
Playing Cards In Duel City

Some boi inexplicably finds himself transported to the game world "Yugioh: Linking the World," accompanied by his very own non-player character template. The story rewinds to a time before the game's official launch, granting our mc an additional month before players can dive into the virtual realm. The nameless pharaoh, still dormant within the high school student Muto's body, awaits the unfolding events. The grand competition duel city, destined to transcend epochs, has yet to commence. As the game finally launches, players eagerly log in, only to discover a brand-new NPC who was absent from the original game. Our Boi: "Should all you players go for those card packs? Fifty-one packs, totaling five hundred and ten companies. Fair prices, fair outcomes!" The players fixate their gaze on the potently alluring UR card, labeled as an ultra-rare item in the product list. Their eyes burn with desire as a single thought resounds in their minds: ——"Just draw that card!" ………….. This is a Edit from MTL.If there is any questions about this fanfic please ask away. Though might not answer because I won’t be looking at the comments to much, after all the internet is full of toxicity, I don’t want to ruin my mood. Though I say this but I probably will look and answer anyways… and cover not mine, found it on Pinterest

Shadoudia · Tranh châm biếm
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51 Chs

Chapter 43: Ez Money

A four-star monster with an attack power of 2,400?

never heard of such a thing!

2400 attack power... Even the legendary ultra-rare card, like the "Red-Eyed Black Dragon" has 2400 attack power.

And the Red-Eyed Black Dragon is a seven-star high-level monster that requires two sacrifices to summon. In the current duel environment, it's quite challenging to gather enough sacrifices to summon such a high-level monster.

So, you're telling me that this four-star monster in front of me is a equal to a Red-Eyed Black Dragon?

This card seems too good to be true, doesn't it?

Are you sure this special cat card isn't a counterfeit?

Naturally, some people doubt the authenticity of this card. Although no one dares to voice their doubts in front of Yuyu, it's only natural to question it.

However, everyone present is involved in the dark duel and possesses certain abilities that ordinary people don't have.

Soon, individuals took turns using their dark power perception to determine the authenticity of this card, and Yuyu readily gave permission for examination.

Before long, everyone came to the same conclusion—

—This is undoubtedly a genuine Duel Monster card, not a fake.

Even though the strength of this four-star monster may seem like something created using a personal card printer... it is a real card.

Of course it's a real card! is a card drawn by Yuyu from the system card pool.

System products are undoubtedly high-quality goods, something Yuyu confirmed in the game during his previous life. The cards drawn from the system card pool, even if they weren't available in the DM era, are undeniably authentic cards recognized by NPCs.

The idea of "selling system-produced cards to NPCs" has long crossed players' minds.

However, the system prohibits players from selling cards to NPCs. So, apart from Yuyu, the NPC with access to the system, no one has actually sold system cards to other NPCs.

From Yuyu's perspective, this is simply a card to be used... and nothing more.

This card is not unfamiliar to real-life Yu-Gi-Oh card players. Although it's a four-star monster with an attack power of 2,400, it has never been banned or restricted throughout its history... mainly because there are hardly any players who include this card in their decks.

The reason is quite simple—it has substantial side effects.

The Chainsaw Insect's special effect is that when this monster attacks, the opponent player draws a card from their deck at the end of the damage settlement step.

Essentially, it grants a free card to the opponent!

Is literally giving away free cards to the opponent!

Thus, the negative impact of this side effect often outweighs the net benefit, and almost no one opts to use it.

However, in the eyes of the npcs who has no concept of card advantage, this appears to be an incredible card without any apparent drawbacks—a red-eyed black dragon of sorts.

"What? opposition can draw a card is the side effect?"

Hmm... These are all minor flaws that can be easily ignored, right?

In fact, four-star cards with such high attack power aren't entirely absent from this era. The most well-known example is the "Goblin Attack Force."

Goblin Attack Force, a four-star monster with 2300 attack power and 0 defense power, it has an effect: when this card attacks, it must switch to defense mode during the end phase and cannot change its position until the end of your next turn.

Having zero defense power means this monster can only be summoned once and will be easily dealt with in the next round. It won't last long, just like taking Viagra...

Even so, the Goblin Attack Force remains a popular high-level rare card in the market.

Compared to the side effect of "switching to defense mode after attacking," the side effect of "allowing the opponent to draw a card" from the Chainsaw Insect is almost negligible!

No one dared to make an immediate offer.

No one in the world has ever heard of such a powerful monster, so naturally, no one knows its true value.

However, what is certain is that this kind of card, unique in the world, is undoubtedly the "four-star monster with the highest attack power in existence," and its price is definitely not excessive.

"...May I ask, Yuyu, where did you get this card?" someone asked.

This is a question that many people are curious about.

In their opinion, such a card should be classified as the highest rarity, possibly even more valuable than that.

"Through personal channels," Yuyu couldn't explain the existence of the system card pool, but he didn't need to come up with any strange excuses. "But what I can guarantee is that this card is a genuine replacement, absolutely not a fake."

He didn't need to assure them as everyone present could confirm its authenticity themselves, leaving no room for doubt.

As for the source, since Yuyu didn't want to disclose it, it was inappropriate for everyone to continue asking. After all, they were all participants in the dark duel, and it was not surprising for each of them to have their own private channels and means. Most people wouldn't be willing to share their secrets with others.

After a while, someone finally made a bid: "I offer one million... no, one and a half million, can I have it?"

Someone had to start the bidding.

Reason why the biding was already so high is simple.

Cards like "Celtic Guardian" are just simple and rare. "Bull Demon" itself is also rare, with an attack power as high as 1800. While valuable, that's about it. Although low-star monsters with 1800 attack power are rare, they are not completely unobtainable, and they can still be purchased through bidding.

But this "Chainsaw Insect" is different.

It belongs to a unique category of super powerful cards with such strength that even with a willingness to spend millions upon millions, it may not be available for purchase on any ordinary day.

"Two million," someone immediately increased the price.

No one considered it accidental or excessive. It was normal. For dark duelists, cards were not just game items but also weapons. In dire circumstances, a duel could even become a gamble for their lives. So, it was worth spending a ton of money for a stronger card.

This was also one of the reasons why Yuyu planned to sell cards here—there was no one more suitable as customers than wealthy dark duelists with an insatiable desire for powerful cards.

"Two million two hundred thousand."

"Two million two hundred one thousand."


"Ten million."

A calm and majestic voice resonated in everyone's ears, surprising everyone present.

They turned their heads and saw a man dressed in black with a high hat, sporting a distinctive scar on his face, which gave off an eerie vibe.

Someone exclaimed, "..., the manager?"

Of course the Nightcrawler organization had a "management officer." They were the most trusted subordinates directly appointed by President Tan to oversee the daily affairs of the members and organization.

Gambling and private transactions among members were not prohibited in Nightcrawler World, but the leadership, including the management officer, never personally participated.

It wasn't a rule; it was more of a convention.

However, today's convention was clearly about to be broken.

While everyone was still surprised, the manager had already made his way through the crowd and calmly stated, "Ten million."

All the members erupted in astonishment.

Being the manager, his demeanor was truly different!

How dare anyone challenge him in bidding?

Yuyu watched happily from the side, feeling like he was in the front row of a cultivation novel, witnessing a grand auction scene.

Indeed, it seemed that everyone was taken aback by the manager's presence (or his position), and for a while, no one dared to make another bid.

The manager made his way through the parting crowd and stood in front of Yuyu, a smirk appearing at the corner of his mouth. "So, for ten million, give me this card... Any objections?"

Yuyu shrugged nonchalantly. "As long as no one else objects."

"Okay, then..."

"I have an objection!"

A powerful voice echoed, causing everyone's expressions to change as their eyes quickly followed the sound...

...Huh? Where did that voice come from? Did someone pretend to shout and then run away?

...Oh, it turned out to be President Tan. Apologies, he is quite short, and he was blocked by the crowd earlier...


Does even the president want to personally participate in the auction?

President Tan stood with his hands held, slowly approaching with small steps, his demeanor exuding an extraordinary presence as he faced his subordinate, Nanmu, the manager.

"Twenty million," the president spoke with confidence. He smiled and said, "Mr. Nanmu, could you give me this card?"

"Twenty-two million," the Nanmu manager replied with a blank expression. "President, didn't you say you would only play the 'Archfiend Deck' for life? I don't think this bug suits your style."

"Oh, all duelists need to have faith in their deck. As long as you believe it's a Archfiend, then it's naturally a Archfiend," the president said, his face unperturbed as he spoke.

Nanmu rolled his eyes, showing his disdain for the president's unreliable and fickle behavior in front of such high-powered bidding.

Although they had a subordinate relationship, Nanmu and President Tan had been friends for many years, so there was no psychological pressure when it came to raising the bid.

While the two were still engaged in bidding, another voice sounded from the entrance, "Thirty million!"

The entire audience took another breath, contributing to the global warming process, as they turned their surprised gazes towards the door.

There stood a man in a sleek suit, with a prominent nose, a slender figure, and confident, powerful strides.

It was Matsunaga! Another manager!

Was today's auction destined to be a clash of titans?

As the initiator of the auction and the card owner, Yuyu sat quietly throughout, not uttering a word.

He simply sat there, quietly observing as the bids continued to skyrocket.

'I will simplysit here and watch you guys rise the price'