
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

chapter 16, love me, (off screen)

Warning, this chapter contains IMPLIED sex OFFSCREEN.

If you aren't here for lovey dovey words and romance then come back in 20-40 chapters when they are actual adults.


I frowned, trying to figure out how to get zack to take the next step with me.

I stared at the handsome, sweaty bastard that makes my heart beat like a drum.

He was currently meditating on the meaning of karate in order to unlock style-ki for it.

I frowned, and realized I had to take this into my own hands.

I approached Majima who for some reason was playing jenga with an exact duplicate of himself save the eye-patch being on the other side of his face along with a similar copy wearing two eye-patches.

I used the ability I got packaged with the stats and weird menus that remind me of dragon quest and find the real one.

He speaks up, "What? seriously? why does everyone do that here? Do none of you know what privacy is?"

Ignoring his protesting, I speak up. "Give me Zack's keycard."

Majima just looked at me baffled for a long moment.

"Look," he said, "This aint a shitty love hotel, I'm not letting two kids bump uglies in my hotel while I know about it."

"You-" I started to growl, rage building.

He interupted me. "BUT, I can forget I left his recent copy of his keycard on my desk I made by accident. It will be completely unattended and unguarded, I'm sure. But seriously I don't know anything about anything and I don't want to know anything so make sure I don't find out."

He walked away and came back pretty fast, he pressed a room key to the desk, gave me direct eye contact, winked, and then walked away.

Kekkaiku, I smirked.

January 16th

day before the tournament.

Majima 'Ruler Paradise' Hotel.

Emperor suite 34.

Zack POV​

I stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed as put on a robe.

Akisame sensei told me to rest today, but I feel extremely anxious.

I hear a click and pause.

I step out of the bathroom, prepared to enter breaker stance at the slightest-

"Hey. Zack." Miu said nervously.

I slowly turned to her, her hair was damp and though not in her usual pony tail, was still as beautiful as ever.

I could tell there was nothing beneath that robe, and I gulped.

I'm not a dense anime protagonist, I realized what she was going for with this move.

"A-Are you sure, Miu? I want this, but-"

She smiled radiantly at me, Stunning me long enough to make her point. "I'm certain."

"I want you to make me yours tonight."

she stepped forwards.

"In every." she stepped forward again.

"Single." another step.

"Way." her smile was beyond blinding.

She reached for the cloth that held her robe together. "Because I love you."

"I want this more than anything in the world." she pulled the cloth and-

The viewing port for this world has been closed for 6 hours.​

Zack POV,

January 17th

day of the tournament.

Majima 'Ruler Paradise' Hotel.​

VIP dining room.​

As I chewed on a large plate of bacon, Miu holding my hand next to me, I couldn't help but worry about the tournament today. All we had to do was pass the tournament preliminaries, and we would get that world jump token. 

Majima's gruff voice cut through my thoughts. "You two lovebirds done making googly eyes?"

He grinned wolfishly. "Because it's almost time for the main event."

Miu shot him a withering glare, but I could see the hint of a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. Gone was the gentle, soft-spoken girl of Kuryu town- in her place was a fierce warrior consumed by an indomitable will.

Returning Majima's grin with a feral one of my own, I gave Miu's hand one final, reassuring squeeze.

"so, final chance to back out, you guys ready?"

"Only if you're ready to watch us destroy the competition, old man." Miu said beside me, crossing her arms.

Majima frowned, "hey I'm only 34, plenty young! I'm hip and I'll kick your ass if you say otherwise."

I couldn't help but chuckle at their banter, the tension in my shoulders easing slightly.

"Alright, alright, you two," I interjected, rising from my seat. "As entertaining as it is to watch you snipe at each other for comedy, we've got a tournament to get to."

Turning to Miu, I gave her a roguish wink, drawing another faint blush to her cheeks.

Our intimacy last night had strengthened the bond between us.

"You ready to show these chumps why they should have stayed home?" I asked, my voice a low rumble that carried an undercurrent of wry amusement.

Miu's eyes glinted with determination, her expression hardening into one of frigid resolution. "More than ready," she replied after giving me a short but fierce hug, filled with emotion "Let's make Hanma regret ever crossing our path."

It wouldn't be easy, and there would undoubtedly be sacrifices and hardships along the way.

But we were ready to endure, to persevere through any trial in pursuit of that elusive goal.

The unknown god's promise of a frozen world, granting us a decade of uninterrupted training, had been our beacon of hope in the darkest hours.

With time on our side, who knew what levels of immense power we could ascend to?

Letting my gaze flick between Miu and Majima, I allowed myself to smile a bit.

"Then let's get moving," I said simply. "We've got work to do." We followed Majima out towards a limo, and started moving to where his personal helicopter was parked.

As we turned on the road to depart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. I steadied my heartbeat. 

The path ahead would be arduous beyond measure, filled with untold pain and struggle. 

But this was our crucible, our chance to forge an indomitable will and harness abilities beyond what should be possible.

We would steal as many martial arts and ki techniques from other worlds as possible.

And with Miu by my side, her love is a constant reminder of what I will fight to protect, I knew we could endure any hardship.

As long as we were together, working towards getting strong enough for anything, I felt like we could eventually do anything.

The preliminaries would be merely the first hurdle, a proving ground to separate us from the ordinary people who filled the streets of Tokyo, Japan, the world, and maybe even the multiverse.

Hanma and his grand delusions could wait- for now, we had our sights set on loftier goals.

Survival. Years of growth. then justice. 

And after that? Then we can take a vacation.

Even if it takes a hundred years.