
Player From Hell

That_Cultivator · Du hí
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18 Chs

Sophia Demonheart

"W-where did he go!?" She looked around, trying the spot the 'robber' who had sneaked into her house without permission, and more than anything, he had entered her room.

Jiho was panicking, sitting in a corner of the room, he was sweating profusely, he couldn't leave the room because if he did, the girl would notice and kill him instantly.

The only way for him to survive was to explain everything to her. Maybe he still had a chance to survive if he told her the truth. She was definitely not a weak person, the fireball which crashed on the ground broke the wooden floor. 

This level of heat could instantly burn him up. He opened his mouth to say something, "I-I didn't want to sneak into the house... But I wanted to know about some things." He finally spoke, attracting the beauty's eyes to him.

She frowned and asked, "Know about what!?", She looked furious, she wanted to burn Jiho to death because he dared to enter her house and even her room.

"I-I don't wanna steal anything... I just want to..." Jiho lied but then, he got stuck in the middle.

'Crap... If I tell her that I am here for information, she will think that I am lying because if I want information about hell, why would I sneak into a house instead of asking a person?' Jiho cursed under his breath after thinking of the possible outcomes after he lies to the lady.

"Wanted to...?" The beauty raised an eyebrow.

"U-umm... I wanted to know more about you..." He lied to her, trying not to get caught, his stealth was going to wear off soon and he would die at the hands of the beauty once that happens.

"Me!? Don't tell me you're a perverted old man who is disguised as a young boy." She was furious, she thought that Jiho was a pervert.

"No! I am not!" Jiho shouted back, he wasn't like that at all, he didn't even have any interest in girls, he was just telling a lie to survive somehow.

"Why would I believe you?" The girl raised an eyebrow. She was suspecting Jiho of peeping at her.

The next moment, Jiho's stealth skill went off and his body was visible again. He looked at the beauty with a sweaty face. He was sure that he was going to die soon.

He closed his eyes, waiting for death but after a few seconds, he didn't find himself in the graveyard, instead, he was still in the room.

He looked at the beauty, opening his eyes. The girl was blushing, her cheeks went pink. She was looking at him with sparkling eyes.

Jiho frowned, not knowing the reason for the girl to blush like that.

He looked at himself and found nothing wrong with his body, he decided to ask her. "W-what happened?" He was afraid of offending her so he spoke in a gentle and respectful tone.

"Y-you are a human!!" Her eyes sparkled as she said those words. She looked really excited and happy.

"I always wanted to know more about humans!" She spoke with an excited face, she had a slight blush on her face.

'wut!?" Jiho was shocked after hearing those words from a demon. 'wait.. weren't demons supposed to hate humans!?' he looked really confused and decided to ask her.

"W-What do you mean you're happy to see me?" He spoke with the same respectful tone as earlier.

"Umm what's wrong with it? I always dreamt of meeting a human as handsome as you... Demons and humans are from different realms but we all have many things in common." She replied to Jiho, instantly shocking him.

"B-but don't demons hate humans!?" He asked, utterly shocked by the girl's answer.

"No! Why would we hate humans? They're kind and cute, we are at truce, we don't go against each others... And why don't you know about these stuff?" She first answered him but then wondered why he didn't know about such a normal thing.

"Umm... I see, well, no one told me about that." Jiho tried to maintain a calm expression but he was burning from the inside.'what the actual hell!? This game is messed up... Why are humans and demons at truce!?' he kinda hated to know this but was also relieved that he could live without the fear of dying at the hands of a demon.

'wait... If this was the case, I could have entered central hell city directly!' he wanted to cry out loud but the place wasn't right for him to do so.

After a little while, the girl told him to take and seat and talk to her about the human world and other stuff.

"My name is Sophia Demonheart, what about yours?" She told him her name and asked him his name.

"Ah! I am Jiho... Kim Jiho" Jiho told her his name.

"I wonder how good the human world looks... I wanna go there some day... But my elders will never allow me to..." Sophia had a sad expression on her face.

Jiho was confused as to why the elders won't let her go to human world if there was a truce between humans and demons.

"I know you would be thinking about this, but my elders are ready strict, they don't let me go out in the city often, let alone cross realms." She held her tears from falling down, she already guessed what Jiho was thinking and answered without him needing to ask.

"A-ah I see... It's sad." Jiho tried to calm her down, he could feel the sadness behind her words.

"What were you here for? I mean, no human has ever visited the hell in years." Sophia was confused, she wanted to know the reason of Jiho's visit to hell, and more than anything, she was shocked that he even managed to cross realms with this little strength.

She could tell that he was not even level 15 and yet, he managed to cross realms.
