
Playing Cards In Duel City

Some boi inexplicably finds himself transported to the game world "Yugioh: Linking the World," accompanied by his very own non-player character template. The story rewinds to a time before the game's official launch, granting our mc an additional month before players can dive into the virtual realm. The nameless pharaoh, still dormant within the high school student Muto's body, awaits the unfolding events. The grand competition duel city, destined to transcend epochs, has yet to commence. As the game finally launches, players eagerly log in, only to discover a brand-new NPC who was absent from the original game. Our Boi: "Should all you players go for those card packs? Fifty-one packs, totaling five hundred and ten companies. Fair prices, fair outcomes!" The players fixate their gaze on the potently alluring UR card, labeled as an ultra-rare item in the product list. Their eyes burn with desire as a single thought resounds in their minds: ——"Just draw that card!" ………….. This is a Edit from MTL.If there is any questions about this fanfic please ask away. Though might not answer because I won’t be looking at the comments to much, after all the internet is full of toxicity, I don’t want to ruin my mood. Though I say this but I probably will look and answer anyways… and cover not mine, found it on Pinterest

Shadoudia · Tranh châm biếm
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51 Chs

Chapter 47: Sea Horse Seto!

Malik Ishtar, a significant villain from the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh, is a descendant of the tomb guard and the founder of the rare card hunter group known as Gurus. Notably, he possesses the Millennium Rod, one of the Seven Millennium Artifacts.

In the present scenario, Yuyu and the others are not facing Marik himself, but his puppets controlled remotely through the mind control abilities of the "Millennium Rod." Marik himself is absent from the warehouse, with only the puppet acting as his spokesperson.

"Hello, everyone in Nightcrawler World," spoke Marik through the mouth of the bald puppet. "For most of you, I believe this is our first meeting."

Nanmu narrowed his eyes and addressed Marik, "What are your intentions?"

By now, it was evident to everyone that their actions had been anticipated. Gurus had foreseen their arrival, abandoned the stronghold, and left only the puppet to relay Marik's message.

"I think it's clear what I want to achieve," replied Marik. "This is my fight, directed solely at the nameless Pharaoh. It has nothing to do with all of you."

Despite preferring to avoid conflict, Marik warned, "If you insist on interfering, be aware that Gurus does not shy away from challenges."

The atmosphere grew tense as Nanmu and his allies absorbed his words. They understood that Marik's primary target was the nameless Pharaoh, but they couldn't stand idle while innocent people suffered. Determined to protect, they prepared themselves for what lay ahead.

"What did you say!?" one of the team members exclaimed, their anger rising at Marik's audacity. They were ready to launch an attack, but their fury turned to astonishment as the bald puppet's body slumped forward, revealing an empty shell devoid of life.

Marik had disappeared, leaving behind only the hollow vessel of the puppet.

"This guy is way to arrogant!" someone in the group seethed with anger.

"He didn't regard us as a threat at all"

"I say we need to show this tomb guardian what true darkness is..."

"Wake up, he possesses to many powers. Ordinary duelists stand no chance."

The group engaged in heated chatter and arguments, frustration and confusion filling the air. However, Nanmu, the manager, furrowed his brow, sensing that something was amiss.

A hush fell over the group as Nanmu spoke up. Everyone shared the same concern.

Marik had foreseen their arrival and preemptively evacuated the warehouse, leaving behind a mere puppet to deliver his message. Was this warning intended to intimidate them with empty words?

Regardless of their thoughts, the reality seemed unrealistic.

Marik had emphasized that this encounter was only a warning.

But what did this warning truly entail?

Suddenly, a loud roar reverberated from outside the desolate warehouse, accompanied by a heavy buzzing sound. Light flooded in through every window and crevice, illuminating the warehouse as if it were broad daylight.

As they stepped out of the warehouse, the dark duelists were greeted with a shocking sight. They had unknowingly been surrounded for some time. A fleet of black cars formed a blockade, and blinding white lights encircled the warehouse like an array of crossed swords.

Positioned behind the cars stood a multitude of men dressed in black attire, sporting sunglasses. They stood tall and rigid, their imposing figures forming an impenetrable barrier.

While nobody made any immediate aggressive moves, it was clear that they would not allow the individual in the center to escape easily.

Turbulent beeping noises echoed through the air as a powerful beam of light descended from above, slicing through the darkness and splitting the night in two.

The black helicopter, emblazoned with the KC mark, descended slowly. The cabin door swung open, revealing a slender man in a white windbreaker stepping onto the landing pole with grace. The contrasting black interior and white exterior of his attire exuded an air of regality. As the wind whipped against his cloak, it billowed dramatically under the force of the propeller. This man was none other than the legendary duelist of the world of Duel Monsters, Seto Kaiba.

At this point, it was clear to everyone what had transpired. Marik had intentionally used Yuyu and the others as a conduit to relay information and manipulate them for his own advantage. And to attract the Haima group to Nightcrawler world.

Nightcrawler World and the Haima Group were naturally connected in some way, given their involvement in the world of Duel Monsters. It was only logical to assume that there would be some level of association between the local forces. And let's just say the relationship wasn't to good.

Seto didn't quite like dark duelists. He had witnessed their reality firsthand and had even fallen victim to their machinations. His younger brother, Mokuba, had been captured and had his soul sealed in a card by Yami Bakura. Seto had valiantly attempted to save his brother, but he proved no match for the power of the Millennium Ring of Bakura. In the end, he, too, was defeated and had his soul sealed away.

As the story progressed, it was Mutou who ultimately defeated Bakura and saved the souls of the brothers.

Due to these harrowing experiences, President Seto or better know as Seahorse harbored a deep-seated resistance toward dark duelist. Moreover, he staunchly adhered to scientific theories, viewing supernatural phenomena, including "dark games," as subject to scientific explanations. Whenever the topic arose, he would scoff dismissively.

Thus, although Nightcrawler World and the Haima Group had crossed paths, the outcomes were rarely favorable.

While the helicopter remained airborne, President Seto, unable to contain his impatience, leaped off the aircraft. His windbreaker billowed behind him, resembling spreading wings.

As the duelist group exchanged glances, Nanmu, the manager, took the lead and approached President Seto. "It's been a while, President Seto."

Seto crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes sharply. His gaze was piercing, devoid of any pleasantries. "What brings you to a place like this?"

"We received information that the Gurus Group had a stronghold here, but unfortunately, we arrived too late, and they have already vacated the premises," Nanmu explained. "As we have discussed numerous times before, Mr. President, we are on the same side."

"Hmph, I don't recall agreeing to anything," He retorted coldly, raising the duel disk on his arm.

"However, since you all fancy yourselves duelists, I will give you an opportunity," he proclaimed with a deep voice. "If you wish to proceed beyond this point, test your overconfident dark duel skills against me."