
Meeting Caylen

Hi I'm Caylen James. I am the number two player in any video game. See I love to play video games. In my world video games have been banned by the government because they give teenagers juvenile ideas. Some of us still play them but we get caught. I am one of the only one person in the whole world who hasn't been caught by the government. There is another person on another planet. I wish to meet him one day but that will never happen. He calls himself player one.

I disagree completely with the government. I believe that video games are better for you than not. I want to leave this planet so I can play video games freely but that's impossible. Unless I win a scholarship to a school on planet 1. I live on planet 2. Player one lives on planet 1 so to meet him I have to get the scholarship. Once I meet player one we plan to find other players and see if we can change the rules.