
Plateau: Nirvana Isn't What I Expected

Masayuki Giichi dies and is sent to another world in order to save it from absolute annihilation, in exchange he will have reached Nirvana in the eyes of The Buddha. An intense story filled with death, destruction, mayhem, and little bits of comedic tension breaks.

Declan_TW_McKenna · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


As those words leave her mouth an image pops into my head,

A crime scene with investigators and photographers gathered around my dumbass giggling because they have never seen anyone die the same way I have.

A unnecessary reminder that even if I could go back, would I?

"Okay I get your point, but what is the catch, how bad is this world I have to save?" I resigned,

"You must try with all of your might to save the world known as Kobainia, a great land not dissimilar to your world during the medieval period. While this world had many years of relative peace, beyond the insignificant and bitter quarrels of men and the other races the land was safe. However one day the ground beneath the worlds biggest city broke free and rose beyond the clouds and it was dubbed The Great Plateau. " The Buddha replied,

"Okay, and. That doesn't seem like the kind of thing otherworldly beings need to get themselves involved in." I interjected,

"You didn't let me finish, The people who resided in the city woke up in the forest surrounding the city without any memories other than their name. They were sent to other neighboring villages to set up refugee camps to see what the full extent of the damage was, when out of nowhere the city folk began developing powers and otherworldly skills, and just as they were getting the hang of these new abilities, monsters began flooding out of the holes in the plateau, they ravaged the villages and many of the city folk lost their lives and many other normal citizens lost their lives. At this new turn of events, the fiefs set up guilds for the surviving powered individuals to train and improve their mastery of their abilities before the next wave might happen. This helped dearly when the monsters returned and the powered people came out on top, they were called the orphans because of the families that they no longer remember. More plateaus sprung up in other areas in the world, with each new plateau The Great Plateaus monster's grew even more powerful, and eventually the orphans lost, there powers couldn't improve over time, they could only gain knowledge on how to better utilize them, leading them straight to their own demise." The Buddha concluded with a sorrowful sigh. She pulled a tissue out of thin air, cleared her nose and wiped her tears.

Sorry for the very late update, starting college and a new job have taken more time then I expected, but luckily I have some free time between schoolwork and work now, Im binge writing before the motivation goes away so I can get ahead. Hope you continue reading.

Thank You,

Declan McKenna

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