
PlaneWalker’s Guide To The Multiverse

A man suddenly finds himself able to travel anywhere and everywhere he can imagine. So obviously one of the first things he does is find a way to give his dog super powers right? Follow Micheal and his dog on their journey across the multiverse. Maybe getting into a fight or two, or flirting with some locals while they’re in the neighbourhood. When all of time and space is at your disposal what would you do? Ever wanted to eat breakfast on the Moon? How about having a crappy tuna sandwich for lunch next to Bryan O’conner? Or maybe stealing the Bat-mobile? Hell, might as well shoot Hitler and see what happens when you put a stop to slavery a few centuries early while your at it. I mean, why not right? What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like a God could get angry after noticing you mucking about in their universe. I doubt they would try to stop you. Right? Any-who, this is the story of Micheal Richardson, with his faithful canine companion Daisy. The story of their trip through the stars and across time as they enjoy life to the fullest. ........ ~For future reference and in case any one’s curious~ Is there a limit to where he can go? Only one. Manga, anime, light novels, movies, tv and even video games. If I’m familiar with it he can go there. Meaning if I don’t know the world, he sadly won’t be making a trip there. Will this be a harem? Probably not. Not only because I don’t really know how to make it work, but I also don’t really think it’s the best choice for this story. The MC will however sleep around occasionally. He won’t be going into other worlds just to have sex with specific characters though. He’s not some sex maniac. Will there be a proper romance? Yes, but it won’t be too prevalent since I’m not the best at it. And I haven’t decided who the MC should end up with yet. (Any ideas are welcome) Will there be R18 moments? 100% but there will be a warning and again I won’t put too many of them. Is there a system? Nope. Sorry. Will there be random references thrown in because I like it? Heck yeah! Is the MC OP? Kind of, but relatively speaking. His dog is also quite the beast herself. Is there a point to him being a descendant of one of King Arthur’s Knights? Yup, just wait. Will there be Dragons? Damn straight! ........ Since this is a Fanfiction I should mention that all characters, worlds and concepts derived from preexisting concepts do not belong to me. I only own my characters I do not own anything else. The start may feel forced at times, but it’s only to get the plot rolling. Once It did I really enjoyed writing it. Though since this is basically my own personal wish fulfillment it won’t be for everyone. Also, if I don’t do Justice to a world or skip over it don’t be too annoyed since I may return to it eventually. This won’t be like some stories where the character spends 30 chapters in a single world, sometimes he won’t even stay in a once place for a single chapter. It all depends on his reason for going where he does and how I feel about the world in general. So let me know if you want to see any worlds, or characters in particular and if you want Micheal to do anything specific while in those worlds. I apologize in advance to any who do not like how I write or feel they have wasted their time. I try my best, but I’ve realized its impossible to please everyone. But I ask that you leave a constructive review so I know just where to improve and what you didn’t like. [I do not own the cover Image. I have google to thank for that. If the original creator doesn’t want me to use it I understand and will remove it upon request.]

Kannan768 · Khác
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23 Chs


As I walked home from my fencing lesson I couldn't help but smile at the clear and perfect view of the sky above.

It's so rare to see the sky like this in the city.

The stars were shining in full and each one looked like a flawless diamond sitting on a bed of pure coal.

The inky blackness of the night was only illuminated by the brilliant silver glow of the full moon.

With a newfound skip in my step I walked home while humming a song I heard in some kids movie I can't remember the name of.

When I rounded the last corner, my small, single floor bungalow came into view.

Even from here, with all the lights I could make out the beige package sitting on my doorstep.

Picking it up as I walked inside I was almost knocked off my feet by the massive beast that came sprinting at me from my living room.

"Okay, okay down girl, I know I'm late. Just stop licking me." The Snow White Great Dane barked loudly in my face as she sat down on my lap while I lay on the ground nearly crushed.

"Your not a puppy anymore you know." After struggling to get up I closed the door and moved the package to the table before dishing out Daisy's food.

She dove in with relish as pieces fell on the floor and her bowl tilted into her face.

"You eat like a pig." While laughing at the familiar display I opened the fridge and cracked open a beer.

"Now let's see what's inside this thing. I don't remember ordering a package."

Looking down at the information stamped on its side I could tell it's from southern China. The only person I know from there is my great uncle, but he died not too long ago.

After cutting it open with ease I was greeted by a simple and unmarked cardboard box within the other box.

I wouldn't have thought it too weird if there wasn't a third box hidden within the other one. Each with a layer of bubble wrap carefully wrapped around them.

"What is this, some kind of Russian nesting doll?"

Once I got the last package open I half expected it to be empty, like some stupid prank.

Yet I was pleasantly surprised to find a rather intricate and detailed bronze sphere sitting atop a velvet cushion.

It's almost like a globe. Only it doesn't depict the continents. Rather faces and words in some ancient and strange language that I can't recognize.

'It's almost like they're a combination of hieroglyphics and Japanese kanji... weird.'

Taking it in my hand I realized the majority of the weight from the boxes came from this. It weighs no less than twenty pounds and is about the size of a softball.

The strangest thing yet is that it's cold to the touch. I mean really cold. Like a block of ice.

I could barely keep it in my hands for more than a few seconds before it became too uncomfortable to hold.

Setting it down on the table I realized Daisy was staring at it as if transfixed.

"Oh crap."

Before I could react she had lunged across the room and I had to dive in front of her before she clamped down hard on it with her mouth.

"Bad girl. You should know better." I managed to restrained her by the collar just before she grabbed it, but it wasn't easy.

Daisy at least had the nerve to look ashamed as she finally gave up and went back to eating her food, though she kept looking back up at it the whole time.

"This isn't a toy. At least, I don't think it is."

Sighing with relief I laughed at myself before taking a swig of my beer.

"So what are you anyway." Looking back at the strange and complex patterns etched into its surface I couldn't help but marvel at the level of craftsmanship that must have gone into this.

There's no doubt it's old, the question is how old?

The sender is my great uncle. So I can only assume he sent it before he died in the hospital, but why?

What purpose would he have in sending this to me?

It was then I saw a note at the bottom of the box. Partially hidden beneath the velvet cushion and some discarded bubble wrap.

Picking it up I read it over before setting it down. Then I picked it back up and read it several times to make sure I wasn't reading it wrong.

~Dear Michael, I know this must seem strange to you, since I haven't spoken to you or your father in years, but you must keep the object in this box safe. You'll come to understand why someday. Until then I implore you to keep this hidden and don't show it to anyone. No matter how tempting.

It has been in our family for generations. We are it's solemn protectors and this task now falls to you. It is a sacred duty passed down in our families line since the days of King Arthur by one of his most trusted Knights.

Legends say It comes from another world and holds an untold power that must never be allowed into the hands of those who would abuse it.

What that power is I have no idea, but there are countless people out there who would kill for the chance to acquire it. Do not doubt my words for they are of the utmost importance. Please, keep it and yourself safe.

With love, Darwin~

Once I finally let it all sink in I laughed and felt like giving the stupid thing to Daisy to chew on. Yet I held off. I don't even know what it's made of after all.

Tossing it carelessly into the group of boxes it came in I sighed and downed the rest of my beer.

"I haven't heard from him since before dad died and now all of a sudden he sends me this. With some cryptic and bullshit story no less."

The worst part is I remember that story. It's one I was told as a kid all the time.

It was my favourite bedtime story.

The tale of a secret order, descended from the Knights of Camelot, who protect the word from an unseen danger. Carrying a sacred mission bestowed by Merlin himself.

I loved the whole idea of it all.

The sphere is even similar to the one in the story. The object that fell from the stars holding a great power within it.

"HA!" Laughing out loud at the ridiculous nature of this whole ordeal I walked into the living room with Daisy at my heels and sat on the couch before turning on the TV.

Yet just before I hit the button on the remote all the lights in the house and even those out in the street and several houses down went out at once.

"Haaa, dammit." I was just about to head outside to check the breaker when I saw a shining light coming from the kitchen.

"Oh, so I guess not all the lights are off, that's weird."

Yet when I walked into the kitchen it wasn't a light that was on.

Instead it was the strange and detailed sphere floating in the centre of the room and emitting a blinding golden light.

"What the hell?" Before I even had time to think a deafening crack split the silence.

Like the crash of thunder I felt the very ground beneath me shudder and tremble as I put up my hands to protect my ears.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Daisy was positioned right in front of me, growling fiercely and standing her ground as the light slowly dimmed and the rumbling softened.