
Player of Trials

Our main character, Leon, dies in an unfortunate event. But it was not an end for him. After his death, he founds himself in a weird place. A system pops up and gives him trials. But what are these trials, and why he needs to complete them? Who created this place, and what is his intention? With each trial, he gets stronger and stronger. But most importantly, what will he do after gaining an unstoppable power? I will also be posting this novel on RoyalRoad.com (The cover's background image doesn't belong to me. So, if anyone knows the artist, let me know and I will credit them.)

Jumper19 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
40 Chs


In the endless whiteness, a sound echoed "600!!!"

[STRENGTH: 13>14]



Full of his body in sweat, 'This is really harder than I thought' Leon thought. He was training with his sword again to increase his strength stat.



Now sitting on the ground he is thinking about whether to go to the next trial. Well, he can train here until he gains more power, but it would be really boring and there is nothing like a good fight that excites him. Also, doing training doesn't give him EXP. So he decides to try. After all, what could possibly go wrong? Death? No, as the rules say, he can't possibly die in trials.

After resting until he feels ready "Yes," he said to the panel as he pressed the button.

With saying this, everything around him starts to crumble, change, gain color. Until it took the form of a battlefield. The first thing Leon noticed was the smell of rotting corpses. By looking around him, he saw hell. Uncountable number of corpses on the ground, and on these corpses, ravens having their meals from these dead soldiers by tearing their flesh with their beaks. Blood and corpses of thousands human, everywhere Leon looks were full with these.

"Where the hell am I?" Leon asked himself in shock even though he knew he couldn't answer it. After all, it was the first time he saw this many dead humans and a battlefield like this. Until here, he always killed non-human creatures. Suddenly, seeing this much death shocked him.

While Leon looks at the bloody battlefield. One of the dead soldiers trembled when dark smoke got into his body. Though Leon was sure that he was dead, the soldier somehow got up. Looking at Leon with his glowing green eyes which lack soul, full of hate towards all kinds of living things.

Leon understood what was going on. These are undead. Creatures who couldn't find peace while living harbors hate towards living things, and after dying, they come back to have their revenge. At least this is all Leon learned from one minute of research on the internet while he was living.

Looking at the soldier, 'At least there is one, I can deal with him,' Leon thought from his head with relief.

After saying this, other corpses trembled.

"Fuck my damn mouth," Leon said while cursing his bad luck. The undead started to rise, one by one.







There were 30 of them. While the first one began to walk towards Leon, Leon prepared himself for this fight both emotionally and physically, knowing this would be hard. 'They are slow though-' Leon was thinking while they started running to him. 'Really?! Is there someone reading my mind?'

Seconds later, Leon's sword and the sword of undead clashed with each other, leaving a sparkle. With the first attack of the undead, Leon felt like a mountain was trying to crush him. This was because of the difference in strength. Was this soldier this strong when he was alive or became after being an undead? However, Leon has his own advantages too. Even though the undead is strong, his moves are basic and easy to predict. Taking advantage of these, Leon pushed the undead back, cutting his right hand which was holding the sword. Unarmed, Leon kills him by stabbing his sword into the head.

But the real challenge starts now with the others coming. As 30 of them attack me, all I can do is just try to dodge their attacks and hit them. Easier said than done. After evading a strike aim at my head, one of them slashes at my leg. While fighting, even my sword got broken. Luckily I was on a battlefield, so finding weapons was not a problem. As new wounds added over one another and another, my body got tired.

[-10 HP]

[-20 HP]

[-25 HP]

[-60 HP]

[HP: 35/150]

My body was a complete mess.

My whole body gets painted by sword cuts. But that doesn't mean I just stood there and tanked their damage to death while running. I even managed to take 2 of them. It may look low, but counting their numbers and strength, I can proudly say I did a good job. As the fight kept up, inevitably making a fatal mistake, I tripped while dodging a strike and the undead just jumped on me before I reacted, cut my neck, and sent my head rolling on the ground. Headless, my body lies on the ground...

[-35 HP]

[HP: 0/150]

Now I am one of the dead soldiers on this battlefield, too. As I lost my consciousness, my mind fell deeper and deeper into the darkness.





[YOU'VE GAINED (50x3) 150 EXP] [LEVEL 5>6]

[LEVEL 6 (110/1250)]



After panels appeared, suddenly my entire vision got covered by light. Leaving that dark place, my eyes tried to get used to the light.

"Ah! I returned. Sorry for cursing at you hub, you are ten thousand times better than that dark place." Leon complimented while hugging the ground. "Dying really feels terrible, especially when your head cuts off from your body." Leon said, checking his neck as a shiver went down his spine.

"Ugh, I will never get used to this feeling. But looking on the bright side, at least I leveled up. Just paid the price by dying..."

Remembering his fight against undead, 'However, with my current power, I am no match for them. I guess it's time to do some boring training again,' Leon whined in his mind.

'But before starting training, let's put these points to work. Status screen!' Leon commanded in his mind.

[LEVEL: 6 (110/1250)]

[HP: 150/150]

[MP: 80/80]

[STRENGTH: 14>16]

[AGILITY: 10>13]








"Ah, this feels really refreshing," Leon said with relief as warmth spread to his body. After his first level-ups, it started to feel good rather than being painful.

Now, not to die those things again, Leon gets his sword out of inventory and starts training.

"If the next trials are as hard as this one, then I will really spend so much time here. But isn't this what makes it exciting to get stronger?" Leon smiled to motivate himself as he started his training.

But little he knew this was the first of many deaths awaiting him…