
New Contacts

While Rias' Peerage needed to wait for their next match, they had to return to the Human World as another school semester was about to start, and they also had to prepare for the sports festival. Azazel, on the other hand, still had to do some stuff in the underworld and remained.

But on the way back, they were suddenly ambushed. The entirety of Rias, Akeno, Gasper, Xenovia, Yuuto, Asia and Issei was transferred out of the train they were riding back to the Human World.

They then appeared in a dense forest, somewhere in the Underworld, "W-what is it this time!? Is it Azazel-sensei again?" Issei asked everyone. The reason for his question is because Azazel did the same thing to test them while coming to the Underworld.

"Is everyone alright!?" Rias asked as she looked around, "Wait... Where's Akeno!?"

All of them hurriedly looked around to find their Queen, but they couldn't even see her shadow, "Maybe she was transported somewhere else?" Yuuto muttered.

"Nah, she's here too~." A voice then resounded from a nearby tree.

"Who's there!?" Yuuto and Xenovia took out their weapons while Issei materialized his gauntlet.

A young man with bright colored hair and dressed in ancient Chinese armor came out. It was the same person who took away Vali when the Khaos Brigade attacked the Tri-Faction Conference. However, the more surprising thing is the unconscious woman he's carrying in his arms.

"Akeno-san!?" Issei exclaimed, "You bastard! What did you do to Akeno-san!? And aren't you that guy with Vali!?"

"What do you want with Akeno!?" Rias also asked while Yuuto and Xenovia got ready to attack.

"Wait. Hold your horses, I'm not alone~." The young man, Bikou, then called out, "Hey Arthur! Until when are you going to hide?"

A bespectacled young man with blond hair with a strand of hair across his face, wearing a business suit, appeared from another nearby tree, "I heard you. You're too loud."

Bikou then put Akeno down on the ground while the newcomer, Arthur, went towards her and pulled out a normal long sword before placing it near her neck.

"H-Hey! What are you doing!?" Issei and the rest got nervous after seeing this.

"Nothing much~. I just wanna see what the current Red Dragon Emperor is made of." Bikou shrugged his shoulders while answering, "So with the girly in our hand, if you, alone, can make me admit defeat, we'll release her~." Bikou faced Issei and put on a fighting stance.

Issei and the others don't know what they really wanted but they could only do what they say due to Akeno's safety, "Issei, be careful." Rias reminded him.

"Don't worry, Buchou! I'm going to make him eat dirt! I didn't train for nothing!"




Several hundred meters away from the confrontation, on an elevated ground, Akeno found herself watching her comrades fighting two unknown people who took hold of her fake body, 'What's going on?'

When she was about to fly out, someone with a sweet voice called out from behind her, "Akeno-sama, please wait."

Akeno hurriedly turned around and saw a cute, foreign girl with a slim body, shoulder-length blonde hair, and blue eyes. Her attire consists of a sorceress-like dress with a huge blue hat with a black bow and yellow stars and matching cape with pink flowers and a white interior, "Who are you!?"

Akeno could only assume that this girl is the companion of the two young men below.

"Excuse me for my rudeness, Akeno-sama. I'm Le Fay Pendragon. A member of Vali-sama's team." Le Fay bowed to her respectfully as she introduced herself.

Akeno couldn't feel any hostility coming from her, "Vali's team? What do you want from me? And why are you attacking my comrades?"

Le Fay looked at her with a smile and said, "Please don't worry about it. We don't intend to hurt Issei-sama too much. We just got instructed by Vali-sama to try to push him to awaken his Balance Breaker properly."

"Why would he want that?"

"It's because Issei-sama is Vali-sama's rival~! As simple as that!" Le Fay's smiling face then became serious, "However, our main goal this time isn't that."

Akeno put her guard up and said, "It's me? What do you want from me?"

Le Fay nodded before speaking, "Yes. We would like to ask you if you have any clues to where Kuroka-sama is."

"Kuroka... Koneko's big sister? Why are you asking me?" Akeno only met Kuroka once when Kisuke captured her and gifted her to Koneko as get a well gift. From Le Fay's words, she can assume that Kuroka is also part of their team.

"Because we knew for sure that you're coming in contact with Ophis-sama."

That answer made Akeno flinch a bit but she immediately denied it, "What do you mean? And who is this Ophis?"

"Please don't deny it. We had sufficient evidence before executing this plan. We also know for sure that Serafall-sama is also involved, however, we don't have a way to contact her in secret because of the eyes on her."

Akeno could only stay quiet. She's at a loss at what to do next as this was a very sensitive topic that could have her head lopped off and her comrades would be endangered if discovered.

"We know your concerns, but you don't have to worry. It's only everyone from Vali's team that knows of this, and we're clearing the tracks that Ophis-sama sometimes leaves behind when she's sneaking out."

Akeno knew that there's no point in denying it anymore and asked, "What does Ophis' connection with me have something to do with Kuroka's disappearance?"

"That would be Kisuke Urahara-sama... The common denominator between you, him and Kuroka-sama is Ophis-sama. And the fact that you're also staying in his shop tells us that you know something. Sadly, that's the only lead we have, but we can't let it go because Kuroka-sama is a very important comrade of ours."

Akeno can see the genuine concern Le Fay has for Kuroka from her eyes. She understands this because she's also looking for Koneko and concerned about her safety, "I see... That's why you approached me despite the risks."

"Yes. We might not be good people and wanted by all, but if it's our concern for our comrades, we wouldn't lose to anyone."

Akeno closed her eyes for a moment of contemplation before replying, "I understand, but I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. I also don't know where Kuroka or her little sister might be. We're also doing our best to search for them."

Le Fay was like a deflated balloon after hearing Akeno's words, but it didn't take long for her to recover after hearing the continuation of her statement, "However, before they disappeared, Kisuke-kun sent a note... a letter to Serafall-sama that Kuroka is with him and safe. Although we don't know where they are, we can at least be sure that they're all together."

Le Fay smiled, "Is that so? Thank goodness. We're very worried because we haven't received even a piece of single news! If they are together and safe, we can put down some of our worries!"

"What are you going to do now?"

"We'll plan our next steps, but we intend to keep in contact with you so that we could work together and search for them, or at least get some information on how they're doing right now. Of course, this contact will be in secret and the only person you could reveal it to is to Serafall-sama."

"Understood. I would also like to keep in touch with you. I think we could also use your network."

"Then that's settled. For now, we should watch their progress." Le Fay was talking about the current confrontation, "Whether it succeeds or not, we'll smoke out the area to escape before your reinforcements come. You should use that chance to switch with your illusion."

"Got it. How can I contact you?"

Le Fay then passed her a silver pocket watch, "Inside the watch is a magic circle that can transmit messages. You can use it to contact me and I'll also use it to contact you."

The two girls then watch as Bikou threatened to hurt 'Akeno' to push Issei, but due to some weird turn of events, Issei was able to use his Balance Breaker using Rias' tits as the catalyst. By poking their nipples, something awakened inside Issei and he was able to transform, pushing back Bikou.

Akeno could only chuckle while Le Fay blushed fiercely while covering her face with her hands, though there are gaps between her fingers.

Due to this event, the Gremory Household will capitalize on this and create a celebrity out of Issei as the Oppai Dragon. After hearing that, Ddraig almost fainted trying to escape reality, questioning why things turned in this direction.





28th00: Oh no… Ddraig couldn't escape his fate as being labelled the Oppai Dragon! Ophis, Great Red, who do we turn to for dragon souls undergoing emotional torture at the hands of the wrong kind of fame? Especially when they're soulbound to a divine weapon, that is soulbound to a human soul.

Goyya: Apparently, Grigori was able to develop anti-depression medicine for Ddraig. Don't know how they did it though.

We'll go back in time to understand what's going on.

For reference, Kisuke returned during the Crisis in the Underworld.

I know some of you may be put off for me pulling this kind of trick again, but it's necessary to see the development of other characters and for those who're not familiar in this part of DxD.

However, I can promise Kisuke would have some good action in this Arc, revealing his real strength.

Goyyacreators' thoughts