
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs


January 10th, 2006, Tokyo, Japan. Kamurocho entertainment district.

We entered Tokyo through the entrance of Kamurocho district. The massive explosion earlier behind us wasn't comforting at all.

I didn't even realize we were so close to Tokyo, but I guess I don't know anything anyway.

Miu had long fallen asleep on my shoulder after sobbing her heart out. I turned to a local news stand.

"Breaking news!" A nearby television sounded, I saw a news anchor standing primly in front of the camera, "Earlier last night, the Kuryu town nuclear facility's recent attempt at solving the fusion reaction failed catastrophically as the crater, nearly 120 Kilometers in Diameter-" I tuned them out trying to hide the existence of ki. No use listening to nonsense anyway.

Miu stirs.

Sighing, I turned to a nearby group of officers who were shoving posters in peoples faces, "have you seen this man? His name is Kazuma Kiryu and he's a very dangerous person! If you see him please-"

I tune out the nonsense because I already know that Kazuma Kiryu is a righteous person and would only piss off the cops if they were corrupt or in kahoots with the more evil aligned Yakuza.

I used my observe ability on one of them and Immediately find out I'm right.

Shinji Shunu

Titles:Shimano family 'cop.'

Shinji was promised a big payday if he could find Kiryu. Shinji, such a loyal dog to the Shimano family, couldn't possibly decline. Is looking forward to his 'date' tonight.

I feel Miu trembling against me, realizing she woke up,I tighten my embrace, wishing I could shield her from the harsh reality we now face. 

The warmth of her body is the only anchor I have in this moment, a reminder that we're still alive, still fighting.

Drawing a shaky breath, A knot forms in my throat at the high probability that all of our masters are dead. 

But I can't dwell on that now. I have to be strong for Miu.

Miu pulls away and looks around. I lean back on the bench and she grabs my hand.

"We'll get through this together." I said, trying to reaffirm that fact for myself, as well as comfort Miu.

Miu bites her lip, nodding fiercely despite the fear and grief clouding her eyes. "You're right. We can't lose hope." She takes a steadying breath.

I allow myself a moment of vulnerability. "I don't know what our next move is yet. But I promise you, we'll figure it out together. We'll find the others if they are still alive and forge a new path, whatever it takes."

Her fingers trace my jaw, and I see that fire reignite in her gaze. "I know you will. I trust you, Zack." She leans forward and kisses me. I deepen the kiss and she reciprocates by letting go of my hand to wrap her arms around me, I hear nearby grandma scoffing something about indecency.

I flip the bird in her general direction and continue kissing her.

Those four simple words, 'I trust you, Zack.' are more powerful than any martial arts technique. 

They're a vow, a bond forged in the depths of her pain and both of our unwavering determination.

Pulling back, I steel my resolve, scanning our surroundings with new determination. Somewhere in this vast city lies the key to our survival, to begin to somehow approach the ability to fight against the evil that shattered our (mostly) peaceful days of (mostly) normal life.

Inhaling deeply, I rise to my feet, Miu following suit offering Miu my hand. "Come on. We can't stay here. Let's start searching for a place to stay."


As we made our way through the crowded streets of Kamurocho, the neon lights and bustling nightlife felt like a stark contrast to the devastation we had just escaped. I kept a tight grip on Miu's hand, determined not to let her out of my sight in this unfamiliar territory.

"We should find a hotel, somewhere to regroup and figure out our next move," I said, scanning the area for potential options.

Miu nodded, her eyes still heavy with grief but sharpened by a fierce resolve. "Good idea. And we have enough yen from that arrogant boxer you defeated."

I patted the bulging pocket where I had stashed the cash – a small fortune pilfered from the now-deceased Tekeda after he had foolishly challenged me. His arrogance had been his downfall, but it would now serve us well in our time of need.

As we navigated the crowded sidewalks, I kept a watchful eye out for any potential threats, my senses honed from training with akisame. The corruption here ran deep, and we couldn't afford to let our guard down, even for a moment.

Finally, we came across a modest but well-kept hotel, the warm glow of its lobby inviting us in from the chaos outside. I approached the front desk, sizing up the clerk behind the counter.

"One room, please," I said, sliding a wad of yen across the counter.

The clerk's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the cash, but he quickly regained his composure, nodding and handing me a key card.

As we made our way to the room, I used my observe ability on the clerk, just to be safe.

Takeshi Yamamoto

Titles: Hotel Clerk, Yakuza Informant

Takeshi is in deep with the Tojo Clan, keeping tabs on any suspicious guests. The wad of cash has piqued his interest – he'll be reporting this to his superiors.

I cursed inwardly, realizing we had already drawn unwanted attention. The Yakuza's reach was far and wide in this city, and we would need to tread carefully.

Once inside the room, I quickly swept it for any potential threats or listening devices, my senses attuned to the slightest disturbance. Satisfied that we were secure, at least for the time being, I turned to Miu.

"We can't stay here long," I said, my voice low. "The Yakuza have eyes everywhere, and that clerk is going to report our presence."

Miu's expression hardened, the weight of our situation settling over her shoulders. "Then we need to find the masters, or at least someone we can trust."

I nodded, pulling her close and resting my forehead against hers. "We will. No matter what it takes, we'll find a way to stop Yuujirou and avenge those we've lost."

As we held each other in the dimly lit hotel room, a sobering reality settled over me. Yuujirou Hanma wasn't just a formidable opponent – he was a force of nature, a being of immense power far beyond anything I could comprehend.

The stories Hayato Furinji had shared during our training sessions echoed in my mind. Tales of him punching nuclear bombs out of the sky with ease, waving away nuclear blasts towards the ocean as if they were mere gusts of wind. And yet, even the legendary grandmaster had fallen to Yuujirou's might.

Pulling back, I cupped Miu's face in my hands, my expression grave. "Miu, we can't think about defeating Hanma yet. Not directly, at least."

Her brow furrowed, and I could see the flicker of defiance in her eyes. But before she could protest, I pressed on.

"You know the stories your grandfather told, the feats he was capable of. And Hanma..." I trailed off, the weight of his power nearly suffocating. "He's on another level entirely. One we can't even fathom right now."

Miu's shoulders slumped, and I could see the truth of my words sinking in, no matter how difficult it was to accept.

Steeling myself, I continued, "Our first step has to be getting stronger. Mastering every aspect of martial arts that we can, unlocking abilities and techniques we never knew existed."

Her eyes met mine, a renewed determination burning within them. "You're right. We have to push ourselves beyond our limits, whatever it takes."

I nodded, tightening my grip on her hands. "Exactly. We need to learn how to harness Style Ki, Dou Ki, and Sei Ki. Investigate every avenue of power, no matter how unconventional or esoteric it may seem."

Miu's brow furrowed. "But how? The masters always said those techniques were forbidden to teach until we had reached a certain level of mastery. We don't have any leads to learn them!"

"Then we'll find another way," I said, my voice hardening with resolve. "We'll scour every corner of this city, every dojo and hidden temple, until we find someone willing to guide us."

A small ghost of a melancholic smile played across Miu's lips. "You really think we can do this? Become strong enough to even stand a chance against someone like Hanma?"

I met her gaze, unwavering. "We have to try. For your grandfather, for the masters, for everyone who suffered because of that monster's actions." I pulled her close, resting my forehead against hers. "And we'll do it together, no matter how long it takes or how hard the path may be."

After a moment, Miu nodded, that unbreakable spirit shining through once more. "Together," she echoed, her voice a vow.

As we held each other, a sense of purpose settled over us, tempering the grief and pain we had endured. The road ahead would be fraught with challenges, dangers lurking around every corner in this city's underworld.

But we were no longer helpless disciples, bound by the rules and limitations of our former lives. We were warriors on a path of our own making, fueled by a burning desire for justice and the strength to achieve it, no matter the cost.

Hanma had awoken something primal within us, a hunger for power that would not be sated until we had mastered every fighting style, unlocked the secrets of Ki manipulation, and honed our abilities to a razor's edge.

The Evil God of Martial Arts may have believed he had crushed our spirits, but he had only fanned the flames of our determination. And as we ventured forth into the heart of Tokyo's underworld, those flames would consume anyone who dared stand in our way.

For now, vengeance could wait. Our focus was singular – to grow stronger, by any means necessary, until we were forced to be reckoned with in our own right. Only then could we even begin to contemplate challenging the one who had brought so much devastation and loss.

Yuujirou Hanma had no idea the reckoning that awaited him, nor the lengths we would go to ensure his reign of terror finally came to an end.

The next morning, we rushed to go, as we hadn't brought anything but the clothes on our backs and the money taken from Tekeda. It didn't take long for us to arrive at the ground floor.

It was too late, however. 

A man with a violent smirk, wearing an eyepatch over one of his eyes and a very stylish and expensive suit His hair was tied up in an immaculate ponytail. 

I used to observe on him. What I saw was terrifying. His name showed up normally, but everything after that twisted and came into my mind tasting of rainbows. Can thoughts even taste like rainbows?!

Goro Majima. Bro, don't douse me. Bro. seriously, don't douse me bro! AHH!

Titles: (Yakuza's Deadpool and that's all you're getting.)

Oh, man dude, you're conceptual weight is heavy. Maybe you should go on a conceptual weight diet. Hefty, Hefty hefty! You're interesting! So prepare. FOR MAJIMA EVERYWHERE!

Outwardly he had the audacity to smirk at me and wink. He handed me a card.

A card that ruined my day that literally just started.

I cursed.

-Fifth chairman of the Tojo clan, Yukio Terada, invites you cordially.-

Followed by an address.

-We can help each other.-

I felt Miu tense beside me, her hand gripping mine tightly. This man's presence was unsettling, to say the least, and the fact that he was connected to the Tojo clan only added to the danger we now found ourselves in.

Tucking the card into my pocket, I met Majima's gaze, my expression guarded. "And why would the Tojo clan want to help us?"

Majima's smirk widened, his single eye glinting with mischief. "Oh, I think you know why, kid. Word travels fast in this city, especially when it involves a couple of kids escaping a crumbling town as it exploded with WAY too much style, so much style, in fact, that it went kaboom and took out an area about the size of TWO TOHO RIVERS! That's a lot of style, bro."

My blood ran cold at his words, the implication clear – the Yakuza were already aware of what had transpired in Kuryu Town, and they knew we were somehow involved.

Before I could respond, Majima held up a hand. "Look, I ain't here to cause trouble. At least, not yet." He winked, and I resisted the urge to shudder. "Terada just wants to talk, see if we can't come to some sort of arrangement."

Arrangement. The word left a bitter taste in my mouth, but I knew we had little choice but to play along, at least for now. We were in their territory, their rules.

Squeezing Miu's hand, I gave her a subtle nod, a silent promise that I wouldn't let any harm come to her.

"Fine," I said, my voice low. "We'll hear him out. But if this is a trap, there won't be a force on Earth that can protect the Tojo clan from our wrath."

Majima threw his head back and laughed, a sound that sent chills down my spine. His voice after-which made me shudder with fear. "Oh, kid, you've got no idea what you're dealing with. But don't worry, you're about to find out."

With a flourish, he gestured towards the exit. "After you."

As we stepped out into the bustling streets of Kamurocho, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were walking into the lion's den. But if the Yakuza held the key to unlocking the power we needed to face Hanma, then we had no choice but to play their game, no matter how dangerous it might be. 

It's gotten to the point where I'm desperate for funds. I'm back living with my parents because I can't get a job doing the only thing I know how to do because employers keep telling me my skills in the field are obsolete.

As a software troubleshooter who can literally troubleshoot a program if it has a UI and doesn't need any changes to underlying code, that makes me pretty mad.

but despite that the world keeps on turning as I keep on getting fucked by society and its requirements.

I'm living with my parents who are old and will probably die in the next 15 years.

All of my savings are gone. My car has enough gas in the tank to reach the a gas station.

My family does not like soda. I can't even afford a bottle of pepsi and I only get food from what my family orders for themselves and rarely buy something just for me.

I love my family, they are very supportive.

they are wonderful people.

My VPN subscription ends in 6 months.

I have 6 months to be able to afford a renewal.

My family has a good connection to the internet, but how am I supposed to get material for novels if i can't watch anime or read manga?

If you can afford to join my patreon. PLEASE for the love of god, CHOOSE ME! Let me entertain you and not die of boredom/lack of food/no soda!



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