, i do sa series of breathing in and out, then took at step further with a puffed chest, i can do this, i say to myself again, this time with more confidence.

' who is that?'

I got a glimpse of a familiar face i havnt seen after a month holiday, it was peter, and his oddly bushy hair, this sint a babring salon, and wait, i though he leaved very far from where i stayed, how can you think about that reth?, you don't even go out.

I try to regulate my breathing all over gain, i can do this, i tell myself, but now it was just from my head to my mouth, i wasn't processing anything, nothing at all, but it's either i go back or i stay here and confront my fears, the latter is always preferable ;le, and i just do what i can.

I walked up to a lady she was part of the hairdresser present,with what she wore and held I knew she was a little bit busy,but | needed attention.I tapped her shoulder after greeting her

severally, trying to make my voice a little bit low so Jamal wouldn't notice my presence. I

knew she heard me clearly so why was she ignoring me? Some people can be so rude.

" stop touching me!" she yelled, Her Loud voice startled me, as I fell on my butt. It was painful,l thought I dislocated a joint and I couldn't stand immediately. People just stared at me without saying anything,just a little help won't kill anyone, this is why I dislike my fragile self anyway.

And as always the devils always arrive when you speak of him, i want prepared for this , Jamal came out ,but this time he wasn't staring at me like the others he saw me and immediately came to my rescue and helped me remove the dust from my trousers,it was a little bit embarrassing, i just wanted to maintain my cool that's all.

That familiar voice of be a big girl dont cry was all i heard while he dusted my clothes

he held my hand, while i stare at his face, amazed by his little show of affection ,how could he be so handsome even with a bushy hair,seeing him on his casual wear was a sight to behold, when he was done I immediately stopped my weird thought and thanked him, though only he could hear it because i said it In a low tone, or maybe just imaginary.

He asked why I was in the shop, I told him I was looking for a particular woman,it

turns out the lady I was looking for is his mother, he offered me a sit while | waited

for his mum,the lady who arrogantly yelled at me for no serious reason, stared at me in disgust and hate.

she looks like she was in her early twenties,she was indeed beautiful,l see many beautiful people everyday, in minutes Jamal's mother arrived,l told her I came to dress my hair just like my mom directed me,more like a programmed robot, immediately I told her my mom's name,face lit up,she seemed happy,she held my face gently, caressing my chin with her thumb,'you look just like your mother".

Her voice sounds familiar,and the feeling I got when she touched me,l know I have felt that way but I really don't know where,i felt a little bit emotional I just hugged her, she was taken aback by my actions,but she hugged me as well I felt warm and safe,l never wanted to leave her embrace,seconds later I opened

my eyes just to find peter staring at me, out of shock pulled away from her embrace,what have l just done?.