
Playground Illusion

As the CEO of a multinational corporation that sells superpowers to the highest bidder ("the finest superpowers money can buy"), you'll cast powerful magic, invent futuristic technologies, and manipulate your stock price to impress shareholders!

Teuitzi · Khoa huyễn
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205 Chs


"Hold on a few minutes," you tell Salt. "I just need to make a call."

"Sure," he says. "Take your time."

You call MetaHuman and speak to Claudette Byron. The overall verdict is that a high-tech replica of the flask can be created—but there's no way to simulate the presence of a jinni under lab conditions, so you can't be sure that it will be 100 percent effective. If you choose to go that route, you'll just have to have faith in the competence of your research team.