
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

chapter 47

I led the way down the narrow staircase, the damp air of the cabin heavy with the scent of the sea and rain.

With a smile, I lowered the massive coffin from my back, the thud of its impact against the wooden floor resonating through the cramped space. 

The other examinees, already huddled around a low table, turned their gazes towards me, their expressions a mix of surprise and apprehension.

"Holy shit, how much does that thing wei-"

I immediately interrupt tie-dye suit guy. "Alright," I announced, my voice gaining the attention of the others. "Let's get to know each other. Introduce yourselves, tell us what you like, dislike, and your dreams for the future."

I decided to set an example. "I'm Zack," I stated simply. "I like sushi and my two girlfriends. I dislike evil people, weak people trying to act tough, and those who harm others without considering the consequences."

A mischievous grin spread across my face. "My current goal is to become a great Gourmet Hunter, so I can make the best sushi in the world and eat it without paying a single jenny."

Gon, ever the enthusiastic one, jumped at the opportunity to speak next. "I'm Gon!" he exclaimed, his voice bright and cheerful. "I like fishing, exploring, and making friends. I dislike bullies and people who hurt animals. My dream is to become a Hunter like my dad and find him!"

Kurapika followed, his voice calm and measured. "I am Kurapika," he stated simply. "I enjoy reading and learning new things. I dislike those who exploit and harm others for their own gain."

He paused, his eyes flashing with a brief, crimson light before returning to their usual amber hue. "As for my dream... that is a matter I prefer to keep private."

Nobara leaned back in her chair, a confident smirk playing on her lips. "Name's Nobara Kugisaki," she announced, her voice laced with a playful arrogance.

"I'm all about looking fabulous, technology, and reading about cool shit like comics, and kicking ass. Dislikes? Boring or evil people, fashion disasters, and anyone who underestimates me."

She paused, her smirk widening into a mischievous grin. "And my dream? To become the baddest, most stylish Blacklist hunter the world has ever seen. Just wait and see! I'll turn everyone on the most wanted list into mincemeat believe it! I'll be the Blacklist Hunter Hokage, the goddamn best, like no one ever was!"

Miu chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Always the drama queen, Nobara."

She turned her gaze towards the others, her eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and determination. "I'm Miu Furinji. I enjoy the finer things in life- delicious food, intense training sessions, and the satisfying feeling of a well-executed technique against a worthy opponent."

Her smile turned predatory. "As for my dislikes, let's just say that evil doesn't stand a chance against me. I'll dedicate my life to protecting the innocent and ensuring that darkness never prevails."

She leaned back, her expression thoughtful. "And my dream? To become a warrior worthy of my grandfather's legacy, a symbol of hope and justice in a world filled with chaos."

Nobara raised an eyebrow, a glint in her eyes. "Sounds like someone's been reading too many hero comics," she teased, earning a glare from Miu.

"Hey, those stories teach valuable lessons about courage, responsibility, and the power of believing in yourself, and you have nothing to say, Ms. Hokage!" Miu retorted with a mock pout.

Nobara shrugged, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Yeah, yeah, with great power comes great responsibility and all that jazz. But let's be real, the best part is watching the bad guys get what they deserve."

"Can't argue with that," Miu conceded with a chuckle. "Especially when we're the ones delivering the justice."

Nobara's grin widened, and she raised her fist in the air. "To friendship, justice, and looking damn good while we're at it!" she declared, her voice ringing with a enthusiasm that was impossible to resist.

"Umm, ladies?" I piped in, "Isn't that a little over-sharing?" 

They both paused, Looked at each other and then shrugged. "I guess I got carried away." Nobara said.

"I just did what Nobara did," Miu said, "That was too much, yeah."

The two Tojo Clan members followed suit, their introductions brief and to the point.

Shunsuke, his calculating green eyes scanning the group with a sharp gaze, spoke first. "Shunsuke Akagi," he stated simply, his voice carrying an air focused nonchalance, he flicked his Tojo emblem and said. "My interests lie in strategy, efficiency, and expanding the clan's influence within this world."

A subtle smirk played on his lips. "My goal is to become a Blacklist Hunter, to demonstrate the Tojo Clan's power and earn the respect of our esteemed leader."

Renjiro, his laid-back posture and mischievous grin a stark contrast to Shunsuke's seriousness, leaned back in his chair. "Renjiro Momota," he drawled, his voice laced with a playful lilt. "I enjoy a good drink, a bit of chaos, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible."

He winked at Nobara, his eyes forward and smirking, he even ran his hands through his ginger bangs. His pony-tail swayed left and right briefly.

"And like my esteemed colleague, I aim to become a Blacklist Hunter. Gotta impress the boss, you know, my fashion sense isn't the only thing I should be good at right?"

"If you wink at me like that again you'll be missing that eye, you fashion disaster." Nobara said with a smile on her face.

Renjiro froze for a moment mid-motion, and then nodded. "Right."

We all turned to the last one, an awkward silence settled over the cabin as all eyes turned to Leorio, who sat slumped in his chair, his arms crossed and his gaze fixed on the wall with a sullen expression.

 A full minute passed, the only sound the creaking of the ship and the gentle lapping of waves against the hull.

Renjiro, his patience wearing thin, leaned forward, an angry look growing in his eyes.

"So," he drawled, his voice laced with a irritated sarcasm, "cat got your tongue? Everyone else has shared at least a little of their life stories, the least you could do is tell us your name."

Leorio responded by propping his feet on the table, his boots leaving muddy streaks across the polished wood. 

A collective frown of disapproval rippled through the group.

Kurapika, his eyes flashing with anger, slammed his fist on the table.

"Show some respect!" he demanded, his voice tight with barely controlled fury. "We're all here for the same reason, to become Hunters. The least you can do is treat your fellow examinees with some decency."

Leorio scoffed, his expression defiant. "Decency?" he sneered. "I don't owe any of you anything. I certainly don't need your lectures on respect."

Miu rolled her eyes, while Nobara muttered something about "fucking moron" under her breath. 

I remained silent, observing the escalating tension with a detached curiosity.

Leorio's behavior was predictable, his need to prove himself masking a deep insecurity. 

He reminded me of a stray dog, all bark and very little bite, desperately seeking attention and validation.

At least at this point in the timeline.

The argument continued, with Shunsuke starting in a threatening tone. "You have two tojo of high standing, a couple lovely ladies, and a guy who just kicked the ass of everyone above without breaking a sweat asking for your name. If you don't show us some damn respect soon, I might just have to throw you over myself."

"Shunsuke's right, Respect is earned, but I think a few of us have earned at least a little. So maybe drop the rude attitude."

"You think you're better than me?" Leorio snarled, rising from his chair and stepping towards Kurapika. "Just because you're some stuck-up asshole with fancy clothes and a holier-than-thou attitude?"

Kurapika's eyes narrowed, his fists clenching at his sides. "I'm not better than anyone, and that suit looks like it cost more than half the money I've seen in my journey to get here." he retorted, his voice low and dangerous. "But I do believe in treating others with respect, something you clearly lack."

The tension reached a boiling point, their anger palpable in the air.

It was clear that words were no longer enough. 

They needed to settle this with their fists.

With a shared, unspoken agreement, they stormed out onto the deck, the others following close behind. 

The storm raged around them, the wind whipping at their hair and clothes as they faced off against each other, their bodies tense with anticipation.

The wind howled, the rain lashing against their faces as Kurapika and Leorio circled each other, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

Leorio, charged forward, his fists raised in a clumsy boxing stance.

Kurapika, his movements fluid and precise, sidestepped the attack with ease, his own fist connecting with a sharp jab to Leorio's ribs and a quick hit to his jaw.

Leorio grunted in pain, but his aggression only intensified. 

He launched a wild haymaker, aiming for Kurapika's head, but the blonde haired youth ducked under the blow, countering with a swift uppercut that snapped Leorio's head back.

Leorio took a step back, and then pushed forward with a headbutt.

Undeterred, Kurapika side-stepped his stupid move, only for leorio to twist and use momentum and his long legs to direct a kick to Kurapika's side.

Kurapika barely dodged.

Leorio pressed his attack, his fists a flurry of punches and swings, most of which were easily dodged or deflected by Kurapika's superior speed and technique, the rest were barely glancing blows. 

Leorio was physically strong, but his movements were unrefined, his attacks lacking the precision and control of a trained martial artist, and his boxing was amateur.

Kurapika, on the other hand, fought with a calm focus, his every movement calculated and efficient. 

He landed a series of precise strikes, targeting Leorio's weak points with the accuracy of a surgeon. 

Each blow, while not powerful enough to cause serious injury, left its mark, slowly chipping away at Leorio's stamina and resolve.

Leorio stumbled back, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to keep up with Kurapika's relentless assault.

Frustration and exhaustion clouded his judgment, his attacks becoming even wilder and more predictable.

With a swift movement, Kurapika seized an opening, his leg sweeping out in a perfectly timed leg sweep that sent Leorio crashing to the deck.

He landed with a thud, the air momentarily knocked from his lungs.

Kurapika stood over him, his expression stoic, offering a hand to help him up. "Yield," he said simply, his voice devoid of malice or triumph. "You've fought well, but you're outmatched."

Leorio slowly stood up.

Determination showed in his eyes, it seemed as if he was about to say something stupid, but-

We all noticed that a young sailor who was trying to secure the rigging was launched overboard.

Eyes wide, Leorio was the first to dive to catch him, he over-shot but caught him. Kurapika followed suit, but also fell over. 

I decided to jump in and grab Kurapika's leg.

I quickly pulled them all back over onto the deck.

A few moments passed in stunned silence.

"You saved him? I thought you were just an entitled asshole-"

Kurapika began, but Leorio interrupted. "Damn, fine. Sorry. I just wanted to establish my bonafides. You realize everyone around us are fucking monstrously strong right? Those two are even Tojo clan yakuza! The two girls are probably just as strong as the absolute monster in the middle! ARGH!" He slammed the deck with the bottom of his clenched fist.

"Yeah, I know that was shit-dumb of me. Me! Posing like a peacock in front of the guy who just said he hated that! Fuck! I feel like such a dumbass and now I'm pouring my heart out after getting my shit kicked in! So yeah! I needed to save the deck-hand! Alright! I'm not some big badass!"

Everyone paused in bafflement. 

"Alright." I said. "I guess you get another chance."

I smiled. "Introduce yourself."

He sighed in relief.

The panic left him and he spoke. "My name is Leorio. I wanna get enough money to learn to be a doctor in the best college in Yorknew. Yorknew University of the Medical Arts. I wanna earn enough money so I don't have to charge the poor, but can charge out the ass for rich assholes."

I nodded. "You know, Being a medical hunter is a good idea. You could make even more money that way. Medical Hunters are the top of the medical field. Just going to college seems like a waste."

His eyes widened. "Wait? Hunters have categories like that?"

Shunsuke gave him a baffled look. "You didn't know that? You're taking the Hunter exam and you don't know what kind of Hunter you want to be? Holy shit." He then burst out laughing.

Everyone else followed suit.

"Dammit! It's not funny!" came leorio's response.