
Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Imagine a Guy with barebone knowledge of Pokémon, gets transferred to a World where no one knows about Pokémon And the said World somehow gets connected to a World which is similar to Pokémon Games. Well, This Story is all about that Guy. Introducing Dipper, a normal teen who stumbled upon a game called PokeMMO while watching a short video. Dipper who is neither a Pokémon expert nor had he ever played a Pokémon game other than Pokémon Fire Red was intrigued by the game and chose to give it a try. While Dipper was immersed in the game, a powerful bolt of purple lightning struck his house's roof. Dipper didn't had time to react as he watched lightning tore through the roof of his house and struck him. Waking up after the strike, Dipper finds himself in a completely different world – a world almost identical to his original world. Almost, as nothing related to Pokémon exist in this World, be it Pokémon anime, Pokémon games, or even Pokémon cards. Thinking that this was just a normal world, Dipper went outside only to witness the most unimaginable thing in the sky he could have thought of. "Is that a bird...?" "No, it's a plane...?" "It's a giant Professor Oak." ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning - MC is a noob when it comes to Pokémon, So he will make some choices that you'll expect from someone who is new to Pokémon. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer - Pokémon and Characters related to Pokémon belongs to there rightful owners. I only own the Characters that I created. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am a new Author, and writing is something new to me. I am writing this fan fiction to gain experience, so please don't expect anything grand from this fan fiction. I am also a student, so updates will not be regular. As I write, I will try to improve the quality of my work. PS - English is not my first language. So please go easy on me. ------------------------------------------------------------ #PokeMMO #PokemonGame #PokemonFanfic #PokeFiction #PokeNovel #PokemonAdventures #PokeStory #PokemonWorlds #PokeJourney #PokemonUniverse #PokeFanFiction #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite #PokemonPlatinum #PokémonDiamond #PokémonPearl #PokemonSoulSilver #PokemonHeartGold #PokemonEmerald #PokemonRuby #PokemonSapphire #PokemonLeafGreen #PokemonFireRed

DevilHanu · Trò chơi điện tử
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64 Chs

Ch. 43 - Route 9

"I wonder how other people reacted to these articles."

I wanted to spend more time reading through other articles, but I was tired, and I needed to rest well since I'll be starting my journey to 'Rock Tunnel' and 'Lavender City' tomorrow. So, I closed my phone and went to sleep.

[Next Day]

Back in the Pokemon World, I was inside the Pokemon Center of 'Cerulean City'.

After taking a look around, I got ready to leave for 'Route 9'. But before that, I quickly healed up my Pokemon.

After healing my Pokemon, I made my way to 'Route 9'.

[You have entered Route 9]

{Image Of Route 9}

Moving from the grassy environment to the rocky one, I made my way to the 'Rock Tunnel'.

On my way, I battled with many NPC trainers.

<Picknicker Alicia>

Bellsprout Lv. 18 <Defeated >

Oddish Lv. 18 <Defeated >

Sunkern Lv. 18 <Defeated >

Hoppip Lv. 18 <Defeated >

{Image Of Hoppip}

[Cubchoo gains 290+302+174+243 EXP. Points]

[Cubchoo grew to Lv. 21]

[Cubchoo wants to learn the move <Slash >]

[But Cubchoo already knows four moves.]

[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Slash >?]

Glancing at the notification, <Slash > is a good damage dealing move, but I think that the moves that Cubchoo already knows are better than <Slash >, so I chose not to learn <Slash >.

[Cubchoo did not learn <Slash >]

[You got ₽306 for winning]

While moving through the rocky terrains of 'Route 9', I stumbled upon a TM.

[You found one TM - Take Down]

<Hiker Jeremy>

Machop Lv. 20 <Defeated >

Onix Lv. 20 <Defeated >

[Victreebel gains 327+413 EXP. Points]

[Victreebel grew to Lv. 25]

[You got ₽720 for winning]

<Camper Chris>

Charmander Lv. 21 <Defeated >

Growlithe Lv. 21 <Defeated >

[Gyarados gains 307+436 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽420 for winning]

<Bug Catcher Brent>

Beedrill Lv. 19 <Defeated >

Beedrill Lv. 19 <Defeated >

{Image Of Beedrill}

[Gyarados gains 776+776 EXP. Points]

[Gyarados grew to Lv. 29]

[You got ₽228 for winning]

While walking, I came across a sign that read:



After reading the sign, I continued along my path.

<Bug Catcher Conner>

Weedle Lv. 20 <Defeated >

Venonat Lv. 20 <Defeated >

Caterpie Lv. 20 <Defeated >

{Image Of Venonat}

[Cubchoo gains 210+323+210 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽240 for winning]

<Camper Drew>

Ekans Lv. 19 <Defeated >

Sandshrew Lv. 19 <Defeated >

Rattata Lv. 19 <Defeated >

Slugma Lv. 19 <Defeated >

{Image Of Slugma}

[Charmeleon gains 254+306+233 EXP. Points]

[Cubchoo gains 257 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽380 for winning]

<Hiker Brice>

Geodude Lv. 20 <Defeated >

Geodude Lv. 20 <Defeated >

Machop Lv. 20 <Defeated >

[Charmeleon gains 162 EXP. Points]

[Victreebel gains 162+323+327 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽720 for winning]

<Hiker Alan>

Onix Lv. 21 <Defeated >

Geodude Lv. 21 <Defeated >

[Charmeleon gains 216 EXP. Points]

[Victreebel gains 216+338 EXP. Points]

[Victrebel grew to Lv. 26]

[You got ₽756 for winning]

While searching for NPC trainers to battle, I stumbled upon something intriguing tucked away in a corner at a dead end.

[You found one TwistedSpoon]

I quickly checked the information on the item.

[TwistedSpoon : An Item to be held by a Pokemon. It increases the power of Psychic-Type moves by 20%]

[<Give >

<Toss Item>]

This item was perfect for Abra, so I gave it to Abar

[You gave Abra <TwistedSpoon > to hold.]

<Picnicker Caitlin>

Meowth Lv. 23 <Defeated >

[Charmeleon gains 341 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽460 for winning]

Following this battle, I encountered no more NPC trainers and soon reached an open area with a large section of Tall Grass and a canal of water running alongside it.

'If what I remember is correct, then I can find one of the legendary birds by using <Surf > and following the water canal to reach the Power Plant. But I don't have <Surf > right now.'

Moving forward, I quickly spotted a Pokemon Center south of 'Route 9'.

Quickly entering the Pokemon Center, I healed up my Pokemon.

Just as I healed my Pokemon and headed to the sitting area, I noticed one of the NPC wearing a lab coat who looked a lot like those Aides of Professor Oak, so to check, I interacted with him.

"Oh, Dipper, you are here."

"It's me, one of the ever-present AIDES to Professor Oak."

'Just as I thought.'

"If your PokeDEX has complete data on twenty species, I'm supposed to give you a reward from Professor. Oak."

"He entrusted me with this Everstone."

'What's an Everstone? Let's wait for him to explain.'

"So, Dipper, Let me ask you."

"Have you gathered data on at least twenty kinds of Pokemon?"

[<Yes > <No >]

"Great! You have caught or owned 36 kinds of Pokemon."

"Congratulations! Here you go."

[You received the Everstone from the Aide.]

"Making Pokemon evolve certainly can add to the PokeDEX. However, at times, you may not want a certain Pokemon to evolve."

"In that case, give the Everstone to that Pokemon. It will prevent evolution, according to the Professor."

After receiving the Everstone and resting briefly in the Pokemon Center, I exited the Pokemon Center and headed to the 'Rock Tunnel'.

As I stepped out of the Pokémon Center, I finally looked around the area where there were 4 Small Trees.

'More Small Trees, More Quest, More Rewards.'

"All right, Let's get to work." with that said, I move to the first Small Tree.


[New Quest]

[Quest - Small Tree Of Route 9 1 {Unique}

Description - A Small Tree is growing in between 'Route 9' and 'Rock Tunnel'. The Small Tree does not block the path, but it can be cut down. Find a way to cut down the Small Tree.

Reward - 1x Random Box

Deadline - Until someone else cuts the Small Tree.

Failure - None]

[<Accept > <Reject >]

After accepting the quest, I attempted to cut down the first Small Tree but I forgot that I didn't have Oddish on my team. So, I returned to the Pokémon Center and temporarily swapped Rhyhorn for Oddish.

[Oddish used <Cut >]


[Quest - Small Tree Of Route 9 1 {Unique}

Reward - 1x Random Box]


Swiftly, I moved to the other Small Trees and cut them down after accepting the quests.


[Quest - Small Tree Of Route 9 2 {Unique}

Reward - 1x Random Box]



[Quest - Small Tree Of Route 9 3 {Unique}

Reward - 1x Random Box]



[Quest - Small Tree Of Route 9 4 {Unique}

Reward - 1x Random Box]


After receiving 4 Random Boxes, I promptly opened them all.

[You got x10 Poke Ball from the Random Box]

[You got x1 Metal Coat from the Random Box]

[You got x1 Random Region Pokemon Ticket from the Random Box]

[You got x2 Metronome from the Random Box]

"Hell yeah, I got another Random Region Pokemon Ticket." I quickly took out the ticket and tore it in half.

[You have used a Random Region Pokemon Ticket]

[Checking the User's Current Region]

[Region Confirmed, Kanto]

[Checking the User's Max Obedience Level]

[Max Obedience Level Confirmed, Lv. 37]

A Poke Ball appeared and disappeared soon after.

[Abra was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

"Oh, an Abra, I wonder if it would have decent IVs." I said as I went back to the Pokemon Center to check Abra's information.

Moving to the PC, I fired it up and opened by Box filled with a miniature version of Pokemon.

[PokeDEX : 063

Name : Abra (Psychic)

Nature : Relaxed (+10% Defense, -10% Speed)

Gender : Male

Level - 19

XP : 4,575

To Next Lv. : 885

Item Held - <None >]

[HP : 42/42

Attack : 15

Defense : 15

Sp. Atk : 48

Sp. Def : 30

Speed : 39]

[A/N : EVs of Newly Caught Pokemon are Zero]

[HP IV : 21

Attack IV : 14

Defense IV : 19

Sp. Atk IV : 17

Sp. Def IV : 24

Speed IV : 28

Total : 123/186]

[Teleport <Psychic > PP: 20/20

------ PP: 0/0

------ PP: 0/0

------ PP: 0/0

Ability : Synchronize (Passes a Burn, Poison, or Paralysis to the foe.)]

"It has decent IVs, and its <Synchronize > ability is also very good. I think I can use it as one of my main Pokemon."

I switched the old Abra with this new one.

Now, my Team looks something like this:

[1 - Cubchoo Lv. 21

2 - Gyarados Lv. 29

3 - Victreebel Lv. 26

4 - Charmeleon Lv. 26

5 - Rhyhorn Lv. 26 {Temperory - Oddish Lv. 6}

6 - Abra Lv. 19]

After taking a look at the information on Abra, I checked the information on other items that I received.

[Metal Coat : An Item to be held by a Pokemon. It increases the power of Steel-Type moves by 20%.]

[<Give >

<Toss Item>]

[Metronome : An Item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts the power of a move by 20% for each consecutive use, up to a maximum increase of 100%]

[<Give >

<Toss Item>]

"If I remember correctly, 'Metal Coat' is also used to evolve Onix." I said, pulling out my PokeDEX to confirm.

"Yes, I was right. To evolve Onix, players need to either use 'Metal Coat or trade Onix with someone else.'

"Trading is not possible for the time being, which leaves the only option of using 'Metal Coat' to evolve Onix."

"After fighting all those NPC trainers on 'Route 9', especially those Hikers who used Onix, I was kinda hoping to catch one for myself after battling with them."

"And now a 'Metal Coat' appeared out of Random Box. Even the Pokemon World is telling me to go and catch an Onix."

Since I had already encountered Onix before, all its information was stored in PokeDEX including its wild locations.

I took a quick look at all the locations where a wild Onix can be encountered and one of the locations was 'Rock Tunnel'.

"I'll catch an Onix inside 'Rock Tunnel'."

Moving on to the next Item that I received, 'Metronome'.

"I don't remember ever hearing about this item, it's not a surprise since there are hundreds of Items in Pokemon games."

"So, this item increases the power of any move that is repeatedly used. It can boost the power up to 100%."

"An amazing item, and since I received 2 of them, I can give one to Charmeleon and another to Gyarados."

[You gave Charmeleon <Metronome > to hold.]

[You gave Gyarados <Metronome > to hold.]

With everything settled, It was time to enter the Dark Hole.


<Total Gain>

[+ ₽4,230]

[x1 TM - Take Down]

[x1 TwistedSpoon]


<Quest Reward>

[x1 Random Box] > [x10 Poke Ball]

[x1 Random Box] > [x1 Metal Coat]

[x1 Random Box] > [x1 Random Region Pokemon Ticket]

[x1 Random Box] > [x2 Metronome]


<Items Used>

[x1 Random Region Pokemon Ticket] > [Abra Lv. 19]


<Levels >

[Cubchoo Lv. 20 > Lv. 21]

[Victrebel Lv. 24 > Lv. 26]

[Gyarados Lv. 28 > Lv. 29]


<Team's Current Status>

[1 - Cubchoo Lv. 21 - 56/56]

[2 - Charmeleon Lv. 26 - 70/70]

[3 - Gyarados Lv. 29 - 98/98]

[4 - Victrebel Lv. 26 - 80/80]

[5 - Abra Lv. 19 - 42/42]

[6 - Rhyhorn Lv. 26 - 79/79 {Oddish Lv. 06 - 22/22}]
