
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

13, as the world spins faster out of control.

We arrived at an abandoned butcher shop, Majima leading us. I couldn't help the feeling that something was wrong. Majima immediately stiffened upon reaching the door.

He then slouched. "Well, shit," he said.

He opened the door to the shop slowly, revealing a dead body. One in a suit that looked so expensive that it was stupid – gaudy, yes, but the important part was the head that was twisted all the way around grotesquely. The face attached to said head belonged to none other than Yukio Terada.

"Motherfucker..." Majima said, surprise evident on his face. He seemed stunned in disbelief, as if something inconceivable had just happened.

"This is like a pterodactyl shitting on top of Mount Everest on a full moon. It shouldn't be possible."

He shook his head. "Nevermind. It happened. This whole city is gonna be a warzone soon." The news stand across the street then blared to life at maximum volume. Cell phones started ringing outside the abandoned butcher's shop. Everyone started panicking – children were crying, women collapsing to their knees, and men shouting.

The TV blared loudly on the main news channel of Japan. It cut to a Chinese man shouting at the camera. Subtitles at maximum size for easy reading appeared: "Due to allowing the death of the Chinese diplomat Kensei Ma's in such a tragic way, we, the people of China, declare war on the islands of Japan!"

I felt Miu tense beside me, her hand gripping mine tightly as chaos erupted around us. The news of Kensei Ma's death and China's declaration of war had sent shockwaves through the city, igniting a powder keg of fear and confusion.

Miu began trembling, Reaping the words. "No. No. No. No."

Majima's gaze hardened as he took in the scene, his hand straying to the weapon concealed beneath his suit jacket. "Looks like we've got bigger problems than just a dead Tojo chairman," he growled, his voice low.

My mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. Kensei Ma, one of the legendary masters of Ryozanpaku, had been a Chinese diplomat? And his death had somehow sparked an international conflict?

Pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, and a sense of dread washed over me. Yuujirou Hanma's rampage through Kuryu Town had not only devastated our home but had also set off a chain reaction of events that would send the planet into a downward spiral.

"We need to get out of here," I said urgently, tugging Miu closer to me which knocked her out of her downward spiral. "This is going to turn into a warzone, and we don't have the luxury of getting caught in the crossfire."

Majima nodded, his expression grim. "For once, we're on the same page, kid. But where the hell are we supposed to go? With China declaring war, every safe haven in this city just became a potential target."

I gritted my teeth, my mind racing. We needed sanctuary, a place to regroup and formulate a plan. But in a city on the brink of war, such a place would be nearly impossible to find.

Suddenly, a thought struck me – a faint glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. "Kazuma Kiryu," I said, turning to Majima. I began to speak again but he interrupted me. letting out a bark of laughter that sent a chill down my spine.

"Kiryu-chan? Really, kid? You think that has-been can help us now? I'd need at least another month of my special sauce party time to get him back up to speed, and even in this situation that wouldn't come close to helping."

Seeing my bafflement he shook his head, a wry grin playing across his lips. "Sure, Kiryu-chan used to be a big shot back in the day. A real yakuza legend. But those days are ten years gone."

He leaned in conspiratorially. "Word on the street is, he just got out of the slammer. No resources, no safe houses, and his fighting skills have gone to shit."

My heart sank at Majima's words. Why the fuck were we in the first game anyway?!

Miu gripped my hand tighter, her expression hardening. "We can't give up," she said, her voice low and trembling. "There has to be someone else, someone we can turn to for help."

I nodded, steeling my resolve. She was right – we couldn't afford to lose hope, not now, not when so much was at stake. Hanma's actions had set in motion a chain of events that threatened to consume the entire world in war, and we were caught in the eye of the storm.

Turning back to Majima, I met his gaze squarely. "You're connected to the Tojo clan, right? Surely there must be someone, anyone, who can provide us with sanctuary, at least temporarily."

Majima's expression grew pensive, his single eye scrutinizing me intently. For a moment, he said nothing, the chaos of the city swirling around us like a maelstrom.

Finally, he let out a low sigh. "Alright, kid, I really got connections to everyone, good and bad. There might be a place we can lay low for a bit, actually a lot of places. People owe me favors, you see, but this wars gonna last unless someone stops it from happening."

He jerked his head towards the exit. "But we gotta move fast. The streets ain't gonna be safe for long."

As we hurried out of the abandoned butcher shop and back into the pandemonium of Kamurocho, I couldn't help the feeling that this insanity wouldn't stop escalating.

I turned to the screen one more time as the report shifted, revealing the voice of Hanma, who was happily crushing the newscaster's throat.

"Oh no, you don't get to blame the country! You get to blame me! Because I did it! Hi, friends, I am Yuujirou Hanma, as I have killed the only one who could stop me in the world, I declare the first grand world martial arts tournament. Every martial artist at the rank of 1st dan black belt will fight in this tournament, despite the fact that all of them are worthless and will die in the first round just to show them how small their mundane martial arts world is. True low class disciples and above are invited to the slaughter of the weak, I mean the preliminaries, that will be held in seven days in Tokyo center square. The winner of the entire tournament will get to fight me to the death. Become strong. Or die."

The feed cut off, I turned to Majima and he just seemed lost for words.

So he said, "Shit."

Miu's grip on my hand tightened to the point of pain, her face red with rage. "That monster," she spat, her voice trembling with barely contained fury.

I then realized something.



Ignoring the flat response I asked, 'Is there a party function?'

Yeah, harem members only though.​

I could only nod, my own anger burning like a furnace within me.

I checked Miu's relationship meter one more time.

Miu furinji: 1st harem member, affection:150/100( Irrational Codependency, Obsession, Lust, Unconditional Love.)​

I realized this was no time to doubt Miu or myself.

Ignoring the disturbing mindset she had developed, I leaned into Miu's ear and said. In a moment you are going to see a screen. Just press the yes button.

Confused, but still listening, Miu nodded.

'Party invite: Miu Furinji.'

I saw in the corner of my eye a circle that started spinning that turned into a check-mark.

I saw Miu's eyes sparkling as she read something only she could see. I heard her mutter. "It's like a much better real life dragon quest."

Sighing in relief I nodded to myself.

Milestone complete.

Join the 1st Grand World Martial Arts Tournament and survive the preliminaries.



2000000 EXP

World jump token.

Level 1 of the Multiverse shop Unlock.​

Turning to Majima, I met his gaze with a steely resolve. Before I could speak up miu did in my place. "We need to enter this tournament."

Majima's single eye widened, and he let out a low whistle. "You've got a pair on you, girlie, I'll give you that. But you heard Hanma – this ain't no ordinary tournament. It's a goddamn slaughter."

"Exactly," I said, my voice hardening. "Which means only the strongest, the most skilled, will make it through. And that's exactly what we need to become if we have any hope of stopping Hanma."

And because at this rate, we needed that world jump token because things were spiraling massively out of control.

Miu nodded beside me, her expression as fierce as mine. "He's right. This is our chance to put everything on the line, to grow stronger than we ever thought possible."

She winked at me. Mouthing the words 'world jump' and then raising a questioning eyebrow.

Majima regarded us for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he let out a bark of laughter. "You two are crazy, you know that? But I gotta respect the fire in your eyes." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "Alright, let's get you signed up for this suicide mission. But don't say I didn't warn you."

As we followed Majima deeper into the chaos of Kamurocho district, People panicking all around us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose amidst the madness.

We would grow stronger.

Then we would kill the fucker.