
Playboy in otome Game world

There was a boy called Álvaro Morte. He was always crazy for girls. In his school life his nickname was ''the great seducer'' whenever he sees a girl he will definitely try to hit on her. You can call Him a Professional playboy. Everything was going well for until He Brought a Otome game called "la cité perdue de l'amour" The lost city of love (eg). After Playing that game He became obsessed with it , Like the game was saying to him 'Play more , don't leave ' The day's pass , one day while playing the game's last quest he Suddenly see's a light coming from the monitor and a see's a hand coming form it , he tried to move but His body Refused to move, The Hand reached to Him And Pulled him in to the monitor.... _______ "My Head -agh It hurts, wait WHERE i am????????"

SK_YUNJUN · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Ch 1 :What a scene

A guy in a dark room can be seen tapping his controller and cursing someone aloud in front of a large-screen display.

"You, queen Nora."

He continues to tap his controller fervently.

Then, a Message emerged in front of his Monitor's screen (Quest failed).

"DAMMMIT, WHY DO YOU ANNOY ME SO MUCH? I sincerely despise this Villainess."

As he screamed, the kid was overcome with frustration.

He then threw his controller away and got into his bed to console himself.

The boy has a snow-white complexion, brown hair, and blue eyes. His physique is muscular and truly attractive.

[Ring Ring]

A phone ringed beside the boy. Slowly moving his limp body, he reaches out to grab the phone from the desk beside his bed.

"Hello, who's this."

" 'Who's this' what that's supposed to mean? I'm your, fu*king girlfriend, don't tell me you forgot my voice, While you were glued to your game." The girl says.

"Oh- No, I haven't. It's just that I was too tired to notice your number.Sry."

"Humph, OK, I forgive you this time but don't do this okay because it hur—"

He cut the call.

"theses girls are so noisy.... oh shit, I forgot to clean my room. If my mom sees I'm Dead today, better do it fast before she comes."

He then takes his clothes off, becomes naked, and goes in front of the mirror.

Looking into the mirror, he says, "Oh, my Magnificent body, please don't attract any more girls. I'm fu*king tired of it ..... Peace"

He then, Being naked, started to clean his room.

After 10 minutes of Struggle, He succeeded in cleaning his room Cleanly; everything was dazzling, and a proud sensation spread through his heart as he saw the fruits of his labor.

"I might as well become a servant In my Next life, I'm sure I will be hailed for my Skills. Now being done with This Work, There is only one thing to do left. taking a Shitt."

Saying he left for the bathroom.

(After 10 minutes)

''Taking a dump is Done. So It's finally the time to play The game again—''

Ring ring ring ring

"Who the Fucks calling me again, Shitt? I was so emersed to say my Dialogue; this call ruined it all" saying this, He picked up His Phone in annoyance.

"Alvaro, I'm pregnant."

"oh, congratulations. Now shut the Fu*k up and let me play" He throws the phone, starts his Monitor, and Picks up his Joystick.

"Queen Nora, You will not succeed this time; I will make you pay for humiliating me."

And the game Starts.


There can be seen A a girl with red hair and a wand

Standing in front of a statue of an old wizard.

That's the Villainess of the game "Nelson Nora."

On the opposite side stands a girl With five boys beside Her. She's the game's heroine, Anastasia, a commoner, and the other five boys are Her lover. They come from a big aristocratic family.

"Do You think you Will take my beloved prince from me, you slut?" The Villainess says.

''What are you saying, Nora? She's here to help You.''

''You even brainwashed my beloved prince's mind. That's expected from a filthy commoner like you?''

The Villainess then reaches into her purse and pulls out a shiny thing.

''Prepare for your demise, Anastasia. Here I go 'luminar nafila' -burn her soul and cleanse the world.''

a bright fireball shot toward the heroine.

(Alvaro's room)

"What the heck, what was that, and why is there nothing but a white light on the screen?"

Alvaro became confused, seeing his Monitor not responding.

And then

''wahhhh- w-what is that thing'' a hand suddenly grabbed his leg while he was checking the motherboard.

He made a few distances and noticed the hand was coming from inside the Monitor.

He was stunned to witness that, and his thoughts were screaming at him to flee, but for some reason, he couldn't move even if he tried, as if he were possessed.

Slowly but gently, the hand reaches out to him, grabs his leg, and pulls him into the Monitor.

That was the time when Alvaro's whole world changed.



If drawing me inside wasn't awkward enough, the hand that drew me in vanished after dumping me in an unknown wilderness.

Talk about a sore ass.

I was living my life so freely, and then this happened. I haven't completed the last quest of the game, and If I knew God was planning to use me as an Entertainment material, He should have at least let me complete the game.

"Hey, get that beast."

While contemplating the crisis in my life, I became aware of a voice coming from the east side of the forest.

I moved closer to a neighboring brine to look better and disguised myself.

"Sir, As we have seen, we are still unable to find That Beast. It might be lurking someplace nearby. In any event, our search has already begun."

"That's great news, but what about the mysterious light we saw? Have you found out what it was yet?"

As I learned from their previous chat, I can see twenty people in military uniforms hunting for a beast from the jungle.

One individual, though, sticks out from the crowd. He was clad in white armor, had silver hair, and a large mustache on his face.

From my perspective, he was the group's leader.


Suddenly, the calm guy took his bow from his back and fired an arrow into the bushes near the lake.

"Ahhhh," the arrow pierces my right shoulder, causing excruciating pain...

"Do you think we didn't notice you, fool? We were aware from the start that we were being watched. Now it's either show up or die."

He yelled towards the bushes while pointing the arrows.

'I'm dead.'

realizing that there was no other option except to unveil myself.

I slowly emerged from the bushes, my hand pressing on my right shoulder. It was flowing with blood.

"A kid?"

"A kid How can that be in the woods?"

Murmurs could be heard throughout the group.

"Who They Are calling a kid, huh? An arrow was fine but calling me a kid is too much. I should tell them to- whatttttt."

Because of the turmoil in my mind, I didn't even notice my body was that of a 12-year-old kid.


As Alvaro approaches the group with caution, one of the soldiers says to the white armored man, "Sir, judging by his appearance, I guess he belongs to a Nobel family, but the question is why this youth over here." The white-armored man rushes towards the child, oblivious to the soldier's remarks.

"Are you okay, Boy?"

'Do I appear to be okay, you idiot?' Of course, Alvaro didn't say anything?

"The wound is - ugh," writhed Alvaro in pain.

The white armored man's expression clouded.

"Hey, you over there, hurry up and stitch up this boy and find him a decent location to rest; and don't let anyone see him till I return."

After saying those words, he patted Alvaro's back and left to join the other soldiers.

"All right, child, let's go. "We need to stop the bleeding first, and then we should go to sister Stacy; she can heal you," the soldier remarked as he began to move ahead, motioning Alvaro to follow. But after a few steps, he saw the child wasn't following him, so he turned to see what had happened.

"I-I can't walk," Alvaro said.

"Oh, sorry....hey Mathew, lend me a horse, I need to take this youngster to sister Stacy."

A while later, a man named Matthew brought a horse.

''let's go, kid'' he said as he left with Alvaro into the forest.


[He has arrived in this world; I hope you can make a difference in his narrative, Alvaro]