
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

Chapter 48

Nobara POV


"Well that was interesting," I said as the sun started peaking through the cloudy sky. "Totally stupid though."


Miu nodded as the clouds started disappearing unnaturally quickly.


Ignoring the obvious use of Nen, I noticed the captain moving towards us.


"Alright, you lot," he began, his voice gruff but I could see a smirk of amusement peeking out of his white beard and mustache. "You've proven yourselves capable of handling a bit of rough weather and a touch of chaos. Now, tell me, what kind of Hunters do you aspire to be, and why?"


Again, the small protagonist went first.


"I'm Gon!" he declared, his voice ringing with protagonist-grade infectious energy. "I love fishing, exploring, and making new friends! I can't stand bullies or anyone who hurts animals." His eyes sparkled with determination as he added, "My dream is to become a Hunter, just like my dad, and find him! Mito wouldn't tell me what kind of hunter he was, but I want to be that kind!"


Next came Leorio, his posture straighter and his voice more subdued than during his earlier outburst. "My name is Leorio," he stated, a newfound seriousness in his tone. "I want to become a Medical Hunter."


He paused, his gaze distant as he seemed to recall a painful memory. "I lost a friend to an illness that could have been cured if I had the money and the resources," he confessed, his voice thick with emotion, anger and sadness flowing from his words. "I don't want anyone else to suffer the same fate. I want to help people, to heal them, and to ensure that everyone has access to the medical care they ought to have as a matter of course."


His eyes met the captain's with force, his expression filled with a fierce determination. "That's why I'm here," he declared, shoving his thumb against his chest. "I'm going to become a Medical Hunter, no matter what it takes."


When it came to Kurapika's turn, Kurapika started with what he said downstairs. "I want to become a blacklist hunter. The reason is private."


The captain raised his hand. "Lad," he said, his voice firm but gentle, "your eyes hold a darkness that cannot be ignored. Share your burden with us. Let us understand the path you walk. I can't allow a blacklist hunter to become the thing they hunt. Too many have. This is why I have to ask."


Kurapika hesitated, his gaze dropping to the deck as a wave of pain washed over his features. He took a deep breath, as if steeling himself. Then rage poured off him, his eyes darted up as his eyes turned the color of blood.


"My clan... the Kurta Clan... was massacred," he said, his voice hoarse with hatred and contempt. "They were hunted down and slaughtered for their Scarlet Eyes, coveted treasures sought after by collectors and those who deal in the macabre."


His fists clenched at his sides, his body trembling with fury. "The perpetrators... they call themselves the Phantom Troupe. A group of ruthless thieves and murderers who leave a trail of death and destruction wherever they go."


He lifted his gaze again, determination replacing rage. "I will become a Blacklist Hunter," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "I will hunt down every last member of the Phantom Troupe and bring them to justice. I will avenge my clan and ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain."


A heavy silence descended upon the group as we absorbed the weight of Kurapika's words. The captain nodded slowly, his expression a mixture of understanding and sympathy.


"Very well, I won't try to discourage you- I know the eyes of someone who's path is set." he said, his voice grave. "You have all passed the preliminary test. Welcome aboard the 2nd preliminary of the Hunter Exam."


A few hours later, the ship docked at a bustling port town, the closest point of access to Zaban City, the location of the Hunter Exam's next phase. As the examinees disembarked, the captain pulled us aside, his expression serious.


"The path to Zaban City is fraught with danger, But since I like the eight of you, I'll tel you-" he began, "The public transportation and hired vehicles will be traps, designed to weed out the weak and the unwary. Those who take the easy route will find themselves facing obstacles that will prevent them from reaching the exam on time. You guys gotta go to the big tree on the mountain in the opposite direction."


"Thanks! Old man! I'll definitely be a hunter!" Gon called out, as the other 4 of them followed.


"Alright. Cool, let's get some hunter power!" I moved to follow, but Zack grabbed my wrist.


"What zack? We're falling be-" I noticed that Zack was looking at the Captain who seemed to be waiting for the others to be out of earshot.


The captain turned his gaze towards Zack, a knowing glint in his eyes. "For those with sufficient strength of a certain variety," he continued, "there is another way. A hidden path through the forest, a straight shot to Zaban City. But it is not for the faint of heart. Only those who are willing to face the unknown and push their limits should attempt it."


He gestured towards the dense, overgrown forest that stretched beyond the outskirts of the town. "The choice is yours," he said, his voice a low rumble.


Zack POV 

I let go of Nobara's wrist and glanced at both Miu and Nobara, their expressions mirroring my own smirk. We had faced far greater dangers than a mere forest. We were ready for whatever challenges this hidden path might hold.


"Lead the way," I said, my confident smirk turning to a grin.


The Hunter Exam was about to get interesting.



I led Nobara and Miu to the edge of the bustling port town, the dense, overgrown forest looming before us like a wall of emerald green and branches brown and black.


The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, a stark contrast to the salty tang of the ocean breeze we had grown accustomed to on the ship.


"Before we enter," I announced, lowering myself to the ground and gesturing for the others to follow suit, "I think we need to take a moment to prepare."


Miu and Nobara settled beside me, their expressions mirroring my own seriousness. "You're thinking about Nen, aren't you?" Miu inquired, a smirk in her tone as well as on her face.


I nodded, my gaze fixed on the tangled undergrowth of the forest. "This path is meant to test us, to push us beyond our limits. I have a feeling that our physical abilities alone might not be enough."


Nobara cracked her knuckles, her grin just as excited as her movements as she stretched. "Then let's unlock our Nen potential. I'm ready to see what this whole aura thing is all about."


We closed our eyes, focusing our minds inward as we began the Nen meditation technique. Thanks to the immense talent we had purchased from Jump-Chan, the process was effortless.


Within thirty seconds, we felt the nodes within our bodies open, allowing the flow of aura to course through us like a rushing river.


We each instinctively utilized Ten, shrouding ourselves in a protective veil of aura, and activated Ren, amplifying our presence and projecting our newfound power outward.


A moment later, we returned to the neutral state of Ten, our bodies tingling with the awareness of our awakened Nen.


"Ready?" I asked, my voice laced with anticipation.


Miu and Nobara nodded, their expressions mirroring my own excitement.


We rose to our feet and entered the forest, our bodies moving with a newfound lightness and power.


The dense foliage closed in around us as we sprinted through the undergrowth, our enhanced speed allowing us to navigate the treacherous terrain with ease.


Trees blurred past us, their branches reaching out like grasping claws, but we effortlessly dodged and weaved, our senses heightened by our Nen.


A full minute later, our progress was abruptly halted by a figure standing in the middle of the path.


It was a woman, her slender form cloaked in a dark, flowing kimono.


Her face was obscured by shadows, and no matter how hard we tried to focus, we couldn't discern her features.


Even her height seemed to fluctuate, shifting and changing like a mirage.


We instinctively adopted our respective martial arts stances, our bodies tense and alert as we assessed the potential threat.


"Welcome to the maximum difficulty path to Zaban City," the woman spoke, her voice a soft but powerful whisper that seemed to echo through the forest. "My name is Nightshade, and I am a Double-Star Blacklist Hunter. Let us test your strength."


As soon as her last word fell, the forest came alive with Nen controlled plants, the trees grew uncontrollably and launched towards us.