
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

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57 Chs

play with allies of justice -9

Yumio and Takahiko visit a building that looks like a home center, no matter how you look at it. It seems to be open properly, and customers are coming and going.

"On the surface, it is a home center, but it seems that there is a research facility and a factory in the back or underground of it!"

"Is that where the Red Tormentor Kai is being refined? Well, it's a scary story.

"I was joking, but to be honest, Yumio was dumbfounded." That such a dangerous thing is being manufactured in the city, and in a place where ordinary people come and go frequently.

"Didn't you think of that as a blind spot? Ah, but that's strange. Considering it as a blind spot, it's easy to find the hideout."

"That's probably the intention! But if the rest members of Hachiku come and go frequently, it's understandable even if you don't like it! What's more, number 2 Kiichi Kakinuma and Shige Fukuda, the chief of the chemistry team, seem to come and go frequently! No matter how you think about it, I can only believe that the Red Tormentor Kai is made here!"

"Ah, so that's what it is.

Hearing Mika's explanation, Takahiko gave a small laugh.

"Well, even with the feeling just now, I don't think it's an organization with a lot of power, but you can't let your guard down. Let's tighten our minds until the end."

"It's a place that can be said to be the most important place for them. But you're saying that you're going to tighten your mind, but you're out of your mind, contrary to your words, aren't you?"

Takahiko put his hand on Yumio's head and pointed it out with a straight face. Yumio is impressed that he can see into his own state of mind because they have known each other for such a long time.

"Yeah... I'm not really feeling well. I need to be in a more desperate situation and a situation where I can feel the danger of my life."

It seems that Yumio's motivation has been declining since he came to Japan.

Until just the other day, he had been dodging bullets almost every day in Banara, putting himself in the gap between death and life, but the peaceful atmosphere of Japan put him on a severe cooldown. Compared to the fierce battle in Banara, the firefight just now seems like a house play.

Earlier, he entered from the front, but this time he entered from the back door in order not to get the customers involved. Even if you don't say it, everyone knows it and goes to the back door naturally.

Miscellaneous goods are piled up, and I pass by home improvement store clerks and staff that are invisible to the residents of the back alley, but I do not run into anyone who seems to be a member of Hachiku's rest.

Without any enemy greeting me, I arrived at the door, which was extremely strict and sturdy with a sign saying "No Trespassing".

"This is suspicious. Yeah, it's a really suspicious door."

Takahiko squats down and rummages inside his bag, facing a thick steel door that can be opened with an auto-locking card key.


Behind Takahiko, who planted a plastic bomb on the door, Mika let out a sharper voice than usual. No matter how strange it is that there is not a single member of Hachiku's rest.

"I know it's strange. Aren't you trying to get caught in some kind of trap? Or simply, you don't want to mess around in a place where the staff and customers get involved."

Takahiko pressed the switch on the remote control and activated the bomb.

The three of them went through the blown door and went down the stairs leading to the basement beyond. Mika is in the lead and Takahiko is in the back. All three have already drawn their guns.

At the bottom of the stairs was a small room, and there was another door ahead. The small room looks like a dressing room with several baskets lined up.

When I opened the door, I could see that the inside was a sterilizing shower room. There is also a door beyond that. Just by looking at it, it's obvious what kind of facility this is.

"I was skeptical, but what am I going to do with this..."

Takahiko points to the sterilization room with his thumb.

"Shall we also take a shower and enter? No... well, wouldn't it be dangerous if a virus was used indoors? No, it's absolutely dangerous! How come no one knows!"

Takahiko raised his voice in confusion. It's a virus weapon that is weak against both sunlight and wind, but neither of those are indoors.

"We know the best distance to avoid the virus, don't we?"

While saying that, Yumio turned to Mika.

"When they use the method of spraying the virus, please keep your distance according to our movements. The Red Tormentor Kai is certainly airborne, but it won't last long in the air." No, it will disappear soon."

"I see! Understood!"

Mika went out of her way to salute after learning from Yumio.

"Otherwise, we would have died a hundred times in Banara."

"Well, I may have died about three times."

"If it can be prevented indoors by keeping an appropriate distance, isn't it not good enough as a weapon!?"

Mika asked a question towards the two men who were joking around.

"Yeah. On top of that, it disperses quickly. That's why it's spraying a large amount. However, if you try to spray a large amount indoors, your opponent will have no escape. Well, after being trapped in a classic trap. , but it's bad if the virus is sprayed, isn't it?"

"But if you think about it that much, you can't do anything, huh?"

It wasn't Mika or Takahiko who followed Yumio's words. It was a boy in uniform who opened the door at the end of the sterilization room. He carries a long, big bag on his back.

"Those guys have a nostalgic smell... Smell of the battlefield."

The boy looks at Yumio and Takahiko and mutters.

On the other hand, Yumio and Takahiko saw through it at a glance. The boy in front of me also had experience fighting on a real battlefield.

"Oh my God, this is a pretty cute girl again."

Seeing a handsome boy who was one size shorter than himself, Yumio involuntarily said such a thing. Perhaps because Yumio himself was rather short, he had a strange tendency to feel favorably towards people shorter than himself.

"What? Did you have a hobby like that? You're crazy."

"It's not like that. Or rather, it's true that you're cute."

Yumio's face turned annoyed at Takahiko, who was pulling back with an over-action.

"Even if you think so, even if the other party is a kid, would a man look at a man and say that? Normal."

"No, no, why are you connecting the nuances of cuteness with sexual and abnormal meanings?  That's strange isn't it?''

While Takahiko and Yumio were arguing nonsense, only Mika looked nervous.

"Seriously, why are you here..."

Mika asked with a groaning voice.

"Good morning, do you know each other?"

"Don't you know! Junko Yukioka's murder doll!"

Mika let out a surprised voice at Yumio's question.

On the other hand, Yumio was somewhat surprised. He was given the name of the person who gave him power and changed his way of life after that.

"Since we've been working overseas for the past five years, I don't know anything about the backstreets of recent times. Is he famous?  Junko knows well."

Takahiko asked in a light tone.

"His name is Makoto Aizawa. Junko Yukioka's exclusive assassin! She's an outrageous person who single-handedly eliminated everyone who got in her way!"

"Heh, while we were in Japan, I didn't hear about Junko-chan having her own assassin."

Yumio speculates that this boy, like himself, may have acquired Junko Yukioka's power in exchange for being his test subject. And since he is her exclusive assassin, he must have been endowed with considerable power.

"In other words, Junko is with Hachiku for a rest.

"Takahiko, you said you don't like Tsukina-san's vulgarity, but are you saying that on purpose to make him hate you? Or rather, you said you wouldn't sexually harass me, right?"

Yumio reprimanded Takahiko with an astonished face.

"They're noisy people. It feels like it's extra because Mika is there. It's just as the beard said. It's a stupid organization, so it's hard for me to deal with you. It's your turn. The people here are a nuisance, so I asked them to evacuate."

After saying that in a low-intonation voice, Makoto lowered the bag she was carrying on her back.

"It's too small here."

Makoto took out a submachine gun and a fairly large shotgun from his bag and returned to the sterile room.

"Hey, is it okay to have a gun like that instead of a handgun? Wasn't it bad?"

Takahiko said.

"Junko Yukioka has a strong connection with the arms trafficking organization! I'm sure you can get that much!"

said Mika.

"Well, it's three against one, so it's okay to have a handicap like that."

Takahiko stepped forward first and followed Makoto into the sterile room. Mika follows it.

(I can't believe she's chewing on one...)

A little later, the bow man followed after them with a complicated expression.

For some reason or another, it was too unexpected to suddenly become hostile to that pretty mad scientist who was the catalyst that changed his destiny.

"But it's not a completely unrelated story." It is Junko who created Red Tormenter, which can be said to be the original of Red Tormenter Kai. Considering that, it was certainly possible that Hachiku's rest and Junko were connected.

Passing through the sterile room, you step into a workshop that is clearly different from weapon manufacturing. When she was in elementary school, she saw her on a social studies field trip, and felt that she was close to that of a food processing factory. There are no people, and the factory does not appear to be operating.

Across the conveyer belt from her, Makoto stands facing off against the three men with a submachine gun in his right hand and a shotgun in his left.

"Can we start now?"


To Takahiko's question with a fearless smile, Makoto answered briefly while keeping his muzzle down.

"Oh, then, I'm sorry, but I'm going to kill you."

Immediately after Yumi said that with a smile, Yumi and Takahiko pulled out their pistols at exactly the same time and shot at the same time.