
Playground Illusion

As the CEO of a multinational corporation that sells superpowers to the highest bidder ("the finest superpowers money can buy"), you'll cast powerful magic, invent futuristic technologies, and manipulate your stock price to impress shareholders!

Teuitzi · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
205 Chs


Masfiwi gives you a gap-toothed smile. "Good. My faith in you was well placed." Then he coughs, painfully, and turns away from you.

"Are you alright?" you ask him. "Maybe we should—"

But Masfiwi raises a hand, silencing you. "Give him a moment," says Katariki. "He isn't well."

Another rattling, wheezing cough, and Masfiwi's head slumps forward. His chest rises and falls a few times. And then it stills.

"Salem?" you say.

Katariki moves forward, and checks the older man. At last, Katariki stands. "He's dead. He'd hinted at this." Silence, for several seconds. "We should go. We have work to do."

"Are we just going to leave him here?" you ask, glancing up at the monstrous jinni, who has once more taken an interest in you. "With this…being?"

"I'll see that Masfiwi's body is taken care of," says Katariki. "Now, let's go do what he asked us to."
